This thread if for all the gaming personalities that are sadly no longer with us.
RIP my dudes.
This thread if for all the gaming personalities that are sadly no longer with us.
RIP my dudes.
Other urls found in this thread:
Good fucking riddance, I always hated that stupid lardass.
He'll be back in 2056!
You guys act like Jon does not go on Hiatus
Taken from us too soon.
He's literally fucking dead. Not on hiatus.
i miss this nigga real talk
dunkey the only decent one left
Angels carry thee to thine rest
Thank fuck, game grumps brought too many redditors in
Is JonTron coming back?
not sure who this is but it looks like if projared and pat the nes punk had a baby
Hello summer
Post a real food reviewer, you utter faggot.
You're not wrong
Libtards think he's a literal nazi so who knows at this point.
Rumor has it he still gets a cut of the Game Grumps revenue so he probably doesn't have to make any videos
Every time somebody posts shit like this I laugh because his sub count is growing
>E-celeb threads
Remember to sage all e-celeb threads
>Libtards think he's a literal nazi so who knows at this point.
Logical people are 'libtards' now? Huh, who knew.
For real though, if you actually think oppression in the West is dead, you are seriously fucked in the head. There are no sources for his claim that "poor blacks commit more crime than poor whites."
Can't believe he ded
Nobody cares.
The statement you posted doesn't make someone a literal Nazi.
Now go back to Neogaf
>yfw he dies from surgery in two months
Is anyone gonna post Chris Chan?
He died at the same time when he retired the hat
Rest in pizza
>yfw Mr Chi City makes a new video after 5 years of nothing
He seems like such a genuinely nice guy, I can't watch all of that but does he say why he just disappeared for five years and what he's been doing?
>mfw his gf tried to coax him into a 3way with him and sky
all bitches want the BBC
Hey, I have a feeling you'd be a lot more at home here >>>/tumblr/
Jesus fuck
why aren't they on the FBI list?
Too bad sky is gay then
Because psychopaths with a superiority complex get a pass if they're on the left, apparently.
is very likely from there
Rest in peace Howard Cneal, you will be missed.
that's what makes it funnier. It's like irony or something
Give me a quick rundown what happend to him?
Fuck JonTron.
died during the London Bridge attack
He wants to genocide blacks
>please leave so Sup Forums is a safe space for MY feelings
Nobody cares.
>There are no sources for his claim that "poor blacks commit more crime than poor whites."
All his talking points and arguments sound like they came straight from Sup Forums. Pretty disgusting that this fatass actually visits that cespool.
it's always hilarious when libtards try to use right wing insults on right wingers.
It's like a black person calling a white person a nigger
Wow,, I cant believe you guys. You got me all worried over nothing! He isn't dead.
Nice reddit spacing.
>Neogaffers complained about his inclusion to Playtonic
>Playtonic removes him from the game despite the majority not caring
>Bunch of actual buyers are pissed
>The moderator for the steam forums goes full retard and makes people more pissed in the process
And now we fast forward to now, where Yooka Laylee sold awfully and has been quickly forgotten.
Now for actual dead people; he tried to stop a bullet with his stand.
Essentially JonTron was spouting out ill-informed racist opinions on a stream or something and now everyone hates him
Yooka Laylee is currently on sale for $20 at Best Buy. KEK!
Nobody cares.
>and now everyone hates him
His sub count is 200k higher than it was before the drama. Stop living in your gaf bubble.
So you admit your hypocrisy yet still think you're in the right?
t. dumbass nigger
>Tried to catch the latest bandwagon
>Can't debate for shit so got his ass handed to him
>Is now a complete and utter joke and everyone thinks you're fucking retarded
Good riddance
Is that why you're in here telling me this?
not even the guy you're arguing with. Just lmaoing @ ur life
Nobody cares.
