GameStop hate thread GENERAL
>Enter GameStop
>Sell Skyrim Special DayOne Legacy Edition for PS3
>Receive 5.50€ in exchange
>Buy Valkyrie Chronicels used for 3€
>Exit GameStop
>Enter McDonalds
>Buy BigMac
GameStop hate thread GENERAL
>Enter GameStop
>Sell Skyrim Special DayOne Legacy Edition for PS3
>Receive 5.50€ in exchange
>Buy Valkyrie Chronicels used for 3€
>Exit GameStop
>Enter McDonalds
>Buy BigMac
>Want to buy video game
>Go into EB games, it's $119 new
>Used for $99
>Employee comes over and asks if I need help, tell her I was interested in the game but it's too expensive
>"Oh we price match if you happen to see it somewhere cheaper :)"
>Take out my phone as i'm leaving the store and google other prices, find it for $59 new at JB hifi on the other side of the mall
>Go there instead
I can't see GameStop / EB games lasting much longer as normies become more internet savy
>go to gamestop
>girl from high school that's hot is cashier
>never talked to her much
>"H-hi can I pick up my order?"
>pulls out amiibo and CE fire emblem echoes
>spill my spaghetti
>Go into EB games
Why even go in there anymore?
>Thinking about trading in some of the miscellaneous PS3 games I own for money and space
>Look up the prices on
It costs parents more in gas money than what their kid would ever make.
Exactly, lots of them don't even have the game demo stations anymore since it just attracts poor minorities who smell up the place all afternoon rather then go home to their drunk parents
>tfw I live in the same country as a fucking frog poster
Kill me
Anyone remember the gamestop prank call asking them for farcry 5 several years back?
Anyone have the original number for that exact store?
anyone think the original guy still works there
Fuck off gamestop employee. Your 10 seconds of fame is over.
pic related happend to me
>be me at GS
>looking at some ds games, searching for pokemon
>shady guy walks into the store
>he had a pretty big bag with him
>"Would you like some help, sir?" cashier asks
>guy walk towards WoW, LoL, Nintendo and Steam cards
>he grabs a bunch and runs for the door
>staff yells "somebody stop him!"
>It was me and another guy in the store
>We both just stood there and watched as it happend
>He got away
>"Why didn't you help us, dude?"
>"Because your prices are fucking shit, you scammer"
There's also the fact that those cards are fucking useless unless activated
Don't cards have to be activated at the register? The guy just stole a bunch of useless paper
if they price match why didn't you just show her it cheaper instead of going to a different store?
because why give EB games money if they attempted to rip me off? I'd rather give money to a company that offers me a fair deal upfront
Guys got the new battletoads for the Wii?
lol she's working at gamestop she lost why are you nervous around her
I bet it went more like
>why didn't you help us, dude?
>y-you too
>Enter gamestop
>Start talking to guy at the counter
>Realise he's a person I sort of recognise
>Look down and I'm naked
>I must be dreaming, we don't even have gamestops in the UK
>Fly out of the store
>being loyal to a store that rips you off and doesn't even lie about it
I would have gone back just to show her the game and receipt
actually he fucked up, he should have shown her the price for a brand new version and then demanded the used version for $40
She's there so that some rich nerd with betabux will marry her, she'll get all the money in the divorce, and then chase after chads. She's winning.
And then he kills your uncle
>Swore off Gamestop in 2011 after getting ripped off with Dead Space 2
>GAME closed
>Other local game merchants closed
>No other option for future Nintendo Switch purchases
What do I do? I can't go back on my word.
See user. I would have tried to stop him and deliberately gotten myself knocked over and hurt.
Primarily because since the employees asked me to stop him, the store is now liable for my injuries and I can sue them. Which, considering that when deactivated those cards are just worthless plastic, my lawsuit would cost them far, far more than any amount of cards the guy could have taken.
>be me
>walk in gamestop
>walk out of gamestop
>walk over to good looking female
>conversation for 5 minutes
>have sex 15 minutes later in mall toilet
>wake up infront of PC screen
>damn you to hell Sup
Buy online. You can get that shit shipped to your house from an online store. Then you don't have to pay Gamestop anything.