in what universe could this possibly be any good at all
Isn't most of Rare working on Sea of Thieves currently?
There was a time when this would've made me happy, that was a long long time ago.
>Being excited
>Being hopeful
You do not belong here
what if it was actually good?
imagine how BTFO yooka laylee would be, it would be glorious.
>Wanting another Banjo game from NuRare
He's right man, we're not in the timeline where Banjo Kazooie is good anymore.
I don't object to a new BANJO game, but do the masses really care ?
Considering the banjo rip off from old rare was shit, I'm not sure i want any banjo game.
Isn't this Sea of Thieves, what makes you think its Banjo 3?
It's Sea of thieves, everyone at Rare is a giant troll.
A new Banjo would be awful anyway.
>Banjo fans losing their shit if Threeie came out and was even worse than Yooka Laylee
>their purpose not much clearer
They're in Smash aren't they? Phil was talking about how he'd be totally up for letting Nintendo use them not too long ago.
>Their reveal
>Gruntilda rhymes
It's ok if you haven't played a Banjo Kazooie before. For only $30, you can get Rare Replay™. You newfag.
Modern tech will always prevent 3D platformers from being good. It was the simplicity of the time that made them what they were, and that time is gone. Same goes for survival horror.
>Microsoft kills everything it touches
>But they'll beat the dead Rare horse for years to come
Oh well I fucking love Banjo so bring it on
Greg Mayles is arguably the most important member of Old Rare, and he still works there.
Playtonic is a meme.
I'm genuinely not trying to start a flamewar when I say the collectathon subgenre is dead. The interest isn't there any more.
>being excited for a banjo game
>after yooka laylee has shown why that is a god awful idea
Please don't play with my heart, user.
I think at this point I'd settle for a complete remaster of Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie though with updated modern graphics.
I honestly think I might sell my Xbone (I got it for free anyway.) if Microsoft has nothing to bring to the table this E3.
I've played and finished both BK before, you're all reaching
>pirate avatar
don't hope too much user
>lmao lets work on two big projects at once
It's sunk cost fallacy. They all this money on Rare and are trying to justify the cost. It's stupid but all too common.
The main problem with Yooka-Laylee is that it focused on Tooie's biggest problem, which is the overly large worlds. I would much rather have a game with 8 reasonably sized small worlds that are properly designed than a game with 4 huge ones that need padding.
and, given everything you've seen in modern video game development, you honestly don't think that's about to happen again?
95% of modern games are giant empty worlds that are inches deep in terms of depth. Skyrim started the trend that has not stopped.
We live in a post BotW world, we should hold open world games to a higher standard
You say that like open world games didn't exist before Skyrim.
I think if they took a serious and sincere stab at doing a good job on Threeie, they would need to absolutely nail the writing. Then all they have to do is not fuck up a few dozen gameplay elements and it would be perfect.
Cool, I'll play it on pc.
Cause microsoft doesn't understand the benefit of exclusives anymore...
BotW suffered from much of the same bullshit, despite what Nintendo fanboys want you to believe
Please be true. Plus they have Yooka-Laylee to see exactly what NOT to do
>BotW suffered from much of the same bullshit
It's always a good laugh when people who didn't touch the game talk shit
Yknow, didn't sony make a familiar move with Crash?
Guy wears Crash shirt to e3, no crash game.
Next year, new crash game.
Remember that last year (or two) where they had the entire audience do some kinect Banjo shit? Could of been hinting.
>new crash game
That never happened
What if a swarm of butteflies flew out of my ass?
Oh shit! If true, I'm getting a Scorpio for it.
It's gonna be some Project Spark Conker type bullshit trickery. Trust no one in gaming ever.
Well, not NEW, but you know what I mean.
Watch, Rare pulls an Activision and just makes Banjo Kazooie-Tooie remasters.
Bonus points if Grunty's Revenge and Pilot HD
if microsoft was insane enough to come up with the young conker hololens shit then there's no telling what the fuck they could do with the rest of rare's IPs
>Like two years ago
>Microsoft announces Rare Replay at their conference
>Get extremely upset and depressed because that was their only announcement, nothing about a new Banjo-Kazooie
I don't think my heart could take it
>it's another "popular game from a decade ago gets a sequel" episode
What could possibly go wrong?
>Anything made by Microsoft
He's right though. for example, the game is way too casual, and there is absolutely no way to disprove this as long as it has a 97 metacritic, since that means it didn't frustrate those casual game journalists.
