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I hope over sexualized men become a thing in video games so that we can have more lewd and sexy girls and sjws wont be able to complain.

nigga tiny head

I think you got the wrong door, the beach is two blocks down.

boi but he dick tho



I can't believe that they'd make a model like this. It's a completely unrealistic standard that no normal man could ever hope to achieve and it honestly sickens me that they think this is what a man is meant to look like - I refuse to be body shamed in this way and it is deeply problematic

>men can be objectified too
someone call Sarkisian

I hope Riot learns from this.


>Not 'You wanna piece of meat boy?'

About DAMN time.

These egghead thought of everything

but they already did with Zac

Here's the rest of the video for those interested/lurking

yes daddy

This pleases my dick. Now can we get a bikini skin for Tyrande? She's already got the biggest T&A in the game.

The 10th TF2 class is looking good

How can women even compete?

>NOT Nova, Valeera or Li-Ming

I'll take this if it shuts the land whales up so I can enjoy my tits and ass

But Valeera wears a red one-piece.

It won't ever happen. There's a lot of dudes that get uncomfortable about that kind of shit. SJWs or not, these companies may ride the fence with the pandering but they know where most of their money comes from

This tbqhwyfaftil, I couldn't care less if we get more hypersexualized males. Bitches need to get over it.

they should take sexualisation and go nuts with it

>ywn be squished between a hairy muscle chub orc and a big burly tauren

>You know fast
What did she mean by this?

>pig nose
how fitting for a police officer

i'll give credit to blizzard for having fanservice shit for both men, women, and degenerates

Describe degenerate fanservice.

Furries probably

t. Tyrone

Literally this thread.

gays, furries, redditors


>reverse sexism is okay
>reverse racism is okay
hello cancer of society

feet too big would not fuq

either everything is okay or nothing is okay

i prefer the former

>Tychus gets a super skimpy swimsuit skin
>Tracer only gets this shit.
seriously, this pandering is becoming literally unrealistic. Why do SJW's act like girls don't even wear bikinis as swimsuit? Like it's just men's perverted fantasies? This shit is just getting more and more out of control.

they runied his lore for me

It won't happen because sexualized males is a 'male power fantasy'

Women are the only ones who are disgusted by the idea of being sexy.

it makes sense for tracer tho cause she's a lesbos and has that thing on her chest

>pre-installed speaker system
what the fuck is this?

he's a space mareen, that's where his suit plugs in.

Do you understand the meaning of reverse?

you know fast you going la??? pig-dog

to be fair they ruined every champs' lore.

didn't blizz retconned their statement that Tracer needs that thing for life support? They could have just made her without it.

they said that it works if it's a close distance to her

We do see her not wearing it but I figure it's probably like a kidney dialysis machine and she has to hook it up at least every night so it can absorb her extra time or whatever the fuck.

And she definitely needs it to do her shitty blink powers.

just like pacemakers

i'd let him pound my boipucci

You literally just said the exact same argument when girls and gays complain about video games youve just swapped the preferences around this time.

Now you know how it feels straightbro! Enjoy your shorts wearing tomboy tracer skin!!!

you surely have to be accurate to the lore when design non-canon skins

The guy has a thong but the woman doesn't. The fuck is happening at blizzard?

The real/honest reason is it would probably require changes to the skeleton to remove that plate on her chest

which means modeling work

instead they just use the same frame and change the texturing and appearance of it.

>Girl character gets a super skimpy swimsuit skin
>Male character only gets this shit.
seriously, this pandering is becoming literally unrealistic. Why do straight men act like girls even wear such revealing outfits? Like it's just straight men's perverted fantasies. This shit is just getting more and more out of control.

Too obvious. 2/10

I've only said it to show how ridiculous their thinking is

I don't give much fuck about realism especially in so extremely fictional settings as hots. It's what SJW's use for arguing, that the designers make the characters unrealistically sexual, or make them wear clothes that are not realistically practical/functional.

Then they go to the point of making the characters unrealistically un-sexual. This just proves how full of shit they are.

I've yet to see a single girl on beach who would wear that swimsuit instead of something that shows off their thighs.

