Which (original) game was the best, Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Duke Nukem or Quake?
Which (original) game was the best, Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Duke Nukem or Quake?
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I wanna fuck that girl also doom was the best
>not including Wolfenstein
Nobody would have picked it. Doom is so much better.
Duke Nukem by far
If you meant to say Duke Nukem 3D, then that. If you really mean the original Duke Nukem, then Doom
Sorry, meant 3D
Blood, dumbass.
I would let her fuck me
Shadow Warrior
>no wolfenstein
You're posting a trap pic and expect people to discuss games? Good luck with that.
That's not a trap
It's a girl (female)
Never been a fan of fantasy theme in games but HeXen made a huge difference. Also the idea of combining puzzles with action is fucking neat.
Doom for me is the most playable. It's probably the only game where if the .wad I'm trying to play isn't working I'll just go through the original levels for 45 minutes.
Quake has some incredible atmosphere, though. The game is downright creepy.
Duke 3D is definitely the best 2.5D FPS. (((Silverman))) is a fucking genius.
I never played Blood. Was it really that good?
yes, so was its sequel - if not more so
edgy, but funny and fast-paced and violent
Yeah. It's got a lot of interesting weapons and enemies that take influence from horror movies.
good level design, good weapons, cool monsters. It is as good as everyone claims it to be. Out of the OP's list, I'd say Quake is the only overrated one there and has aged the worst out of all the classic shooters.
It really was that good. I'm gonna copy paste what I wrote in /vr/.
Just about every single aspect of Blood is top notch, to the point that it's almost mindblowing how much they got right.
Design-wise, the immense difficulty curve is countered by the sheer amount of choice available to the player. Not only are there a huge amount of weapons, each with their own alt-fire, but they each fill their own roles in a way that they're more or less equally effective, allowing the player to interpret each encounter in a multitude of ways. Fights are quick, flashy, and hard won. The levels are intricate, but have a solid flow and visual style that makes the player feel like they're exploring a complex area without making them lost (usually).
Technologically, it pushes the Build engine to make everything from great setpiece moments to wonderfully subtle sound cues and visual changes, making the levels look and feel alive. The carnival games in Episode 1, the floating and breaking glaciers and ice in Episode 2 (not to mention the subtlety of The Haunting), the bombing runs and demolitions of Episode 3, and all of the ways that enemies can be blown apart, lit on fire, and have their heads kicked around.
Audio-visually, the weapons are deeply satisfying to use, the enemies are memorable in sight and sound, and the palette of colors and textures makes the gothic world immersive and believable. Not to mention the soundtrack and the excellently understated voice of Caleb.
It takes the fundamentals of Doom -- an extremely varied bestiary, a toolbox of satisfying weaponry, complex but well-flowing level design, and excellent visual and sound design -- and puts them into an overdriven Build engine to make one of the most exciting feeling shooters in history.
It's a goddamn shame that the lack of 3D graphics made everyone overlook it for Quake. It really is an incredible game.
Can you play all of those game with gzdoom ?
Doom, Heretic and Hexen
Doom, Heretic, and Hexen. Duke requires EDuke32 unless you can get your hands on the Megaton Edition or you're willing to accept the 20th Anniversary from Gearbox. Quake requires a sourceport, I'd recommend Quakespasm. Blood has to be played in DOSBOX, but there's a pseudo-sourceport being worked on called gdxBlood that's been released and getting updated.
Blood > Doom ≥ Quake > Duke > Heretic > Shadow Warrior > Strife > Hexen >>> Redneck Rampage
>Duke Nukem
I would place Strife a bit higher, maybe equal to Heretic
also, you forgot Marathon
At least we know that navigating mazes is not your strong suite. Hexen is otherwise the best one of the bunch.
I do hate puzzles, though I don't necessarily mind keycard hunts. But 4 weapons is a joke too.
I did. I played it a long while ago, and I only remember a vent maze. It wouldn't be fair to judge it on one god awful vent maze.
Quake 1 has still yet to be dethroned as the GOAT shooter imo. It just feels so satisfying to play, projectile weapons, on the fly weapon switching, HUAH'ing all over the place.
