This is one of a very small number of original first-party Nintendo games (i.e...

This is one of a very small number of original first-party Nintendo games (i.e. not rereleases of a Wii U game) to look forward to on the Nintendo Switch.

Is putting so much money into console R&D and manufacturing taking away from their resources to produce original titles? If so, is Nintendo going third party really such a bad idea for the grand scheme of things?

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HD gaming is dragging everything down. Not just Nintendo. Iwata said they'd focus on "fewer" games that would get added to with DLC along with re-releases.

>making a shit thread like this a week before e3

>Putting the most money and the best resources into the next mainline Mario title

All is right in the world.


That's certainly true across the board with many developers, but the problem is that those developers are third parties who aren't restricted to a specific brand. The point of Nintendo's brand is how good their own games are, but couldn't they afford to produce a lot more new games if they weren't pouring resources into these consoles that don't really have merit besides being the only ones that have Nintendo made games on them?

No. Console R&D is completely separate from games.

It's hard to call it completely separate when it's all within the Nintendo umbrella. It's like, Nintendo could cut out console R&D and it isn't like that money would just disappear. It would be that much more money to put into game development, which is my point.

Console R&D also generates revenue though, so yeah, that money would just disappear


Yeah, it is. The second Nintendo goes third-party, it'll become a mobile developer. You won't get a 4K Mario/Zelda/Smash on a Playstation or high-end PC, and I'm sure you're fantasizing about that.

It depends! You make it sound like Nintendo games produced for a non-Nintendo platform wouldn't make revenue. This is what I'm saying: the Switch, so far, hardly has anything worth playing or looking forward to on it that isn't a Wii U game or rerelease of something already out. This seems at least to some extent to be evidence that the production of the Switch has been taking away from Nintendo's ability to produce original first-party games for it, no? And so if that's the case, if Nintendo went third-party and didn't have to worry about devoting costs to console manufacturing and could just go all-in with producing games, they could make more and that would be a win for everybody, right?

>a Wii U game
what the hell is a WiiU

>f they weren't pouring resources into these consoles that don't really have merit besides being the only ones that have Nintendo made games on them?
I'd say that being the only handheld console for the foreseeable future is somewhat of a merit.

> Switch out of stock all over the world
> Fuck it, its time to go third party

Except it's really only wasted money when the console isn't doing so well. If the Switch is the Wii-tier success it's looking to be then it'll definitely be better for Nintendo to make consoles as that'll give them additional revenue, more than what was put into console R&D to begin with.

You're also forgetting other costs, like manufacturer's cut, and also the fact that developing a game for PC would take twice as long as it would for the Switch, so redirecting funds would be moot.

I'm not talking about a PC fag who wants his high end graphics fetish fully realized with Link or Mario on the screen. I'm talking about it looking like Nintendo is struggling to put out original titles right now, most likely because of all the resources they have devoted to console development, and thinking, "hey, if Nintendo went third party and didn't have to worry about putting money into console development, doesn't that mean they could afford to put more resources towards game development and make more new games"? Because frankly, the fact that the current big release for the Switch is a port of a Mario Kart they put out two years ago is kind of sad.

I'm not shit talking the company. I had a subscription to Nintendo Power for like, five years. I loved the N64 and defended the Gamecube to hell and back on message boards back in the early 2000s. But at this point it's like...okay, you have nothing going for your console business other than the fact that it's the only one that has Nintendo games. And that's great! I'm all for Nintendo making money. But I'm noticing now, it seems like Nintendo is putting out less and less original games (especially with all these rumors of the next Smash Bros. being just a rerelease of Smash 4, which seems very likely). So it's like, okay, you seem to be having some trouble producing all-new installments to the beloved franchises that compel people to buy these systems in the first place. So, if you can produce more of these games, more reliably, and have more people play them because they can do so on consoles they already want to buy with or without Nintendo games being on them...what exactly is the harm, again?

>his seems at least to some extent to be evidence that the production of the Switch has been taking away from Nintendo's ability to produce original first-party games for it, no?

No it doesn't. Look at what the Wii launch was like. Twlight Princess and Wii Sports. Wii U was Nintendoland and New Super Mario Bros. U.

