Huge operating losses based on existing revenues to date

>Huge operating losses based on existing revenues to date
>Massive price cuts on Playstation stores
>Preowned copies littering retail stores
>Key sites desperately trying to dump it
>Patch 1.04 did nothing to fix the huge stuttering problems and massive load times

Is this the end for Arkane?

Other urls found in this thread:!/en-us/games/prey/cid=UP1003-CUSA04493_00-PREYPS4FULLGAME1

This time I want an explanation

dishonored 2 was released unfinished because of bethesda rushing
probably same shit here

also denuvo

didn't this shit get cracked within the first week

should've specified
denuvo causes performance issues and crashing

really undeserved too since it's actually good

I hope not but I also hope bethesda burns to the ground for what they did to the rights to this game

At least all the youtubers and twitch streamers made bank from Bethesda paying them off

Sure buddy.

I played my brothers copy, it's boring asscake.

Good to see you still woking on your bait

agreed one of the better games released this year

Randomly spawning enemies around me based on whether I enter a certain room or not is downright retarded.
If anything it makes the game less than a 5/10.
Not too mention one of the loading screen tips is how you should override force lock doors in order to escape from enemies yet I got killed 4 times already by an enemy on the other side of the fucking door.

Here is why no one wants to buy it:
Monotonous level design, everything looks the same.
And the second it was revealed how the enemies looked like most of the potential buyers instantly dropped this game.

It'll probably fade into obsurity exactly like the game it spiritually succeeds (System Shock 1). It sucks because I actually like both games a lot.

>Monotonous level design, everything looks the same.
>game takes place on a single (1) space station

fuck a stick shit breath

you being bad at the game doesn't make the game bad lmao

>end of Arkane
bullshit, game is not bad. It's fault of Pete Hines ( the guy who says "I'm bored when I read dialogues IN FALLOUT"

>run 5 times around a room
>no enemy in sight
>enter door
>2 enemies suddenly patrolling hallway
>if you didn't decide to play stealthily you would have died in less than a second
>lmao u sukkk

>Stuttering and load times
I haven't heard of either of these being problems, try using an SSD. The bigger issue is piss easy gameplay, predictable story with bland characters and no replayability thanks to no NG+, in addition to weird vsync issues, forced motion blur and still being somewhat buggy. At one point i crashed because i tried to switch weapons while reloading.!/en-us/games/prey/cid=UP1003-CUSA04493_00-PREYPS4FULLGAME1

Price cut?

PS4 version is shit tier

what the fuck am I reading

Dont bother it
Digital foundry confirmed the game has best performance

Consoles my man.

As in the people who actually buy the games.

Only 260,000 bought it for PC

>performance issues
Isn't Prey easy af to run??? I thought a 1060 and an older i5 could get something like 120 fps at 1080p ultra

A post on Sup Forums would be my best guess

Yeah I was just confused by it. It runs fine on my 1060/3570K so performance really isn't one of the game's problems

Sorry to hear that, I did play the PS4 demo and found it controlled like ass and looked it too, I assumed they would've fixed it up for the console versions

On PC it does. On consoles it's a shitfest. But as I said above console gamers are the people who ultimately purchase the most copies and with two awful console versions of the game that doesn't help.

More people would try it if it wasn't called PREY.

>I assumed they would've fixed it up for the console versions

They fixed the input lag only slightly. There are massive stuttering problems for PS4 still and low resolution and AA for Xbone. Both versions have long loadtimes, up to a minute and thirty seconds.

That sounds awful, although Bethesda having any involvement in the game whatsoever certainly doesn't help that. Granted I doubt it'll help much at all but installing an SSD in the console might help with that slightly. Very slightly of course, we both know how little they can use it due to bottlenecking and it's an extreme solution.

Here's hoping they start patching the console issues, PC has gotten 4 so far I think and they've all been small but helpful, if they can cut down on the stutter and input lag then at least it'll just be longer level transitions instead of playing like ass

>more people would try it if it wasn't called PREY
>it's because they canceled prey 2!
>it's because they alienate fanbase!
>my obscure shooter from 2006 was very popular I swear!
You guys

I almost feel bad for pirating the game


Bioshock infinite
>Game takes place in a single (1) city
Tomb Raider
>Game takes place on a single (1) island
I could go on....
And about the enemies: Oh, a small black goo thingie
Later, oh, a slighty bigger black goo thingie...
Also: Devs be like: Let's put a lot of story and character interactions in the first hour of the game, so that the people who watch a bit of the game on youtube think this is how the whole game wil lbe and then make the rest of the game just an e-mail reading simulator.