Programming Gods

>Pokemon Gold and Silver could barely fit Johto into a Game Boy cartridge, despite being half-finished
>Iwata personally compressed the games, and compressed them so well there was enough room to fit the entire Kanto region (sans Safari Zone)

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An unused version of the Safari Zone exists on the ROMs

I wish I had 140+ IQ

i miss him bros

I never knew much about Iwata other than being a seemingly pretty cool games industry guy but the more I read about him the more I understand why people were so upset about his death.

Rest in peace, Iwata. I was never a big Nintendo fan, but I liked what I played.
>Iwata: Aaah, I wonder if it’s alright to admit this? Well, I guess the proverbial statute of limitations is up, so I’ll tell you, but my actual last work on programming happened when I was working as the General Manager of Corporate Planning at Nintendo. Something happened and the Gamecube version of Super Smash Brothers didn’t look like it was going to make its release date so I sort of did a code review for it (Wry Laugh).

>All: (Laugh Loudly)

>Kawakami: No matter how you look at it, that’s not the job of the General Manager of Corporate Planning, is it? (Laughs)

>Iwata: Yes, it isn’t really, is it (wry laugh). At the time, I went to HAL Labs in Yamanashi and was the acting head of debugging. So, I did the code review, fixed some bugs, read the code and fixed more bugs, read the long bug report from Nintendo, figured out where the problem was and got people to fix those…all in all I spent about three weeks like that. And, because of that, the game made it out on time.

>Kawakami:So you even did the debugging yourself!

>Iwata: And that was the last time that I worked as an engineer ‘in the field’. I was right there, sitting by programmers, in the trenches, reading code together, finding the bugs, and fixing them together.

Almost makes me regret my giving up programming.

Iwata was a fucking hero.

>He passed away in 2015
>2 years ago

good programmer maybe but a bad businessman

can miyamoto program? or is he just an idea guy?

With all due respect, but being surrounded by incompetent morons doesn't mean you're a god, Iwata was fairly average, compared to actual monsters like Carmack he's a wet fart.

>responsible for the Wii and DS, one of the most profitable gens in the company's history
>also responsible for the 3DS which had pretty good success
>oh but he made the Wii U so he sucks now lol

He was kind of a crappy president in some regards but I appreciate that he actually used to code games. Being a coder for a company with a coder as president much be nice for a change, especially when so many presidents are just people with good business sense that couldn't give two shits about whatever it is they're selling.

Yamauchi at least had a sixth sense for telling whether games were good or not despite not playing the damn things.

I know that feel


Just an idea guy and an artist.

>Lead programmer:Shigeru
on every game growing up.

>John "how I erase hard drive????" Carmack
Lmao try again faggot.

No way.

Carmack and Id in general are fucking wizards.

>video game graphics have stagnated for 4 years now
Explaiin that with those fucking wizards.

I was deeply affected and miss Iwata so much and I don't even know why. Why was I so attached to him?

>Sawyer wrote 99% of the code for RollerCoaster Tycoon in x86 assembly language, with the remaining one percent written in C

D44M somehow runs 60 FPS high settings on some of the most toasted of toasters and consoles and still look great.

It may not look THE BEST but able to look decent on old hardware is impressive.

If you watched the Nintendo Directs, it felt like you got to know him. It was unique that he talked directly to the fans and even worked on his English so he could get better at it as time went on. Other company presidents are faceless, but Iwata put his out there.

>Carmack and Id in general are fucking wizards.
No kidding.

>iwata was the mind behind the ds, wii, and 3ds

D44M doesn't even run on 100% Carmack Tech fuck off

Yeah, most of the old designers used to write code, even if they weren't very good or stop fairly early, believe it or not even Kojimbo used to write code when he was a freshman.
>Muh graphix is all that matters
Remove yourself

Absolute madman. I think there was a 3DS game written in assembly, too.

>are fucking wizards.
You mean "were". iT5 is an abomination.

Jesus Christ, I'm studying assembly at my university and I'm having troubles with basic programs, this guy is seriously a great programmer; I suppose it makes sense for that game though, since it probably made the game run smooth even on bad computers and even with lots of people visiting your park

True, the former Crytek lead engineer did most of the work on D44M.

Which game is that?

Idtech 6 is pretty good.

>entire Kanto region
>without any of the dungeons
Kanto was disappointing as a kid and they still din't fix it for HGSS.


>rape sux!




>Remake GSC
>Kanto is still a barren wasteland
>Levels still fucked

Terrible when a ROM hack, Scared Gold/Storm Silver, made by one guy is infinity better than anything GF can do.