Look at the Xbox One or PS4 launch. Barely any first-person games and the few they had at launch were all pretty mediocre.

I'm not saying the Switch has a great launch, it's admittedly pretty slow, but it's not that much slower than any of their previous launches or the launches of their competitors hardware.

>complaining about them not having announced any games when e3 is literally a fucking week away

>Is putting so much money into console R&D and manufacturing taking away from their resources to produce original titles
SEGA proves this is false.

going third party would only rise the development cost since they would have to make the same game for more systems, plus the games wouldn't be as good as they currently are because they wouldn't be optimized for the hardware they would run on...

>Nintendo is struggling to put out original titles right now
>literally the best first year line up compared to Wii U, PS4 and Xbone

It's not out of stock. It's being sold in all sorts of places except for a far higher price than MSRP because "stock is so low." Ordering a Switch online is easy if you're willing to spend $400.

You might have a point. It's very early in the console's life cycle, and E3 hasn't even happened yet... But man. I've been a Nintendo fanboy since my preteens and I'm kind of getting sick of this. It's like, "you'll want to buy this system if you want the next [beloved Nintendo franchise] despite the gap a half of a dozen years before release, but to keep up with anything else in video games, you have to buy another console." The Switch might be selling like mad for its successful advertisement but its games lineup is a fucking joke so far. Its main launch title is a game that's also on Wii U. The current hot game for it is also a rerelease of a Wii U game. The up and coming releases for it at this point are a potentail re release of a Wii U game and a sequel to the same (Splatoon). At this point I have to wonder, is Nintendo going third party really such a bad idea FOR THE AUDIENCE? Yeah, you can talk about all the money they're "losing" from console sales, but you also conveniently forget how literally MILLIONS more people would pay to play their games on other consoles without them having to devote costs to develop systems that have no purpose other than playing Nintendo games.

No would be great idea

It is out of stock at legitimate vendors.*

>The Switch might be selling like mad for its successful advertisement but its games lineup is a fucking joke so far
Compare it to the first year of PS4/Xbone, the Switch easily wins

The first result for a search on Amazon is a *NEW* release of the new Joycon colors at $427. There isn't actually a shortage of available Switches, it's a publicity excuse for Nintendo to charge far more than their own supposed MSRP and make a much better return.

So if Nintendo's primary business model is to jew the consumer out of more money for what they advertise as being much cheaper than what they actually charge, what's exactly the harm in Nintendo not manufacturing consoles?

Scalpers are not legitimate vendors.

Do you even know how stupid you are?

I wasn't aware scalpers could sell products on Amazon as being brand new.

I really hope to God you're not implying that Mario Odyssey must've been initially a wiiu game or something, cause what we've seen in the trailer alone looks a fuckton better than anything in 3D World


>seriously being this fucking retarded

Scalpers can sell their own brand-new items as brand-new on Amazon, yes.

Sup Forums is the dumbest board on Sup Forums

>calls me retarded
>has to prove what's supposedly common knowledge by linking a wiki article

Come the fuck on, I'm sure plenty of people associate "new" with "direct from the manufacturer." I'm embarrassed as hell, but honestly, you're playing this up to detract from my original point.

Let's say Nintendo announced they're putting games out on other systems in the middle of the Switch life cycle. You have a Switch, you can play them just fine, but now people who bought other systems can play them as well. Would this be a problem? Would you feel like you bought a Switch for nothing?

No user, you're just dumb.

No. Having a console weaker then a toaster laptop is what results in fewer games since no one wants to develop for it.

WiiU is a failed console that had potential money makers locked to it, I assume that Nintendo is producing less original titles to make Deluxe versions of WiiU games that will produce more money than WiiU versions.

No, what is happening is that we no longer believe you are intelligent enough to have anything of worth to say since we have found cases where you are clearly underage

>I assume that Nintendo is producing less original titles to make Deluxe versions of WiiU games that will produce more money than WiiU versions.
God I hope not


Id Software stomped out 12 games during their first year, and those games were varying degrees of good to really good. Certainly worth their money. They were just 4 guys.

