Find me a more annoying level

find me a more annoying level

I liked it though, you just had to roll when a projectile was close

The short level with all the toxic statues.

I could post a repeating list of levels from that game and each one would be worst than the last

Iron Passage

That shit was great. Especially with that bit at the end where you get invaded.

The first level of Super Mario Bros.


close but the fact that it's so short takes it out of the running

Iron Keep in Scholar.

It's not even hard just incredibly tedious.

>Having your brightness this high

Amana is only hard if you have absolutely no means of ranged combat

the entirety of sunken king

i havent played this in a while but i remember ranged combat broke most of the game, especially with poison arrows

The only part of this level that really annoyed me was the section where they're knights all rush toward you at the same time, those fuckers were hard in a group.
Thankfully the message feature enabled me to leave a message showing the exact point where you could bait them one at a time, so that made running through to farm ttitanite easier.

>he doesn't know

Most of dark souls II looked like someone turned fullbright mode on. DSII is a terrible game user, I don't blame you for not knowing.

This is only hard if you make it hard for yourself. Pretty much like the entire game. No one is forcing you to play through it slowly. Just run straight through if it's kicking your ass.But no. People would rather complain. The only time I had trouble here was if I wanted to get all the treasures.

dude just get a spell parry shield lmao why are you guys so shit at these games

>want to explore every inch of level to make sure i don't miss anything
>use a torch
>cant 2 hand my main wepon, dont have the stats to 1 hand it
>enemies and HOMING projectiles coming at you from all angles
>roll and the torch goes away, cant block either
>on top of this you move half speed
>no rusted iron ring in the game
>eventually give up and snipe everyone
this level is a chore any way you slice it

>use a torch

>dude just run through the level
this argument can be applied to most levels in souls

is there another light source? genuine q. i aint tiptoeing around the edges

And my point stands. Souls is only as hard as you make it out to be. People like to gimp themselves and then complain about it. Summoning ,makes things easy, but people won't and then complain that it's too hard. Using a bow to kite makes things easy, but people won't and then they'll complain. Yes, the game is going to be hard if you limit your options.

You don't need torch, and the edges are easy to see anyway

Don't forget. Underwater enemies are attracted to torched and agrros when you get near them.

the entirety of dark souls 3
not annoying in a fun way like dark souls 2. But in the "holy fuck I'm so bored please just let the game be over" kind of way

>tfw played pure melee build

For a late-game area it's pretty well designed. That's more than can be said for the first Dark Souls.

Please get fucking good.

Nothing will ever surpass Wizardry 4 in pure level design cruelty.
>you have no compass
>all the hallways look the same
>enemies can and will instakill you or steal plot-important items

Fridig Outskirts
Iron Passage
Cave of the Dead
Black Gulch

Just to name a few.

>making shit up to try to fit in
hello Sup Forumseddit
base das2 is brighter than scholar, and scholar has the best lighting in the series by far

running through every level isn't a reasonable way of playing, the game clearly isn't designed for that, seeing as most people need souls to succeed at the game, but of course this doesnt apply to the 1% of people who do SL1 naked runs on their first run

just like every rpg in existence

Not every level, user. Just this one. The danger comes from dallying or straying off course. If you just run form safe zone to safe zone, you could easily make it to the halfway hut, and then it;s just kiting knights until you're confident enough to run through the cave to the bonfire.

it's not though
the gutter is actually pretty well designed (i used to hate it but playing it recently changed my mind) the only thing that truly sucks about it is the random breaking floors

The library

Shrine of Amana got nerfed, SotFS Iron Keep is now the annoying level.


Kinda bummed me out how the Greatsword was relegated to being the NUkid weapon in DS2, just cause it had high damage and you got it relatively early.

>what is a bow and that ring that lets you shoot twice as far

just upgrade a crossbow
how people can complain so much when the game gives you a plethora of options for every occasion baffle me

what the hell main weapon where you using that you couldn't one hand it by that late in the game?


one that had 30 for something, i forget what it was, one of the swords

call me a faggot if you must, but from how you describe it, it just sounds like a badly designed game if those mechanics are what are at it's core.

not for money or time, but I have a lot of regret for buying SotFS just on principle. that kind of bullshit they pulled should never be supported in any medium, and I'm a fool for blindly trusting the company to provide what they advertised. SotFS, on top of just being a shitty version of the first game, ruined any possible longevity that DS2 might have had.

still about as active as dark souls is. even more so probably since most people playing dark souls don't even use dscm


Jesus christ, you're fucking joking right?

Scholar didn't fix the base game. Nothing can fix Dark Souls 2 in its current state.

