Just got into FFXIV for my first MMO ever. Never could get into one before...

Just got into FFXIV for my first MMO ever. Never could get into one before, I love the housing system in an autistic way. Post houses.

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tfw your class is in the shed now


>info is months old

who cares

The housing is ok.

gas yourself, fag c@

At least I'm not a scum Lala

the people who kick me from their party

>PLD finally lets me dig in and become a motherfucking WALL between the boss and my party

Fuck the meta, maining PLD for the rest of time

I want to be stepped on.

this reminds me of some creepy ass nier-tier shit

>MrHappy starting out
>Normal weight guy
>Gets an Asian/islander looking gf
>Whale size
>Move across US to live with her
>See pic of MrHappy at US media tour
>mfw he is putting on boogie size

>Normal weight guy

How the hell can you even get a house?

Buy someones plot,

Wait till somesones plot gets demolished

Wait for the Stormsbloods plots

Just get a Apartment or FC room.

just pay 25mil + tip bro

Shitty pic

why do people keep saying she dies in SB

>PLD does more damage than the other tanks too

>two plds will now become the meta

>Sole Survivor is the LB gauge's only hope

Is Mrhappy White or a Spic?

She's a badguy.

thats just mean she's good a cooking


How terrible would my experience be if I were to play this game on PS4?

i dont see a lot of non rp normie fc's advertising around balmung and the whole server is filled with crazy undesirables and having to deal with that in my fc for over a year i think im better off just going somewhere else

honestly it's a shame because i dont usually have to much of a problem with /vg/ people but most of the ones on balmung deserve their reputation

I hope I can grab a large house in the new ward. I also hope they add more wards

It's okay actually.
You can get a keyboard and mouse too.

Ah, I see. No matter the case, if you don't like where you are, then just leave.

my only problem is i do have some good friends on balmung and they are pretty much the only reason im really bothering to stay there but i've just had it with the community in general there

PS4 version is comparable to a good PC on high but not maximum settings. You can even use a kb/m with it. Has slightly longer load times in super populated areas but that's it.

It's not a very graphic intensive game. My shitty laptop can run it on max with no problem.

what's the ping address?

you will only be able to play certain dps classes, MAYBE tank if you're insanely adept.

SB will casualize everything though so you might fare better than normal.


Just loading times.
Game was made for gamepad anyways, even though they said that combat reductions were to ease on gamepad users, you can have up to 40 buttons via expanded hold controls and WXHB, not counting the other 5 crossbars you can access.

>MAYBE tank
Playing Tank is piss easy on controller if that's what you're referring to.

People pretty regularly progression raid with a controller, it's obviously not totally optimal, but it's totally fine as a control method, and will probably be easier going into SB with the general ability pruning.

>it's another "you can't play FFXIV on a controller" episode
Please fucking kill yourselves

SCH controller player here, get fucked

To what?.

>class where pet does all the healing for you so you can sit there and jerk off
yep everything checks out

>>class where pet does all the healing for you so you can sit there and jerk off

Being this much of a shitter

>class where pet does all the healing
Shitter WHMs don't need to apply.

The only thing I'm looking forward to in the expansion is the potential housing items. Certainly they will give us a decent amount of new furniture to coincide with the item limit update right? Also, when they mention garden is not changing, does that mean yard items?

The same brother.
My server is somewhat empty and the rest of the people are degenerates erpers.

I would move but I'm dumb and bought a house and I'm too autistic to sell it. Also it's a fucking pain in the ass that they made it so you can only carry 1 mil when you transfer.

They actually mean that the gardens aren't receiving the total item increase that the interior is!

the servers, I want to ping it.

>playing video games on an ergonomic shitfest such as a mouse
>playing one character

arrstatus have you covered

they still have the old IPs for whatever reason

That's what I thought. What a shame.

>Trying to level AST
>Job quests are literally just
>Quest log at one point says "Why aren't you casting Aspected Benefic on the knights?"

What a fucking boring ass quest line i believe.
They are in sacramento i believe

Is SMN really just tri-disaster > ruin until aetherflow stacks > dreadwyrm trance > tri-disaster ruin 3's > deathflare > ruin until aetherflow stacks > summon bahamut, tri disaster > enkidle bahamut > ruin > enkindle bahamut to finish > repeat all over again

people complain there's too many buttons to press and mange, meanwhile this dude doesn't give a fuck. Best. I'm really glad this game can be so accessible

I play SCH on controller.

Anyone who macros Whispering Dawn with Rouse is a fucking retard for not using them separately.

SMN and SCH are the hardest jobs to play on a controller

Fuck off retard

Yes. It's ruin heavy.

I haven't played SCH much, but SMN really isn't.