Bonus: When Nintendo asked them to port DOOM to the SNES as fast as possible, they had no experience with the system, had to read into it first and learn how it worked.
Porting the game took them 2 Weeks

I know you can't compare the likes of Romero or Carmack to most people, but damn.

pic related is where they programmed in the early days during summer

>, is Nintendo going third party really such a bad idea for the grand scheme of things?
come on sony friend, stop bein bitter sweet and buy a switch


Sony, Square and even Capcom had zero problems in either generation, yet Nintendo (whom fans claim are the richest and most profitable company there is) simply cannot

The most genius game designers and programmers of the industry, the best artists and coders, they simply cannot comprehend how to render an empty field or how to make party chat work

Clearly this is the fault of everyone else, Nintendo are perfect and without a fault

>The Switch might be selling like mad for its successful advertisement but its games lineup is a fucking joke so far.
so history do repeat itself?

we are the unfiltered garbage can and some how we manage to still be better than Neogaf

>is Nintendo going third party really such a bad idea for the grand scheme of things?
Yeah. You end up screwing over the fanbase who now have to buy multiple company's systems to get their games.

That's not how it works. Ports don't take up the equivalent development resources of new games. For example, Switch has Mario Kart 8 Deluxe instead of a brand-new Mario Kart, but the Mario Kart team is developing Arms instead.

>Sony, Square and even Capcom had zero problems in either generation
>being this retarded

Sony, Square, and Capcom have all had major issues with HD generations. Sony completely fucked up the PS3 architecture, so now backwards compatibility is streaming. The Last Guardian got delayed until the next console. Same with Final Fantasy Versus XIII / XV. Capcom are meeting none of their performance goals.

and dont forget VII remake and KH III will be moved to 9th gen

Nobody bought a wiiu

It's not like Nintendo can't afford the manpower, they've let countless studios slip through their fingers, could have brought fatlus, could have brought thq, could have brought eidos, but they didn't. I think the only explanation is the issue that if Nintendo did there's a chance that they'd have all their bases covered and third party would have no real inways into their consumer base, If I were them I'd just buy Capcom, Konami, Platinum and KT and do exactly that, I'd never run out of IPs, I'd become immortal.

Ya know, this didn't stop sony from releasing the ps4 when the ps3 was literally only remakes of ps2 or ps1 games.

Why doesn't sony go 3rd party?
because they don't make any games

There is a major Nintendo first-party release each month for the remainder of the year, you are retarded.

Holy shit just buy a switch already

Because their games have no appeal outside of their core fanboys.

That's some pretty funny revisionist history right there

>Nintendo is struggling to put out original titles right now, most likely because of all the resources they have devoted to console development
This is the single stupidest comment of all time on Sup Forums.

No one can actually be this retard and think that hardware development somehow takes major time from software development. Only thing the devs had to do was learn Unreal Engine and tell Nintendo what they'd want from their new hardware, Nintendo doesn't tell their 1st party dev team to stop working on a new Mario game so they can somehow work on a new console, shit doesn't work that way at all.

>Splatoon 2

>FE: Warriors
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Yeah, you geniuses deciphered it, I really do want to buy a Switch! Because I'm a fan of Nintendo games like I've said this whole fucking thread. And yet I'm also a fan of other games and don't feel like dropping $300+ to play just Nintendo games especially when most of them are from the failed system they already put out. I would like to save a few hundreds of dollars for other systems with many more games that I would like to play.

You console war Nintendo fans seem to think it's all about talking shit about Nintendo in the name of some other brand. Wake up to the real world. I have fucking bills to pay. I love Nintendo games; I'd like to have a decent enough of a number of them to justify a Nintendo made console, and when I see there aren't enough of those games, I seriously wonder how Nintendo going 3rd party is such a bad thing when it could mean having more of those games and letting more of those people play them.

Could a fanboy explain the counterpoint to this without bringing up how their dev-fu would "lose revenue" despite it not affecting them in the slightest?

>full price expansion pack
>wiiu boxing rehash
>casual bullshit
Don't count lol

If Nintendo wasn't developing for their own hardware they would be developing on a much higher graphical standard, you might actually be retarded.

