Post and discuss your E3 expectations.
E3 thread
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>wanting exclusives
>wanting to fuck yourself&other consumers over
You are literally the cancer killing video games.
>exclusives are killing video gaming
boy I sure do love playing games at 540p/up to 30fps because some gook executive spent money to make sure it was only playable on something using mobile phone components
>kotor 3
Was this made in 2006/7?
One of my most hateriffic e3 report cards to laugh at.
Maybe you'll get some games to play someday, PCcuck
>3DS successor announced
>right after they launched a new model and a month after the launched the Switch
Thousand Arms spiritual successor.
Firemen reboot.
Megaman Zero Hour
Parasite Eve reboot
Vanillaware's new game is a Front Mission style tbs
>3DS successor announced
Why the hell would you expect that? I doubt anyone is dumb enough to want that, so there's no way Nintendo could be dumb enough to invest in that (but then again, they did release the Wii U).
Why would they fragment their audience and development teams when they could have them all focusing on one hybrid system? A hybrid system which shits all over both the Wii U and the 3DS? I love my 3DS, but I hope Nintendo drops that shit completely and puts all of their focus into the Switch so the new system can reach it's potential.
>Switch is considered a home console
By who? It's a fucking tablet. I had a cable to connect my PSP to the TV. That certainly wasn't a home console.
by nintendo. it is a home console you can take out with you if you want
The only thing I care for from Nintendo, something that would sell me the Switch instantly, is a new F-ZERO game. Not a remaster or remake, I mean a brand spanking new game.
Template pls
Heres a link to a tech and E3 news whatsapp group. Be nice.