Reveal. Sea of Thieves was revealed already. Banjo Threeie? We'll see.
Yeah, can't wait.
i'm just saying: the day I give praise to something that kotaku and IGN and gamespot likes is the day I jump off a cliff.
>Making a game they can't call a “service” which literally just means they want your microtransaction money
As much as I would like it to happen, it's not going to happen
oh shit you just won the argument
pls no.
at this point id honestly take banjo threeie since yooka laylee was terrible
>Yooka-Laylee was shit
>this turns out to be shit
I honestly don't know who has it worse: Banjofags or Conkerfags.
They have been working on Sea of Thieves for at least 2 years now, so they are probably just putting the finishing touches on the game right now.
>arguing with people who haven't played the game
>arguing with people who dislike something because someone else likes it
No user, I'm not arguing, just laughing.
Nuts and bolts was already HD when it came out.
This is a common occurrence
Friendly reminder that Yooka-Laylee didn't even have half of the people who actually worked on Banjo-Kazooie.
>implying it's not cancelled
>if you didn't like it, you didn't play it'
Lets just forget that it's not only on Switch, but the WiiU and PC which I'm sure everyone here has. Let's just make dumb assumptions anyway.
At least it will be a banjo game, unlike exRare...
>dumb assumptions
Doesn't excuse its quality
Haruhi > Nagato
>At least it will be a banjo game
In name only. Playtonic doesn't have most of the Banjo team and they're not with Rare.
Rare worked on 3-4 projects at one in their prime. I would be legit dossapointed if Sea of Thirves is all they were doing right now.
At least Banjo got a worthy sequel during the N64 days.
Conker's had nothing going for him ever since Bad Fur Day, except for a remake that's of debatable quality.
The only reason half of rare's games are good is because they wanted to be better than the other half of rare's games made by those wankers on the other side of the building.
I don't think anything could bring back Microsoft this gen. I don't know exactly how they fucked up but they definitely did, I even owned a 360 last gen.
wasn't even made by rare.litteraly code monkey frogs shovel ware
What did Free Radical do so right with Timesplitters that Playtonic did so wrong with Yooka-Laylee?
>talking shit when you don't know what you're talking about
>Banjo's been dead for years
>Yooka-Laylee was a disappointment
>they're actually trying to get people excited after Nuts & Bolts and shit like Young Conker
>it's going to be on the Xbone
>nu-Rare missing all the people who made 64 era games great
>they're not with Playtonic either
>Kirkhope stopped giving a shit about good music
>it's most likely going to have their blocky new designs
>there's a high chance it's Nuts & Bolts 2
I honestly don't care anymore.
>Young Conker
Who the FUCK thought this was a good idea? They literally had some random Indian guy talk about him like he was some kind of classic Family friendly icon that was being rebooted for a modern audience. Like they had absolutely no idea where the fuck he even came from and they just picked a random Microsoft IP from a hat to develop some random HoloLens shovel ware.
I liked Yooka Laylee
I do too
It does a good job of making you want to play the actual Banjo games instead
I don't understand what you're saying here. Yooka-Laylee was exactly as good as Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie.
What if it's Banjo Builder: You Tooie
yooka was shit despite having the same talent that the original series had. why would this be any better?
>Yooka-Laylee was exactly as good
>objectively inferior boss fights
>less worlds
>expanded worlds don't offer as much content as either game
>shittier minigames
>less NPC variety
>less challenge variety for collectibles (not even Tooie had you go through so many shitty ring chalenges)
>inferior music
If I remember correctly they have turned into an ip machine working on multiple projects like they used to.
>as good as Banjo-Kazooie
No. Kazooie was much more tight, like a loli. Yooka and tooie are two loose roasties
no, it wasn't, because tooie was shit, so to say they are equal, kill yourself underage.
I'm still not understanding you guys. Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie were complete trash, and Yooka-Laylee matched them in quality.
>exactly as good as Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie
Fuck no. Yooka has worse level design, worse characters, worse music, worse writing, worse enemies, and even worse multiplayer.
>yooka was shit despite having the same talent that the original series had
It had like two guys.
cool :)
>and Yooka-Laylee matched them in quality
Nope. Even if Kazooie and Tooie were legitimately shit (and not just your contrarian opinion), Yooka would still be lower.
Yooka Laylee was all I wanted it to be. Banjo can remain death for all I care
oh shit you just won the argument!
I hope not. I'm not buying a fucking Scorpio just for one game.