Were you "'that guy" that chose nidoqueen over nidoking?
Were you "'that guy" that chose nidoqueen over nidoking?
>that kid who only trained their starter mon
They don't exist because all starters are shit
I've done that for every Pokemon game I've played
Well that was a very effective strategy. Blastoise with Surf and Ice Beam in Red/Blue took care of E4 by himself.
Same thing happened with G/S/C, Feraligatr annihilated the entire game with ease.
Water types in general are the strongest starter due to being able to learn Ice Beam, which completely negates any Dragon threat and eliminates Grass types also.
>all pokemon games up until heart gold and soul silver I beat the game with one pokemon
I'm a former furry if that's what you're asking
Nidoqueen was my first lv100 pokemon in Blue version. In fact it might be the only pokemon I've ever raised to that level. Fuckin badass chick I'll tell you what.
i used nidoqueen because nidoran was the first pokemon i caught
I did that multiple times in Sapphire.
Just used Torchic and it's Evos for the entire game, and just used other Pokemon for HMs.
I did it for Emerald too, but Wallace was always tough to beat.
I'm that guy that never bothered with Nidorans because they were pretty much Retattas with spiked ears.
i wish i could play pokemon blue again and have fun like i used to
Nidoking was actually really good and versatile in gen 1.
>He doesn't get the fire type for a STAB fire move
Enjoy finding a non-shit fire type in the wild. Water types were easy enough to come by, often better than the starter
Nidoking was a mother fucking badass, though.
No I was "that guy" who used Vileplume as my Poison type because it was a cute.
>former furry
no such thing
How do you figure?
p-debardelaben on DA
Wouldn't know because I never bothered with Nidorans and did just fine.
>he hasn't gone to Pence Camp yet
i can appreciate both, especially because the first gym in yellow is a roadblock for pikachu
Nidoran Females were rare in version Red you fucking shitlord
I fucking hate those teeth, why has something as creative as cartoons been reduced to coping one shit style over and over
I didn't go for either one.
user, that gif predates the calarts meme by almost a decade. Furthermore not only is it far better animated, the teeth are hardly similar and seem to actually change as opposed to the one set of teeth all of today's animated shows have.
>I was that kid.
And i made up for it on Pokemon Emerald Version.
But Lil Stank is the best Pokeman
i want to hamburger her biscuits with my brisket if u know what i mean
>Enjoy finding a non-shit fire type in the wild.
Arcanine my nigga, get at me
So? It was a perfectly valid strategy to have the rest of your team being glorified HM slaves up until DP, unless you were that one dumbass who picked the Grass starter, and even then it was still a pretty good deal. Totodile is the best starter and deserves all the XP, disagreeing makes you either a pleb Fire or a jealous Water.
I don't get it
I was that guy who used my only moonstone on a female nidorino because i thought blue were male and purple were girls
Not in every game, or even half without trading
Not to mention fire stone being needed
literally me
>first pokemon game
>only train Cyndaquil
>only pokemon I even bother with outside that is the legendaries and Gyarados
>first gyms were hard as fuck because I had to basically grind the shit out of my starter to power through them
to be honest as dumb as it sound it made the game more satisfying to me, maybe because I was a kid but also because it made it feel longer.
>on holiday with family
>finally beat the game
>find out I get to go to Kanto now
>never played RBY so I feel like I'm getting a whole extra game
No i was that guy that only leveled my starting pokemon and catched the legendary birds and won the game anyway.
i hated using it because it couldn't learn dig in gen 1.
Are you asking if I was that kid who wanted to mating press his Nidoqueen?
Because yes, and Nidorina too
rhydon is garbage.
um what the flying fuck are you talking about? first of all that shit isn't more than 3 years old. Secondly, the calarts meme started when John K wrote about it ten years ago.
Poke-cock so good
I was that guy who completely ignored stats/movesets and just picked the pokemon that looked the cutest.
>thanks to mega evolution this cute little critter is now considered broken by smogonfags
You don't need Fire STAB. I certainly don't have it when I play Gen IV, V, or VI with my ideal teams of what Pokemon were new that generation.
In RBY I like using Flareon, because that's the only game where it's decent between Fire Spin abuse and its Special stat. Plus I usually run Raichu and either Dewgong or Blastoise so I already have Electric and Water, if I didn't already like Flareon's design more.
not rowlet
>that kid who looked up all the disgustingly broken mons and used them. Then demolished the entire poke fan base at their school.
the tale of gregor: humble bundle beginings.
I didn't like Nidoking's design.
And that Stadium animation. Good Lord
this is how i always played pokemon
Good good cartoons are dead guys. RIP
I was that guy who used both because I couldn't decide between the two.
My fucking guy of excellent taste.
Poke pussy is better
There are 5 moonstones in rby though
Hell 2 of them are in mt moon
cuke osaka
Stupid/clueless headphones girl will always be my favorite
>not drowning in both
what are you, gay?
>Dark type Elite 4
>Only 3 dark types in the region
Karen was special.
I fucking hate these stupid fatass OCs and everybody who likes them
My man.
Still better than this idiot.
why do animators always waste their talents on stupid shit like this?
Well sucks to be you
I always pick my favorites and then use the most tryhard sets I can on them and if they work I love them even more.
>Vileplume is a nocturnal Pokemon that draws energy from moonlight
Her and Flint are what more in-game trainers should aspire to be.
the moveset got better in yellow.
Furshit belongs on /trash/
>a human body colored blue with a nidoqueen head pasted on top of it
Now this just looks disturbing.
>that lucario
>stupid fatass OCs
But its proportions are pretty in line with a Nidorina
I always love how the bidoof guy is just there.
She's wonderful.
I demand the artist to draw that bulba (or ivy) saur and lucario do lewd things.
>that lucario
holy fug
remove the piercings though
No one ever found source for this, right?
Genuinely disgusting
Nvm I don't want source anymore lol
How many pokemon would you fuck?
I'm not a thiccfag but MORE
Honestly? Probably around 3-4.
End yourselves, low testies.
>removing the piercings
Anything female or genderless.
And female versions of anything male only. Yes I'd fuck a Geodude or Tentacool.
Unironically all of them.
gimme the choclate baby
because only the narcissistic, autistic, and psychopathic ever develop significant talent. name any one person of note from the 19th century and up without some kind of documented mental disorder
>not using Nidoqueen for that sweet level 23 Body Slam
It's OP that early on
Oh fuck
Yes because purple is gay af
hey lady I think you got the wrong door
Son of a bitch, I don't this is cracker's art. But those are his characters.