Still has the cutest teacher though. That's good enough for me

No they ain't, you're a retard who just can't git gud at basic controller.

It's really fucking impressive how you always have access to 48 buttons without having to change your active hotbar, just by using the shoulder buttons and the face buttons. I still think the game has a real button bloat though, because a lot of the skills are redundant as fuck and trimming it will not only benefit controller players but KB players as well.

Every retard who says this game can't be played on a controller has never played it on a controller.


Leveva is a globalist.

On one hand damage raps up a lot faster. Ruin2 is now your go to ruin which means book smacks are going to come back with a vengeance, and the interplay with Ruin4 and Enkindle's trait is pretty cool in theory.

SMN was already pretty robotic to play though, and now it's going to get worse. At least we have a lot more spectacle to keep us entertained.

sch is literally a 5 button job


Shadowflare is literally Flaming Arrow now.

You also use Garuda if party has more casters or Ifrit if more melee.

Most of the Heavensward job questlines are pretty lackluster.

DRK is the best class questline in the game, and MCH is decent.

I meant the 50-60 portions for all jobs.

>not PGL
someone needs a holyfisting

>Constantly nervous I'm not pulling my weight in dungeons
>Install ACT to monitor my own DPS to make sure I'm keeping up
>It turns out a lot of DPSs in duty finder consistently do less damage than the tank

I don't understand how this is even possible.

I enjoy how in the Paladin quest the paladin in training even calls it all stupid bullshit.

Get in line.

You think people are memeing when they complain about how awful a lot of the people playing this game are?

>muh shit old man
whatever punk go punch dirt

I mean, depending on how new you are, it could just be inexperience. Also, if you're melee and not doing positionals, you're screwing yourself (a lot if you're MNK/DRG, kind of not so much as NIN). If you have a shitty weapon your damage will also be shit, so consider that too. Doesn't matter what job you're playing.

If you want to improve there are guides out there that show you the optimal rotations for you class. Just look them up, practice on a target dummy, and keep in mind that those rotations are changing in two weeks. (The fundamentals of how to play properly won't so it's not wasted effort.)

Zidane has already hit that. Man has no shame.

Are the level 50 MSQs mandatory, or can I go to Heavensward after I beat the 1-50 MSQs?

I just want to play DRK. I'm tired of DPSing.

>in the mentor network, people were complaining about how difficult healing is and how dps is the easy role
its a self fulfilling prophecy, people think its easy because they're doing half the damage they should be

Level RDM first to become the meta phys comp buff slut or level SAM for big dick dps???

Some new art up on official site.

I wonder what this is. The interior of the big building in Azim Steppes?

You need to do ALL the lvl 50 story quests to get into HW. Most of them aren't essential to the overall plot so you can skim them. The ones at the end are kind of important though if you care about the story.

>level sissy fag or alpha big dick
the choice is yours user, are you a faggot?

You need to do everything, user.
Unless you buy the booster.

Will they ever top this? The whole transition from the bridge cutscene to this fight and then from dragonsong to the ultimate showdown was just amazing


Might be the final boss room in one of the new dungeons.


The worst part about the change is that now with DWT resetting Tri-Disaster you're literally casting ruin I/II for like an entire minute with maybe a proc or two.

>dragons can fly by breath fire
>decide to poke their faces into sword range instead

>nidhog fights whitey
>whitey losing

>ends with you throwing nidhogg's eyes off a cliff that the WoD pick up a scene later.

It was full of sloppy mistakes

healing is only difficult because retards stand in fire

I'm really digging the Dragoon changes they've made, not just on a gameplay level but on an aesthetic level too with how it ties in to the stuff that happened during the HW story.

It's really make me want to play it in SB even though DRG isn't my main, am I the only one?

The majority of the people that play this game are literally fucking retarded. I wish they'd put in requirement where you had to completel something similar to Stone Sea Sky before you're allowed to do expert roulette or expert primals or savages or 24man raids.

This fucking triggered me

>4.0 launches
>Lv60 BiS MNKs can't even beat A12S striking dummy thanks to the potency nerfs and removed skills

I main BLM so I love big dick dps, but I also love big flashy moves. The SAM moves look so underwhelming and have no oomph to them whereas the RDM moves are very visually appealing. I can't decideeeeeee

Then all the ERPers and casuals would complain that the game is too hard and biased against their kind. God forbid they're encouraged to git gud before trying the hardest content in the game.

Stay BLM

i would but it looks like they took away the only engaging part of playing dragoon, which was trying to fit as many gierskoguls in as possible without dropping botd
it kinda looks like a boring class now that you don't even have to react to procs

Same, I actually started playing DRG way too late, and really like Geirskogul even with the RNG with BoTD