When is the pc master race going to get the best final fantasy of all time?
When is the pc master race going to get the best final fantasy of all time?
The first time I played FFT was on a PC in 2002.
Algus did nothing wrong.
When you learn how to use an emulator.
The best way to play this game is at 300% speed in an emulator while blasting the soundtrack at 150% speed.
But we already have FF7 on PC
Play War of The Lion's on a PSP emulator at over 60 frames. Even the complaining morons who think a frame drop would hurt a strategy game cant complain about a perfect game now.
PSX emulators have been around for over 18 years now.
There's a patch to fix the slowdowns. There's no patch to fix the shitty audio though, and if you think shitty audio doesn't ruin a game you know nothing.
I never noticed any audio issues while playing and I played the original and WOTL more than people should ever play a single game. I'm willing to hear about them though. Most people who hate WOTL's cite "frame rate issues" and normally that would matter but in this kind of game it just really fucking doesn't. It's like when I'm reading a review of a black/death or punk album and people complain about "sloppy production" I think they may have missed the point somewhere just a little bit.
The only things he did right were suck and die.
Listen to any sound effect, or any BGM from both versions back to back. I don't have the musical knowledge to tell you exactly what's wrong, but if you can't notice it you're deaf.
>play fft
>maps take forever to complete
>the camera is terrible
>ai is a nigger
I don't remember the music sounding any different but I'll check the sound effects at some point. I don't really get why that would change either, audio quality should improve between the two pieces of hardware.
So should performance. The port developers were incompetent.
It's truly embarrassing that a game would launch with performance issues like WOTL had and all it took to fix all of them was a simple patch from a random guy in his spare time. And then they never released an official patch.
My biggest issue with the emulated version is the annoying camera controls. How do I reliably change them so I can see what's going on?
Also, I want my bunny assassins
SE just doesn't care about ports, they take shortcuts just to get them out and rake in the money. Can't even give the Steam ports properly-designed UIs instead of the unbelievably ugly phone port UIs.
Im about to start this game for the first time. Should I play the psx version or the psp version? Anything I should watch out for?
PSP version and get the performance patch.
You're a sick man.
why, i play all ff games on emulator speed like 8
You can emulate every version of every FFT dumb ass
Literally no reason to go PSX. It has a horrid translation.
PS1 with the PSP translation. Unfortunately there's still one bad part about the PS1 version, the US version made jobs easier to unlock, which fucks the difficulty scaling. In the Japanese PS1 and WotL, assuming you don't grind, you won't reach the OP jobs until chapter 4 (last chapter). In the US version you can get them as early as chapter 2 without grinding. But PS1 is still the best option because it's superior in performance and audio.
Whatever you do, don't play with the PS1 translation.
Is there a WotL patch that adds the old skill quotes?
Nigger what? The translation is the only reason some people say to play the PSX version, because they don't like the flowery PSP translation. And the PSP version's performance issues are easily fixed and have been since weeks after release.
gba was better
That's stupid. Ivalice is *supposed* to be flowery.
I've heard that criticism but before War of Lions was even out people considered the translation of the original Tactics a botched job for years. Not in the sense of spelling words wrong or being incomprehensible but by changing large parts of the story by inadvertently getting details wrong. War of Lions was considered an improvement in that sense.
I don't like the flowery language in the PSP translation myself. But the majority of it isn't, the majority of the text is written incredibly well. And if the trade-off is flowery language or mistranslations, I'd recommend the flowers every time.
My favorite mistranslation in the game.
I agree that the translation in WOTL is better, but that's a reason I've seen given for people liking the PSX version more somewhat often. As said, the PSP's performance fuckups are a non-issue.
It already has it. Emulator + v1.3 hack
Can you patch the slowdown problem in the vita through adrenaline ?
Post yfw Ramza is in the new Dissidia, but you know deep down that nu-square will never ever make another tactics game unless it's some kind of mobile microtransaction bullshit.