what went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Nothing. That's why these threads are being made.
incredibly slow paced
they never shut up about the phantom thieves
its fucking garbage
4golden > all
Can´t romance best girl.
futaba is a hardcore redditgager but gets a free pass for some reason
There's no 'good' hard difficulty. Merciless would be great, but it drives EXP/money rates into the ground, in a game where the damage formula gives you the middle finger if you're five levels below the boss.
It feels like a game that came out way too late for its own good. It just has way too few good ideas for the 7 years it took for this game to come out.
What do you mean? People dislike girls like that because they do it for the attention, and not because they're genuinely into whatever it is. Futaba for all intents and purposes is genuine about her interests.
Loved the game but the last part was poor. You can really see how they ran out of time at the end. It's not quite Xenogears-tier, but some things, e.g. Haru, show how they quickly rushed to wrap things up after a certain point, which left the end feeling empty.
How can you tell if you're a Jew?
Someone explain to me what happened at Sae's palace. It still confuses my simple brain.
I agree with this. I loved every minute I spent on my first playthrough of P5, but it really feels like a super polished refinement of P3/P4 than anything revolutionary. At least I liked the cast much better than the previous two games.
It definitely has its flaws but I still think it's fantastic and was totally worth the long wait.
Which part? Goro being clever or everything after Sae's boss fight?
everything after Sae's boss fight
Wow that fucking final arc...they really should have just tied the depths into Shido using the metaverse for his own gain with Wakaba's research and stuff like that, and kept the ship as the final dungeon. Seriously what the hell was that, the Igor reveal was nice but that EVERYTHING from as soon as the Grail started talking.
Very unsatisfying ending to the game. I don't think I'm ever replaying past Shido.
>Goro brings a fuckhuge police squad into the Metaverse to capture the PT
>PT knew about this
>fake stealing the treasure so the palace doesn't collapse
>Joker gets captured so the rest can escape
>gets brought into interrogation roam down in the police building
>prologue happens
>convinces Sae to take his phone
>Sae meets Goro in the hallway
>Futaba activates Metaverse app, taking Sae and Goro into Sae's palace in the Metaverse
>Goro (still in the Metaverse) kills Sae's cognition of Joker sitting in the interrogation room
>Futaba gets Sae out of the Metaverse to free real Joker
I skipped some details, but you should get the idea.
>what went wrong?
pic related
Had they just chosen to make the party average in terms of intelligence instead of drooling retards, this """"advisor"""" wouldn't be needed.
Goro used the app to bring a shitload of special police into the metaverse and raided her palace.
they waited for his signal then attacked when you were all exhausted from the boss fight. he also made the shadows in the palace attack you at the same time.
shit got hectic and they weren't able to steal the treasure without losing their chance to escape. that was actually intentional because they needed sae's palace to remain standing
Joker volunteered to go out and be the decoy while the rest escaped
joker got pinned by the cops, knocked out, an dragged to a nearby secret interrogation room
Joker convinced sae to show akechi the phone on her way out, and futaba used a backdoor she'd put in it to activate the app remotely, sending akechi to the metaverse version of the interrogation room, which looked exactly the same because it while it was in the metaverse of sae's palace it wasn't in the location of her distortian
the rest of the phantoms had already found the fake joker who existed within sae's palace (because she saw him and the other's there in the audience for the trial she was engaged in) and place him in the metaverse interrogation room
akechi killed that thinking it was the real joker
sae then took the real joker, smuggled him out (having told the guard he should leave if he doesn't want to be 'disposed of' once akechi entered the metaverse)
akechi had assumed a usual cleanup crew would dispose of the body and had already flubbed the coroner's report. because the irl guard had left, and sae shortly after, and akechi basically materialized irl after going far away enough from the palace to leave the metaverse without realizing, nobody actually checked to see if there was a body.
joker was declared dead of suicide
when the phantom did their tv declaration, everyone shat bricks and rushed to the morgue. there was a place where joker's body was supposed to go but nobody had actually delivered anything.
>When your """"advisor"""" is a fucking retard that gets herself nearly raped and accepts to try to get info from the guy that's trying to get you killed.
It was a good game overall but the last half felt rushed which could've been handled a little better. Kaneshiro and Okumura were by far the weakest arcs both story and boss wise.