Not bad for a dead man
t. /qa/
he doesnt want to be famous, which is why he doesnt show his face
HBO offered to do a show with him, he was suspicious and since nobody knows what he looks like he sent his cousin to the meeting instead
his cousin said they want to do like a mr chi city type version of curb your enthusiasm, but it sounded like they would have a lot of control
so Chi said fuck that get out of there were going home
he also doesnt want to leave chicago
so he's asking the fans what they think he should do
he says he has a good job and does not need the money
he also likes his small ass audience and doesnt want to get big
just as he was saying he isnt looking for fame some dude driving by recognized him because he was watching the live stream and recognized the street he was on
the dude was a super chill white dude who had a stuttering problem
chi said how that dude was cool but he can't imagine if that was happening on the regular, itd be too much for him
then he saw a homeless dude and brought him to the convenience store and bought some food and cigarettes for him and put him on a bus to wherever he was going
chi was also saying how doing youtube kind of saved him because when his friends would try to get him to 'hit a lick' (usually means rob a store) he said nah because he was thinking how he would let his fans down if they knew
so youtube helped him to want to be a good person
he also says he doesnt say the n word anymore because he father requested it of him and he respects his pops
Jontron's sub count is higher than it has ever been, meanwhile Yooka Laylee sold terribly and nobody cares about it anymore.
Go back to Neogaf.
That all sounds really nice, actually.
But he didn't say why he disappeared for five years?
Regardless of his sub count, that's what the JonTron drama is. He said dumb racist shit that he actually believed and people were upset.
yeah, he's not as redpilled as us ;)
when does the narwhale bacon? xD
He can kiss any sponsors goodbye though. He will never get any kind of foot in the entertainment/gaming industry after this shit. And do you really think he can keep making these videos forever? Kids dont want to watch some creepy old guy playing videogames.. this is just temporary money. His name is tarnished.
Nobody cares.
You realize this is what this thread's about, right?
bowling theory
>and people were upset.
No one but Gaffers were genuinely upset, as shown by his sub count growing and the fact that most people don't care about what happened at this point, and in fact most people who even know his name are asking for him to make videos again.
Gaffers barely qualify for people, so.
Only a Neofag thinks this is true.
>this whole fucking post
>Say something negative about your beloved e-celeb
>n-n-nobody cares!!!!
what'd he say again.
The only accurate report of what happened is this one
>Real food reviewer
>Video of fat piece of shit with no class
FUCK Joey, how fucking DARE you compare a legend to that trash. Gas yourself.
>I've hated him every since I found out he wasn't a liberal!
what a surprise
what happened to him
>phoneposter doesn't like Joey
YOU are trash. Joey is a fucking god.
Broeys unite.
that camera really needs to be at least 10ft from his fucking disgusting lard face
Sup Forums memed on him that he died in some terror attack
I wish he would die
Go to bed, Jon.
the guy who saw him asked what he's been up to and and he said just living life, going through things
probably just felt like laying low I guess
he also said he's lazy about youtube but has 3 videos upcoming
He was one of the victims in the Manchester attack
sky is gay dumbfuck, it was probably just a joke
>Hes a lardass posting from his computer
Mobile posting is the ultimate in comfy, suck it fag. Enjoy watching your lard reviewer.
>And now we fast forward to now, where Yooka Laylee sold awfully
Let's be real for a moment: That was going to happen anyways. It's a lackluster game that tried to resurrect a dead (and rightfully so) genre. Collectathon is just a boring formula and the Banjo method of having random silly talking shit with googly eyes is really not all that charming as people remember from their childhoods.
>"rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites"
has anyone been more wrong? Sup Forums posters dont @ me
If anything, this drama over Jontron probably landed them MORE sales because people were reminded it even existed.
did he really say that? Even Sup Forums would agree that's not right
>JonTron voices concerns about mass immigration and crime statistics
>Is somehow a nazi now
Now way, that's crazy.
Pissing off all the people who knew the game through Jontron likely made the sales worse, judging by the steam forums carrying so much backlash that the faggot moderator went through maximum damage control.
But it doesn't matter, judging by the posts ITT Neogaf likely caught wind of it and posted it there, so this is now a Jontron drama thread
read a book
>N-nobody cares. P-please stop it. This i-is a Sup Forums board. Stop this right now.