Alright motherfuckers, what are you guys playing, and can you recommend me something to play?
if not just webm thread
Alright motherfuckers, what are you guys playing, and can you recommend me something to play?
if not just webm thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw got into planetside 2 too late
>when I played it was never that
>it was just a walking simulator and occasionally a teammate would crash a plane into you or you'd get sniped across the world
contributing webms
Is this game still alive and kicking? I don't care about the grinding, I just want to hop on and have a massive battle with autists.
That's pretty recent, you can see those gatekeeper rockets from the prowlers.
What you really missed was Auraxium, TR bitching away content and NC nutting in TR and VS's ass on a daily basis.
Fucking OP titans
What dead ass server did you play on because what OP posted still happens, in fact most base assaults look like that.
>Slow as shit console players
Pleb detected
>50 seconds of you having your ass kicked and running like a bitch
>see the shadow of another Titan approaching
>can't check because it would take too long
>start getting shot the fuck up
>zero usage of thermal shield because can't turn fast enough
>planetside 2
>heavyside 2
fixed it for you
I was playing Persona 4 till my retarded schizo brother left a bucket of melting ice right next to my bed
Ps vita wont turn on anymore
I don't know what to play so i'm watching anime instead ;_;
Is that front mission?
If you want a suggestion, try Overlord
Its fantastic
Looks like the new Battletech TBS game thats in development.
the free rerelease just came out, i don't know what's in it though
I miss the old UI so much
I bought this last year and I love it, one of the few vidya that made me feel so good in a long time
gonnatry the update]
Not that user, but where do you get downloads now that nyaa is dead?
any games that have a great population and arnt p2w???
Had a friend do this but with a glass of water.
I just took everything out that I could and let it dry for like a week (was afraid of turning it on and accidentally frying something). Worked though, was happy for that.
download the torrents from your favourite fansubbers website
if your fave subber doesnt have a site or working torrents, use your second fave
if you're not fussy use something like horriblesubs as they are fairly reliable
you can check for the popular subs down the bottom of the anime's page on MAL which is a useful site for non-elitist anime watchers
not him but
>remember all those god tier downloads on nyaa
>try go to nyaa now
>its private and needs an invite now
I was very sad and pissed at same time
Oh shit. Thank you annon.
Ignore the filename
Play Fallout 4
Dunno know what you are on about, I just started downloading shit I've missed. As guest, no invite.
Is there some specific stuff that needs invite?
fuck I meant bakabt
Oh yea, that's true. I had them bookmarked forever and thought I'd download this and that one day...
>That UI
>That Rosh position
I'm so glad I quit dota
kek what those retards were all doing in same place