>I assume that Nintendo is producing less original titles to make Deluxe versions of WiiU games that will produce more money than WiiU versions.

God, I hope so. Imagine Bayo 1&2, #FE or maybe a comfy Color Splash on the go.

And yes, fuck you, CS isn't deep, but it's a comfy and simple adventure, I had Monster Hunter for fucking my shit up.

thats just because most people these days absolutely hate good gameplay

>I really do want to buy a switch

Well then why haven't you yet?

There's literally one port man.

>Disgaea 5
>Monster Hunter

As long as MHXX gets a US release I'm good all fucking year.

>full price expansion pack
New game modes
entirely new horde mode
new single player campaign and story
new hub area
new character customization options
totally new weapons.
Yeah. Totally just an expansion pack.

>calling 3D mario casual

It's masterful game design where even a little kid can pick up a controller and have fun, but even adults have a hard time to git gud.

Just look at SM64. It was super fun as a kid, but I never could beat it until I was in my late teens.

>>full price expansion pack
2 years later and Splatoon salt keep delivering

Poor Carmack is now getting his ass sued because he followed the VR meme.

>>wiiu boxing rehash
This is how we spot literal pieces of salt around here

>It's okay when Sony does it!

There's literally an original title coming out the week after next and Nintendo has a game an exclusive every month for the rest of the year.

Nice bait I guess.

>don't have to worry about putting money into console development

Okay here's the core of your bait, Nintendo doesn't have money issues, and they have dedicated hardware staff who only understand and make hardware, Nintendo are not releasing less games or losing out anything because they make hardware.

>most people

Sony's core fanbase is only around 10 million big, I wouldn't call that most people.

>mfw the Switch already has more worthwhile games and PS4 or Xbone

I still need to play Bloodborne though.

>Sony, Square and even Capcom had zero problems in either generation
Did you come from a different universe? Because they all had issues as well

ffs I'm not baiting, I like Nintendo as a company and would like them making MORE money, as in more money to make more good games, which I think is a viable outcome of them not having to manufacture consoles, and would make them more money in return from the expanded audience

this is some GameFAQs console wars bullshit, am I really not making this clear? because I've said it like four times

>and would like them making MORE money

>More Money
>goint 3rd party
>having to pay dev kits
>having to pay royalties
>having to pay licensing fess
>More Money

This is where your thinking is wrong. Nintendo as a company is incentivized by their hardware in order to make good software. They know that the hardware can't succeed without quality software. You wouldn't be seeing Super Mario Odyssey and Zelda Breath of The Wild on PS4, you'd be seeing Super Mario Run 2 on IOS.

Expanded audience means they're only one of the tons of third party devs, who have to pay royalities and deal with whatever bullshit Sony/MS does. Not to mention making games for their systems costs a few times more. Why would they cut their hardware sales, brand, Amiibo AND pay more to develop games?

Bloodborne, Nier and the Gravity Rush games are whats mainly tempting me on getting a PS4.

Sega did not enter a game development or business renaissance after they went third party and started making their games for other consoles.

Why can't we apply that same logic to Sony? Why doesn't Sony drop out of the hardware market and make games for Switch and Xbox? Why doesn't Microsoft drop out and make games for Switch and PS4?

Nintendo actually said something about being over those issues, I don't get why people are saying that this is a struggle, Nintendo has what 4 first party games for the second half of the year and E3 hasn't even hit, and the console just released, it's not looking at all bad, and with say Int Sys, Grezzo, Hal, Camelot, Arzest and some of Nintendo's own internal studios putting out their last 3ds games this year and jumping to Switch development is only going to speed up.

This is bait, Nintendo has more to gain if they control the platform themselves, Nintendo made more in a single year of the Wii than Sony has made from the PS4's entire lifetime. I think maybe 2 years of the Wii is the PS2's entire lifetime, and I think all years of the Wii is Sony's entire Playstation divisions lifetime.

Microsoft makes games? Could have fooled me, I haven't seen any worthwhile exclusive since Killer Fucking Instinct.

