What does Sup Forums think of the new Doom? Personally, I hate the finishing moves. Would like to be able to just focus on shooting stuff rather than being forced to do finishing moves for drops.
What does Sup Forums think of the new Doom? Personally, I hate the finishing moves...
As a classic DOOM fanatic, I hated it.
While I'm happy its not generic modern "cod" FPS, it's a boring vanilla game that people get a boner over the graphics instead of having fun tense gameplay
Severe lack of monsters IMO.
Whatever gramps, this game captures that brutal "doom" feeling better than the originals and expsnds the lore and finally gives us some story telling.
>xpsnds the lore and finally gives us some story telling
The story was utter shit. Would have liked the game more without it desu.
I loved it, screw the older games.
Nostalgia fag
>video games
jesus fuck go read a book you dumb cunt.
Doom purists are obviously going to hate it, but I thought it was pretty good, just in a different way than the first Doom.
Literally nobody is standing there with a gun telling you to press F or die.
But I will die if I don't. So I am forced to do so.
But that means you are just not good enough.
Why don't you try playing Doom on Ultra-Nightmare difficulty without using finishing moves? I'm sure it'll be fun.
>game is designed around a shitty mechanic
>lol just don't use it
They don't have I-frames(Or at least not a lot). Using them on Nightmare or above is a death wish. It's a lot easier to survive without them.
have fun getting trashed as soon as the finishing move is over.
Bull fucking shit. I have beaten the game on nightmare relying exclusively on finisher moves. "LOL you cant beat the game on nightmare using finishers" is a bullshit meme perpetuated by nudoom apologists like you.
>They don't have I-frames
Yes they do
>It's a lot easier to survive without them.
Nice fucking meme, are you really telling me it's easier to survive without a vital feature that gives you health (and potentially also armor or movement speed), saves ammo, and makes you invincible during the animation?
>makes you invincible during the animation
That's the most retarded thing about it. The monsters just LET you do these silly moves and actually wait for you to finish before attacking. Completely unrealistic.
I don't mind finishing moves as much as I do the level structure. Just let me roam around the levels with shit already spawned instead of locking me into arenas every 2 minutes and spawning enemies at me.
Yeah, I hate that too.
Ripped off the Serious Sam gameplay with the finishers but they didn't include the massive amount of enemies.
I mean, it was a great game, but if you're going to copy Serious Sam, copy the good parts.
Extremely fun to play through once, havent felt like playing through it again.
Multiplayer was complete dogshit.
>relying exclusively on finisher moves
Man you are so full of shit
monster design was generic
>I hate the finishing moves.
Surprise, surprise, you don't have to use it.
Serious sam copied original doom
>I like pointlessly wasting ammo
Don't miss then
>finishing moves
Mechanically, they ruin the entire game, which otherwise has potential.
Plus, muddy visuals with blobby amorphic monsters seen through a piss-filter, and drab generic environments (not abstract enough for a Doom game).
I find it hilarious how virtually everyone but Sup Forums find this game good. One of the only times i flat out think Sup Forums is 100% wrong. A 1 to 1 Doom remake wouldn't have worked and only would have done well with you tryhards.
This so much, the game has it's details but Sup Forums spergs over it worse than the annual CoD or GoW.
I loved the game. It didn't break any ground in terms of mechanics, since it was basically a professionally-done Brutal Doom, but everything it did, it did well. The gameplay was very responsive, the OST was amazing, the storytelling and world building were done the best way one could do them (non-intrusively, mostly optional), it looked great, etc.
It was a solid ass game, hopefully they'll announce a sequel soon.
Nah, plenty of people like it here, it just varies from thread to thread. We've had entire threads devoted to comfy discussion.
Doom 1 had 8 monsters user
I thinks it's alright. It's not Doom but it's alright. It tries too hard and it doesn't really try to be Doom other than
>fighting demons
>no REAL story
One thing that gave Doom it's feeling is its really fast pace which it lacks. Oddly enough Quake Champions has the correct pace for a Doom/Quake game. Another thing is that in Doom levels were designed so that you didn't have to jump. In this game there is a surprising amount of platforming.
Another problem is that you are locked in small arenas with many enemies like
says. It's more like Serious Sam than Doom where enemies are sprinkled around levels. The music tries to go for hard rock/metal when in the original it was varied between metal and original pieces.
Haha nope
The hell are you talking about? Storywise, the new Doom sucks ass.
You fool! It is there for future HD44m.
Why don't you give it a spin, big boy?
I feel its a good mix between classic DOOM level exploration and Serious Sam arena battle style engagements.
Classic Doom is really easy, outside of weird wads because of how easy it is to disengage.
I didn't mean different types of monsters, but the QUANTITY of them. You never run into swarms of monsters in the new Doom.
>this game captures that brutal "doom" feeling
Actually, the mechanics of nu-DOOM are based on Unreal Tournament, not DOOM.
>double jumping
>alt-fire on all weapons
>Shotgun with Grenade Launcher is literally the Flak Cannon
>Plasma with Stun is literally the Bio Rifle
>Triple-launching Rocket Launcher
>UT-style focus on vertical movement in enclosed arenas
I agree in certain aspects, but
>Doom levels were designed so that you didn't have to jump
Doom was a 2D game with a 3D perspective. If you've ever researched it (or at the very least watched the Did You Know Gaming episode on it), you'll realize the levels were all created on a 2D plane and then had their perspective altered to give an illusion of moving through them in 3D from a first person perspective. It wasn't that they weren't designed to not have to jump, you literally COULDN'T have jumped, because everything was technically flat to begin with. It boiled down to lack of processing power, not necessarily game design.
Yes, but it's because of that 2D limitation they had to design the game so that you didn't jump or have to. Weather they wanted you to or not, you couldn't jump. So they designed the game around it.
Right, but my point is, they could very well have wanted to from the start and simply couldn't. I don't think they've ever made an official statement about it one way or the other.
Im a gramp so you know.
blah blah not as good but still a decent game
I just dont like modern shooter design and replaying older games made me realize why I dropped off shooters besides more physically based stuff.
>Doom was a 2D game
Explain projectiles travelling diagonally up/down then.
>but if you're going to copy Serious Sam, copy the good parts
Which are? Horde shooters are a blight to the genre.
Did you not read the rest of my post?
I agree.
Most of the game is good, but the SO CINEMATIC finishing moves are a shit addition. Still a fun game though.
>It boiled down to lack of processing power, not necessarily game design
That doesn't mean it wasn't good game design though.
Just because new technology opens new options doesn't mean those options make the game better.
Big Ass Arenas/Areas
hundreds of enemies attacking you at the same time
NuDoom is a Serious Sam ripoff but bad and it shows.
It's fine, but it feels more like Serious Sam, and not Doom. Doom is not really about evading projectiles and going fast, even though at higher difficulties you have to do those things a lot. Doom is not about going in the middle of the monster crowd, because every single shot you take is dangerous. Just one Hell Baron will fuck you up if you're not careful. It's a lot more about enemy management, using level design to your advantage. Doom is more... deliberate, it's not as frantic as Sam.