What's your go-to comfy game?

What's your go-to comfy game?

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Persona 4 golden

timesplitters future perfect is one of the best coop games I've ever played. it's just pure fun. do challenges unlock shit?



I couldn't agree more. Future Perfect is the pinnacle of bro-op gaming.


Will they ever make another time splitters? I would love to have it on pc. Classic FPS with bots and tons of characters to choose from and unlock, and an extended map and mission designer. I spent so many hours in TS2 on my PS2 as a kid


I used to play TSFP a lozt but after playing shooters on PC I just can't enjoy it any more.

Chrono Trigger

feels so right

Definitely this game

yes. it has a lot to unlock.

2 and 1 are just as good also

There's a group making an HD remake for PC, supposedly to release this year. Don't think they've released too much info about it but I think it'll be online multiplayer only.


My niggas, I'd play with you any day

Deadly Premonition.


Pokemon Fire Red

Modded Doom.

>bought TS2 for the GC, playing on a Wii
>using GC controllers and aiming is hell

fuck I don't remember it being this rough
future perfect is better when it comes to aiming right? and cycling through weapons is difficult too



>implying someone other than me actually played LBA
You're a man of fine tastes, user

amazing game

Black and White
Sim City 4