I mean, if it ended up using the engine of DkS3 and adopting all the mechanics of it, then it might be an okay game. It has some nice environments but there is so much fucking wrong with the game that I can't even defend its good parts.

>we are now at the point where people post-ironically think DkS2 is a good game

which version?

that room near throne of want bonfire with 6 or 8 sentinels

SotFS looks the same as the base game you fucking retard

PvP and build variety are all that matters in a Souls game. DaS2 is the best because of that.

we were talking about lighting you dense fucking retard


Objectively does not. keep sucking Miyazaki's chose, drone

Crossbows aren't fun

Hitting people with my club is fun

>mfw Shrine of Amana pre-patch on PS3

I'm talking between Scholar and original, user. the two games cannot connect to each other through online. it's the whole issue that I'm trying to argue here.

You can only post in this thread if you beat un-patched release form Shrine of Amana on Dark Souls II.

well no shit the non scholar version is dead, there is no reason to play it for PvP anymore. scholar has ~3k daily and more on weekends. das3 is already dying down to 8-9k usually

Why? People who've beat the game after the patch would still be able to beat it anyway.

then stop being shit and hit them

>dark souls

wasn't that bad because I know how to play video games. also played the fuck out of DaS before patches rolled out

What, no Lost Izalith?
No eye-raping lava or 5 GORILLIAN DRAGON BUTTS?
Or the entire area having worst fucking bosses in the game?

The "stealth" section in LiS.

Yeah, and I did it with the Demon Great Hammer and no ranged weapons. I sold the game two weeks later because the game was a piece of shit compared to Dark Souls 1 and Demons Souls.

I don't remember it being all that hard. Maybe I was using a good shield for the situation. I just kept moving and fighting. I suppose it was harder if you're the careful kind of player.

>that retarded fucking stance
>that armor

I forgot how horrible this game looks.

Wizardry 4, unlike the rest of the series, exists primarily to kick you in the dick.
Pretty much every other game in the franchise, while still difficult, gives you a chance. You're expected to make your own map, sure, and it'll still kill you a bunch, but it didn't get THAT cruel when it came to fucking you over when it came to figuring out where the fuck you were.
Wizardry 4 was an exercise in sadism for the designers. Wizardry 4 fucking hates the player.

I needed sunglasses while playing this part

> scholar has the best lighting in the series by far

Really? Huh. I always felt DS2 was too fucking dark. I could never fucking see anything

it was forgettable more than anything, not really annoying except for BoC

they designed it so a lot of levels are dark to use the torches, unfortunately the levels look trash as a resul

looks way better than 3. darks are dark, fires cast light like they're supposed to, colors are vivid. as opposed to 1 which just has static lighting and giant brightness aura around you, and 3 which is entirely washed out and bright as base das2

Iron Keep


>washed out
This is the absolute biggest fucking offense in 3s graphical design, and in a lot of modern games in general.

Don't forget that DaS3 torch doesn't even cast shadows.
Trash tier compared to 2.

The darks aren't dark though, there is almost a total lack of environmental shadows, it's fullbright: the game. sotfs didn't fix shit in that regard

Are you talking about Dark Souls 3 perchance?

Because that's exactly what you're describing.

no, i didnt even mention 3

why is is every time someone bad mouths 2 the automatic response is "B-BUT 3 DID IT WORSE"

Yeah, fuck you too. Heide chainmail is great.

I really don't understand how you can defend 2's lighting issues, even comparatively.

Meant for obviously

you guys ever play bullet hell or any game that makes you manage several projectiles at once? sometimes it feels like im only talking to people who picked up video games the day before on this board


I don't think he explicitly said that.


Well the whole game was pretty annoying and frustrating. Especially if you played the previous Souls games.

People who disagree with OP are post patch babies.

It is irrelevant
A non argument to deflect from having to actually explain why he thinks the lighting system in sotfs is good, let alone the best in the series

"looks way better than 3"

The one level with the frozen statues and everything is green.

don't act surprised that no one wants to play your cheap uguu faggot games

Not even the person you were originally responding to, and in no place in is DaS2 being defended or even mentioned.

What is said in can be equally applied to DaS3, so take your fucking heads out of the partisan sand.

And what SotFS does right in terms of lighting, it does better than DaS3, there's no getting around that.

that doesnt excuse you from being a pisspants, pisspants. go pick up some games.





World design


Use of Lore


Refute this

Lost Izalith is 100 times worse than patched Shrine of Amana
Pre-patch Shrine of Amana is probably the worst level out of DeS, DaS I, and DaS II
cba to play DaS III

Aam I alone in being absolutely terrified of the jailors in DaS3?

at least try

this shit without alucard is so fucking annoying, not even this part ultimately but putting the hardest part of the level right after and making THIS the checkpoint