Don't know what the fuck is getting at.
I guess I'll give Strife another shot. I kept assuming a more Deus Ex style game than I guess the technology allowed at the time, but this review convinced me to give it another go.
4 weapons times 3 for each class. Plus Hexen isn't so long so that the 4 weapons per character becomes much of an issue.
Hexen 2 is slightly longer so the limited arsenal is a bit worse, but the Book of Power that powers up each weapon makes it slightly more bearable.
I don't see how the hell Quake aged worse than any of the other games mentioned unless you're overly concerned about its muted color scheme and use of low poly models instead of sprites. The movement is the best its ever been in the genre (perfect balance between smooth and snappy, faster strafe speed than forward speed for better dodging of projectiles) and the levels flow more fluidly and comprehensibly than the other games.
2D Duke Nukem?
level design is mediocre on average and completely ignored all the advances that level designing got post-Doom (i.e using real set pieces for locations instead of abstract dungeon-like corridors and rooms), the coloring *is* awful and the guns are really, really boring. Doom 1 & 2 with a high res mod look better than Quake. With Brutal Doom they play way better than Quake.
Doom for SP, Quake for MP
Q3 is better though
Quake came out before stuff Quake II and Half-life did, there were little to no "advances" beyond Doom's abstact level design at the time. Abstact level design is superior anyway and leads to more creative and interesting gameplay. Quake improved upon Doom's abstact level design in many ways and it's not "dungeon-like" in the slightest. Dungeon-like implies labyrinthine and nondescript level design which is anything but applicable to Quake. Quake's level design, thanks to the full 3D engine and also to the experience its level designers have gained over the years, is not only very creative and abstract making most rooms instantly distinguishable but they also flow very smoothly. The levels make use of shortcuts that were not possible in pseudo-3D engines and cut down on the use of disorienting teleporters. You don't even have a map in Quake because the levels flow so smoothly you don't need one. Your impression of the game and its surrounding history is poor at best.
>ctrl+f unreal
>no results
wow Sup Forums just wow
Played Doom, Doom II, and Heretic for the first time and enjoyed them greatly. Now I'm playing Hexen but I'm not enjoying it as much as the other games. Maybe because it's just a slower game in general and even more maze like. In my first playthrough, I'm playing as the cleric, and I feel like it takes ages to kill enemies with the mace and the magic kinda feels underwhelming. Should I keep going or should I pick a different class for my first playthrough?
Or am I just a pleb?
> there were little to no "advances" beyond Doom's abstact level design at the time
Why are you ignoring the build engine games? Is it because that's the only way you can pretend to have an actual argument for Quake?
Strife is just kinda weird. It tries to do this immersive sim design like System Shock or Deus Ex where there's multiple ways to handle the same situation and even dialogue trees to presumably talk your way out of stuff. But every time you actually try to complete an objective, it's almost guaranteed that the alarm will go off, and everyone descends on you and it turns into a typical FPS. And to make things weirder, objectives where you have to talk to someone won't be affected by what's going on, so you'll gun 5 guards down right in front of a factory manager and he'll still just ask for your ID and tell you not to cause trouble. It's an ambitious game, but it's so limited by the Doom engine that it loses coherence.
>You don't even have a map in Quake.
How have I never noticed this before.
Quake has been in development longer than DN3D and the latter's release was only a few months prior to the former's. And I wouldn't consider DN3D an advancement, it's more like a diversion.
Duke Nukem 3d is definitely a better solo and coop experience than all those. Doom came out a few years earlier and shouldn't be compared to Duke and especially Quake. Not sure why you put both Hexen and Heretic up there with them when there are some better choices out there like Blood
check out DUSK on steam
>tfw been playing Heretic these last three days.
Difficulty 5 and i'm wand-starting too. I play a level every time my internet drops out. I'm up to E3M3 so far.
Only Build game/expansion i've yet to play after this is Strife.
Don't even bother with these plebs, user. Patricians like you and I know how fucking incredible Quake was and is. The redditlets are tainted by years of Cawdooty. Nothing will ever approach the masterful level design, atmosphere and brilliant balancing of Quake.