Everyone still shits on Mercy

>Everyone still shits on Mercy
>Is still one of the most game changing characters in the game
>People let her live because of this underpowered meme

>>People let her live because of this underpowered meme

More like, "people let her live because they fucking suck." Also because that regen is annoying as fuck, holy shit.

a good mercy is the biggest threat by a huge margine

Mercy players are disgusting.


It's super beta to play mercy

Mercy is a waste of a hero slot when your whole team sucks.

Pharah X Mercy is the overrated ship in ever seen in a long time.

Genji X Mercy is where its at.

Explain without using meme words.

dam she flat

If she is surrounded by teammates she has better mobility than any other healer.


>character is completely useless except for her ult which wins matches because she has a ridiculous long invincibility duration while reviving every one of he team mates at full health

She can't protect herself.

>mercy ults 1 hero to save her own life

i, fucking. hate. this. shit.

>Is still one of the most game changing characters in the game
So is a good Widow. The thing is, a Widow player has a brain, while a

>see Mercy flying in our direction after we wipe
>aim straight at her and throw my hook
>not only can I not damage her, but the hook goes straight through her
>she revives everyone and flies away again in the confusion
what's the fucking point of having an uninterruptible ult

Can anybody give a good reason why Mercy's ult should revive teammates at full health? She already has fucking invincibility making her ult completely safe now. If she ults in a bad position and dies immediately afterwards her entire fucking team shouldn't still get their entire health pool back.

A "good mercy ult" should be rezzing all teammates at 50% health and then healing them back up to full with her healing beam while keeping yourself alive. The way it is now is fucking braindead, you just hit the button and get the best possible outcome every time. I mean, I know they had to make the character easy as fuck since she's the default girl gamer pick, but there is absolutely no nuance between a good and bad mercy player. She's just a walking ult that is still insanely powerful because of the shitty design of the ult itself.

I want to cuddle with her

I want to eat her unwashed asshole

Me too buddy.

Because at high level play a mercy rez is almost always just a second team wipe

You aren't joking friend I was with a stellar team earlier and mercy and genji were fucking our shit up. Nobody uses team chat on ps4 absolutely irritating.

95% of the game's players aren't playing at high level, though. If she's not ever picked at high level then what is the point of balancing her kit around high level?

Thats a dude you know

I mean that is a lady of course, right?


>New E ability: Triage
>Duration 3 seconds, cooldown 10 seconds
>Caduceus Staff healing increased to 90 HP/s (from 60 HP/s)
>Caduceus Staff damage boost increased to +50% (from +30%)
>Caduceus Blaster rate of fire increased to 10 shots/s (from 5 shots/s)
>Guardian Angel cooldown reduced to 0s (from 1.5s)

>Resurrect now requires line-of-sight to dead allies

Mercy players are arrogant, whiny beta cucks ( or girls)

"Protect me, I'm so important!"

Just play fucking Ana and hit a sleepdart

Any new rare Mercy pics? Need to add to the collection.

no lol

Bad Mercy players act like you described.

Good Mercy players use good positioning to stay safe, protect themselves with the blaster, keep an escape route open, and if the enemy team comp has too many flankers, they switch.

>flankers dont target mercy and just duel with their opposite all game

And people wonder why i play sym on attack

>tfw bullying an enemy Mercy with Winston

> protect themselves with the blaster

Just kill yourself already

When is she going to get nerfed?

She's not OP, but she is becoming a mandatory pick, at least in my skill level.

Also, can you motherfuckers please target the supports first when possible? Stop being fucking retarded.

Most players are diamond and below, and I've killed plenty of Genjis and Tracers at diamond with the blaster.

Gotten killed a bunch of times trying too, but eh. If the enemy flanker does his job well you're fucked, might as well go down shooting and occasionally get lucky.

She doesn't need a nerf so much as the game needs another healer support to choose from.

Lucio's healing has been nerfed to near uselessness though he's still really useful thanks to his speed boost (and his not-shit DPS more recently). Zenyatta is still a tankbuster. Lucio and Zenyatta are secondary healers at best.

Ana and Mercy are both good primary healer picks, Ana is more versatile while Mercy's ult is a mulligan for lost teamfights.

If Mercy gets nerfed then Ana becomes a mandatory pick and we just swap one problem for another.

This isn't even true unless your team got shitstomped in the first place without getting any trades or the other team blows their entire load of ults to kill you again.


That makes sense. I just hope she would get some minor tweaks soon. My current pet peeve is her long ass invulnerability when rezing. I wish it was just a bit shorter.

based tsavo

easy mercy ulti fix.
>ulti now charge 75% faster
>can only revive one single target

balance and useful

i think the ult charge needs to decreased dramatically

it should be brought down to what zarya's grav is
slow charging but right time right place the most valuable ult in the match

the way it is now u get enemy rezzes going off every team fight


You better not be lying. i want the source now

>basically lucio
what a shit idea

I don't know what to say

That's stupid. Zarya's ult takes ages to charge because the rest of her kit is still strong without it. Mercy is just a rezbot.

>Mercy is just a rezbot
which is exactly why it should be neutered
just like people who play her

Post Mercy


Now that you think about it, was Attack on Titan really popular with these fetishists? All I saw was gay stuff.

What does it smell like?

I refuse to play this shitfest until they do something about Pharah+Mercy

nigga just google male mercy cosplay, like the first result

Depends I guess, my gf is into vore but doesn't like it when it's violent.

>People still think medics are underpowered and not killing them in the first opportunity

Fucking disgusting. These are the kind of people you should avoid at all times.

That problem was solved before the game launched my dude, it's called hitscan.

Something is off with her face

I play her when I want to win and I don't want to think.

>get super clutch ult
>team wipes again because they are retarded