>Why doesn't Microsoft drop out and make games for Switch and PS4?
What games?? their 1st party lines are a complete unaltered joke. only like 1 Game per gen makes fuzz and thats it. 90% of people that buy PS4 / Xbox is for the 3rd party normie shit like CoD or Fifa

Microsoft uses Xbone as a part of their Windows 10 brand, promoting the deal to buy games on their weaker hardware, but also get a free superior PC experience if you want.

Sony depends on their console brand and has a ton of money in it, while also being successful in each generation, so devs listen to them - they get all the western and Japanese releases. There's no point for them in going third party if the PS brand is so strong.

Nintendo has IPs worth the most out of anyone else. They have consoles just for their IPs and people buy that shit - people buy whatever handheld Nintendo makes for Pokemon, they get consoles for Mario, Zelda or Kirby.

Microsoft is cross promotion of W10, Sony is the tie between Japan and west, Nintendo is strong IPs.

That's it. If anyone deciided to bail, it'll be MS if they decide their Windows Store is shit - if anything, I'd see them maybe trying to talk to Valve about developing an Xbox console with Steam on it, buying console games with free PC Steam versions and getting rid of the Windows Store.

This argument doesn't apply because the vast majority of games in the entire market are shared between those platforms. What Sony-made or Microsoft-made games would be added to the Switch library if you wanted to make this a converse argument? None, because they're the providers of a platform and little else. And yet that's enough. Meanwhile, Nintendo devotes all of its company resources to making systems and making games that are only going to be on their own systems. And thus far, the games they've made are less than original, lending the impression they don't have the resources to make a brand new Mario Kart (rereleasing Mario Kart 8) or a brand new Smash (rumors of rereleasing Smash Bros. 4) early into the console life cycle like they did with the N64 and Gamecube respectively. Are Switch console sales expected to last if this keeps up? Keep in mind the Wii U had a "shortage" at launch that was quickly forgotten when nothing noteworthy came out for it and it soon after became the bomb we know it as today.

>Sony depends on their console brand and has a ton of money in it, while also being successful in each generation, so devs listen to them - they get all the western and Japanese releases. There's no point for them in going third party if the PS brand is so strong.
A) PS3 was the worst any hardware manufacturer EVER did. 7 fucking Billions looses in 5 years.

B) Devs dont listen to Sony, Sony, bends forwards and opens its butt to devs cause Sony is fully aware that their games are niche as fuck in the gran scheme, Nintendo without 3rd party is still Nintendo, Sony without 3rd party is nothing.

K keep me posted

What game shortage are you talking about? There's a major first-party Nintendo game releasing every month, not to mention lots of indie support and a medium amount of major third-party support for the remainder of the year.

no user, he is right, if a console dont get any single trash under the sun, its a shortage. we need gems like Prey so Switch will fail.

>This is bait, Nintendo has more to gain if they control the platform themselves, Nintendo made more in a single year of the Wii than Sony has made from the PS4's entire lifetime. I think maybe 2 years of the Wii is the PS2's entire lifetime, and I think all years of the Wii is Sony's entire Playstation divisions lifetime.

Easily. Everything until the PS4 basically cancels each other out because the PS3 was such an abysmal failure, so it's really just the Wii vs. the PS4.

Why are you complaining so much about ports when there's only one fucking port on the system right now, and it wasn't even developed by the Mario Kart team? The PS4 had infinitely more ports then the Switch had when it released. If you want to consider BOTW a port, then the majority of PS4's first 2 year lineup were also ports.

>Is putting so much money into console R&D and manufacturing taking away from their resources to produce original titles?

If that was true the switch wouldnt have been awful when it launched.

BotW and their new titles are whats taking so long. BotW alone destroyed the switches launch by taking every damn QA department they could find and because of that we got a shit half broken underfeatured pos yet a decent game with havok physics that arent completely retarded.

Now that its all over everyone has been moved back to their proper teams so we can expect business as usual from them, hardware revisions new IPs and classic franchises.

im sure Nintendo has not have any problem making Money

PS4 has no chance, to go anywhere near Wii profits, and that's with the goldmine of online subs which have a massive profit margin, Sony's Playstation division profits are in line with the money they make from Subs, I wonder why.

fuck off retarded frogposter