>John "the only thing I am actually credited by my fans to have ever done was copy pasted from stolen code" Carmak
keep dreaming

Gamefreak have always been shit at making games, they just got lucky with a formula that scratches everyones autism itch

I don't think so. He was hired as an artist and the earliest game with a recorded history of development he said he couldn't program it himself.

Fuck Assembly. Had an Assembly course last semester and it was annoying. Maybe the mostly falls on the teacher, but still. Sawyer is a damn madman

He made recoveries thought impossible with both HAL and Nintendo (which is part of why he was hired there). He's pretty good at what he does.

>always tried to make fun vidya for everyone
>seemed like a pretty genuine guy
>worked hard
>taken from this world too soon

Miyamoto is the only person who could literally murder Nintendo and I'd still forgive him.

This faggot is behind the autism that was Wii U, amibos and NSMB series. Fuck him

>Look him up on Google Images
>Get horse porn instead


Safari Zone being out was probably not a space issue, it was connected to a fuckton of big glitches in RBY and I'm guessing they didn't want to bother rewriting it to get rid of those.

It's mainly cause he's one of the few industry veteran deaths that happened while said veteran was still relevant.
Most of these reports are about people way into their retirement, Iwata still was the president of Nintendo when he passed away.

In another timeline carmack could have been the unabomber.

it's "RARE SUX"

What's the story behind this image anyways?

i've always wanted to know the context of this. although sometimes the mystery is mire appealing then the truth

You want crazier? He was given an Xbox dev kit and ported RCT in a month with pad controlls as an exercise. The port was as fully featured as the PC version and ran so well. Infogrammes (His publisher at the time) decided to try release it, submitted it to Microsoft to get it certified and it passed through QA check first time. Microsoft were completely amazed by it and it was released at retail about a month after it was announced.

A Fucking Wizard, man.

This meme again. Compression isn't high level programming.

>it's another muh sim game is hard ta progrum
if it ain't real-time, it's just a simple fsm which have been perfected and are easily copied in any language since before your mum was even sexually active.

Me too, honestly. Nintendo has became a lot more corporate like its competitors ever since he passed away. It's like the magic of Nintendo went with him.

To be fair, the Xbox was largely a run-of-the-mill x86 PC sans the graphics card which is still a mystery, far as I'm aware.

nuDOOM programming is mostly done by ex crytech engeneers, he didnt take part in the development as confirmed by hines.
last (ir)relevant thing carmack did was megatextures

To be fair Game Freak is really shit at programming.

Is this real? It sounds like something out of a 1990s teen summer movie

This talk is actually really interesting, thanks user

This was proven to be false. Stop sucking Kidtendo cock, child


>compresses game so that they can fit half as much more content into the cart
>life gets compressed in half with cancer

>Iwata used Curse!

Does make me wonder, who did?

i don't think there is a story really. it's just a silly battlestation picture someone made like ~2002-2005. there's another picture in the set floating around

Holy shit

glad the hack got cancer tb h

Can it be accessed?

That comeback doesn't even make sense

>Finish Nintendo game
>Executive Producer: Satoru Iwata

This feels will never end.

fast forward 2017 in america

westerners can barely get a triple A itle of a flagship series to run correctly, nevermind look good or feel good to play

talking about mass effect btw

Surely I can make a shitty platformer by myself, right?

God he's so delightful. Fuck

I honestly believe that you can

He also was a huge part of the Switch's growth. So you can add that to the list.

DS, Wii, and Switch are all Iwata. Very successful.

The Wii U, while unsuccessful, was still pretty important. We wouldnt have the Switch without the Wii U working out the kinks first.

3DS was alright, still solid.

Fuck you.

This interviewer is such a cocksucker

To the industry of today and 10 years ago, yeah it is.

>the entire Kanto region

Except it's not

And they can barely fit it on a Blu Ray.

To be fair, programming was run by darkies and women, its amazing tgere isn't a fatal error every ten minutes

Fucking fat people ruin everything. Genocide all obese fucks

This sounds like a lie that an underling spread. It's so Japanese, to make out like the head of a company is a programming genius that no other employees could even compare to.

While I agree, game freak is shit, don't you see the irony in calling them shit while calling someone piggy backing off their work not shit?

>hasn't programmed a single fun game


And the Switch, remember they were working on it under his watch.

He became the head of the company because of his skills though. That compression event was when he was just a code monkey

>record breaking best seller franchise
>Wii U was bad because he was too unhealthy to do everything perfectly, which got worse when he died
>he literally made up for it after his death by leaving the Switch idea in the table
he did nothing wrong