Honest thoughts on this fat fuck?
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Unattractive fat fuck with dead soulless eyes.
"I am taking damage? Lmao full health and invincible while healing!"
At least roadhog has the decency to not be invincible while snorting fumes
mei is bae
Roadhog also has 600 health. Would you rather Mei have that?
I'm finally burnt out on this game. it feels great.
Those boots really annoy me. It's like they stretched the model out.
I love short skinny girls, so she's half decent.
autistic character, people who play her have issues and deserve death. Reason I stopped playing overwatch, at least hanzo needs to aim a bit to kill you.
She also needs to aim or/and be in close proximity to do anything. Mei really a problem only for a quickgame nigs
Yeah the feet are a bit strange... her Chang'e and Luna skin make it a bit better.
I'm not a /k/fag, and I'm aware every character has a goofy pose, but god damn her posture, running animatiln, and her GODDAMNED PUNCH ANIMATION make me angry beyond reasonable levels
Seriously with how she punches she should be taking damage for breaking her fingers.
Fun to play as, infuriating to play against
This game has a monkey with a jetpack
She is the ultimate noob killer (next to Bastion) but she is pretty easy to deal with on all maps except for Hanamura.
Unless you can always make us of those walls to divide enemy team then it's better to pick any DPS
Can someone post them?
My potato can't run this game
Reminded me of a chick I was basically financially dependent on for four months, stuck in Florida and forced to gratify her weird fetish for domination because she was nearly two feet taller than me, which is part of why I helped spearhead the crusade against her.
In spite of this, I still find my dick reflexively becomes diamonds when I see body types similar to hers, because of how frequently it would end poorly if it didn't.
Can't post them but i'll kinda explain
Her posture is absolutely horryfing
Her running animation has her flailing her arms around like a cartoon (up and down, in a comedic way)
Her punchanimation is her closing her fist, raising it with her knuckles pointing at her face, and then slam the other dude with her fingers.
Its painful to watch
Silver alert.
She's wonderful. Fuck Soilder, Genji, Hanzo, D.VA, and Pharah
>moves weird
>doesn't take damage
She is the thing. She's just having problems imitating humans.
What the fuck
Greentext time user
>honest thoughts on this fat fuck?
The first design was better.
>Been playing Overwatch everyday for hours upon hours after work on my PS4 that I don't even touch my single player games anymore or watch Anime
Truly a 10/10 game if an online focused/only game got me to do that.
I'm not sure what to expand on.
The reason I was stuck with her?
>Was promised a job that fell through in her area, after I ran out of savings and couldn't actually escape
The sex?
>There were times when she would just fondle my junk, drunk on cheap whiskey. Other times, she got rough and basically crushed my face under her generous pale ass.
How she initiated it?
>I'm very, very short. 4'8" short. And she was about six and a half feet tall. There was never any contest.
The miscellany?
>She was a NEET and a sociopath. Once upon a time, she threatened to throw me out on the street if I didn't get my dick pierced, so she'd have something fun to fiddle with on the rare occasion that she wanted to do oral.
She looked better in early concept art, before they made her fat
her wall mechanic is fucking dumb and hard to use in first person. her entire kit relies too much on that gimmick and her ult, making her a sub optimal pick most of the time besides maps where you can just block off an entire choke with a wall like eichenwalde and hanamura
WTF? I hate Overwatch now
Blizzard ruins everything they touch, even their own creations.
fight me.
>dick pierced
what did you do
It's amazing what you can get used to when you're basically in a position to choose between crazy homeless people that might rape you and a crazy bitch that will definitely do that but also feed you.
this disgusting creature is only 'thicc' by ameriburger standards. For the rest of the world she's obese.
minna de doko made mo ikeru ne
I want to fat fuck her
why did the fat chinese girl get a weeb dance?
Is blizzard racist?
more pls
Momokun on instagram, all she does it post lewds
>what is winter jacket
holy shit user I'm sorry
do you happen to have pics of her
>Chinese weebs don't exist
>Scientist girl in a coat
>250 HP
>Professional soldier in a full body suit of armor with a jetpack
Sure thing
Waifu. She needs nosehooks and should oink like a pig
Eh. It wasn't the first time, or the last.
No. The similarity to is striking, though. The one I was stuck with didn't bother with hygiene very much until I had a gigantic panic attack and raged like a halfling motherfucker about it, two months in. Things got a little better.
But seriously. It sounds like a dream, but it's really not fun. Women who get into this kind of thing are insane. Realizing that you cannot oppose someone makes it hard to keep your own opinions about things.
damn user that sounds bad
I wish I could help you back then I'm 6'2
Legitimate horrible person. I hate mean fucks who pretend they are kind
I wonder where this fat fuck floated in from
>tfw no thiccbrap gf
Absolutely fucking digusting.
Stop liking BBW
I know right
Genuinely curious, what is the appeal of fatties?
It's not "thicc", it's not attractive, it's just a fat whale you disgusting tumblr retard.
Her and D.va give the illusion that Overwatch is actually good.
>What are thighs.
Large tits
Large ass
Thick thighs
Squeezable tummy
God-tier soft cuddles
keep crying
I want Mei to _________!
>willful disregard for one's well-being
>attractive in any way
Very large boobes
wrap her thighs tightly around my head as I make her cum from eating out her pussy.
Confirmed virgin
Chubby chasers and feeders are two different things.
The fuck are you even doing in a Mei thread dude?
Is there a big chance for a bikini or training outfit for Mei?
I want to see tumblr BTFO again.
>if you don't like a fat sow as your partner you're a virgin!
Fuck off.
Sit on me face!
I'd take those boots off and get a huge whiff of those feet ;^)
I think her kit is fun and I like her default design, not a character I get to play much though outside of quickplay.
Which is a shame, it seems like too many people are suprised when you wall yourself up ledges to jump them and her point stalling is insanely annoying.
>tfw we wont see mei in some tiny spats and a sportsbra
>tfw we wont see mei in a one piece swimsuit that gives her fat ass a wedgie
Sit on my face and fart so much that I can tease her about being the primary cause of global warming!
There's a reason she has one of the lowest pickrates of all heroes in competitive.
I think Blizzard said they don't want skins to change character's silhouettes too drastically, so I doubt we'll see Mei without some sort of baggy coat unfortunately
Yeah because actual damage is preferable 9/10 times, hence why I don't play her in comp.
She's p qt and it's fun to 1 shot flick that annoying little shit Tracer
Her thicc is natural armor.
I jacked it to her yesterday in Waifu simulator.
>tfw my fat gf won't sit on my face
She's cool.
>90% of Meis stop jumping around and stand still to freeze-headshot you
>They're too shit to line up an accurate shot while moving
>thicc not sticc
>fun gameplay
>nice design Ice Tracer is shit
Only character I like more than her is McCree and Zen gameplay-wise.
This kinda irks me but it makes it easier to kill opposing Meis.
I love her! She isnt fat!
She's so fucking out of place. All her little quips and giggles sound like they belong in Cooking Mama or a tile-matcher, not an action game. The worst is her ultimate: how, you ask, does she invoke a massive death blizzard?
"Freeze! Don't Move!" with the tone of voice of a kindergarten teacher playing Red Light/Green Light. Who the fuck is this woman?