We can see her thighs tho

And her belly. Plus tracer is a dyke. She's also british, and has a ginger girlfriend, which means avoiding the sun is her TOP priority because as a Norman invader she burns easily in the sun and her soulless muff mumbler life partner bursts into flames

I don't think you know what reverse means.

>i think i know more about a game's characters than the developers
>turning this bullshit into le sjw vs gamergate epicness xD

Im sorry youre buttblasted by tychus's juicy throbbing bulge. Theres plenty of shitty Tracer porn for you to jack to. Literally worst girl in the fuckin game why do you even care

I meant a triangle-like bottom piece instead of a boxer one. No female fucking wears that.

Does he have a huge scar on his stomach

Those terms are already wide spread and here to stay. Get used to them.

Space marine priming they remove a lot of shit organs and also implant a load of cybernetic implants to make the suits work.

Damn bootleg spess muhreens
Blizzard are a bunch of hacks

Because they are fat.
or ugly.
or both

>Blizzard remembering it's own lore about space Marines

It's more likely they dunno how to model or just thought he should have a scar

I don't care about tychus, just one user posted how more sexualized male characters will mean more sexualized female characters since sjw's won't be able to complain about how not equal it is. I've just pointed out that this isn't the case.

As for tracer I know she's now supposed to be a typical lesbian dyke but don't act like she has some original deep, well thought character behind this and it's not just a marketing move for blizzard to sell themselves as progressive.

Also putting boyish clothes on a lesbian is the most stereotypical thing. Lesbians aren't male-wannabees, just like how gay males aren't female-wannabees, these are transes and as I know Tracer isn't supposed to be like that.


even the oldest, fattest grandmas don't wear boxer-like swimsuit bottoms, just typical one pieces with triangle like bottom parts.

>No cock jiggle physics


>That physique while being 2 meters tall
Wonder if someone can do it in real life, roids or not

You sound like a high power level autismo

Even in Overwatch Tracer doesnt have one single "sexy" skin. Thats not her character type and they arent going to do that.

Wearing shorts at the beach doesnt make her "dyke stereotype" or "trying to be trans" holy shit step outside for once in your fuckin life bro

As a gay male who knows gay males, gay males are most definitely female wannabes.

Choosing videogames as my life's hobby was a mistake.

Any femanons that DOES like what she sees?

Champs has lore?

>Even in Overwatch Tracer doesnt have one single "sexy" skin. Thats not her character type and they arent going to do that.

You know why "that isn't her character"? Exactly because Blizz pandered to the sjw complaints about her being too sexual. By design she was supposed to be a sexy character but because some complaints about "how will my little children play this game" blizz changed the whole direction of her character.

also because she's the poster character

I used to enjoy reading the champs lore and their connection with each other unironically. But since they overhauled everything I just lost interest entirely.

No, not into (too many) muscles

You sure about that? Raynor seems to be doing aright and I don't see any signs of organ reworks on him.

>not zuljin

The only reason I played HOTS was for the waifus.

>Exactly because Blizz pandered to the sjw complaints about her being too sexual.
That was never through argument you lying rat

>blizz changed the whole direction of her character.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Could be worse, look at comics or tv or movies

Is that why the pose they changed because of your "SJW BOOGEYMAN" reason is actually more lewd? You idiots parrot the same amount of shit the sjw and tumblrites do yet apparently you don't realize how fucking stupid you are when you post shit like this just to get (You)s.

Gul'dan would be a better choice

uh no she wasn't. her outfit is ugly/jarring with nasty dragon ball z hair. windowmaker was obviously the sexy one from day 1

This is the right answer, Widowmaker model was actually changed because her ass was actually TOO big.

>His "JU WAN' AXE?" quote changes to "JU WAN' ABS?"

>Not Uther
Why do I share this board with such disgusting creature

If Night Elves were this thicc in wow I wouldn't of played horde.

Uther stop posting


>blizzard make the poster girl character of overwatch lesbian
>add tons of gay fanservice

how can riot even compete
they have 100+ champions and can't even confirm one of them as bisexual