Ending was nice and juicy though and ended with a nice bang.
That last part felt of them not checking for a body was too much of a stretch imo.
That and Sojiro being oddly compliant after finding out about everything
When are choices going to start mattering? When are you actually going to be given a choice?
You can't romance best girl.
She's supposed to be a representation of oldschool hacktivist anonymous, so she definitely mirrors Sup Forums more than reddit. But of course
>i dont like it cause it's reddit.
Fuck off
>resents her father who was model cop for doing the right thing
>calls a model student a leech for a situation she can't help
>yet blames the patriarchy for her life
>isn't even good at her job
>has no passion for it
>has to cheat just to make it by
>puts innocent people in jail
>gets manipulated by her boss, the teen she works with and the teen she was pursuing
>B E S T
The whole plan banked on those stretches. It starts with Goro not realizing that the palace doesn't collapse, then the police squad lets the rest of the PT get away for no reason and ends with the cognitive officer and Joker not vanishing for 5 minutes, when all other cognitive version puffed away the instant they are "killed". The whole thing feels entirely contrived.
The game only has one ending. This isn't one of those "create your adventure" games that still really only have one ending. Everything in-between is just for extra scenes and boosts to gameplay, and the alternate endings are basically game over scenes.
>Given three dialogue choices
>They all effectively say the same thing
>You don't even get different dialogue from other characters for picking different options
A lot of 'dialogue choices' are just 'we want MC to 'talk', but can't have him actually talk because SILENT PROTAGONIST'.
It was honestly a pretty boring game and the villians you fight aren't sadistic enough where I feel good taking them down. The only good boss with a good story was the first one.
The characters are also not very interesting. I only liked Ryuji because he reminded me of a friend of mine in real life. Pretty forgettable.
The music was great though.
She doesn't resent her father. Just that he died and left her with a .
Leech. Fuck phoneposting.
According to cut English voice clips it was planned
We'll probably get it and her rank won't go from 6-10 in the updated version
>This isn't one of those "create your adventure" games that still really only have one ending.
Are you implying that that wouldn't be way better than what we got?
I would have liked to at least have an option to get romantic way earlier in a social link.
Is the gameplay in this an improvement over 4? I liked everything about 4 except the actual gameplay was tedious as fuck, I dropped it before I finished the first TV dungeon or whatever.
Gameplay is a big improvement, but whether you'll like 5 depends on what turned you off about 4. If you meant 4's dungeons being tedious as fuck, 5 has properly designed dungeons with actual puzzles and decent stealth mechanics.
>decent stealth mechanics
It's literally press X to hide.
Well, for 4 I was really enjoying it before I got to the first dungeon, I liked the visual novel elements and the story and atmosphere, but once I got into the dungeon and realized it was just walking down hallways and grindy turn-based battles I got annoyed.
Still too complex for most of Sup Forums and retards like DSP
I said decent, not good. At least it allows you ambush enemies consistently, compared to 3 and 4 where you had to wait for a shadow to turn around, only for it to turn and face you the exact split second before you could hit it.
>why do cute girls get a free pass
really initiates those pistachios
Well the dungeons in 5 are hand crafted, worst one is probably the space station since it suffers from having to watch a cutscene every time the presses stop or start up after the time runs out.
>t. Marie
>no way to "fail" social links
>can't make Mishima go mad with power
>can't make Oda "win the war" at school
>ywn have Joker, Mishima and Oda shoot up a school
best girl of p4
>futaba is a hardcore redditgager
You mean Mishima, and everybody hates him.
but Mishima's Sup Forums.
She's the most hlatant pandering character. I don't know how she gets away with it here
>Haha RPG references I'm such a nerd xD
>I sit and speak all quirky, I'm so weeeird!
>Pat me on the head like my mom used to.....
>Gee I can't handle being around other people except you onii-chan!
It's so obvious.
I want to marry Sae Niijima
The plot twist isn´t a plot twist at all and the fake igor help you for some reason instead of killing the real igor and the twins
Not all of us can have good taste user
A premise that was wasted on such a shitty moralfag cast.
You have the power to force/threaten corrupt people to confess all their shit but it just went the usual "we'll go after the bad guys because we're the good guys" borefest
The cops not confiscating his phone is the part I can't believe.
I think you can do better than human trash, user.
>Entire party waits like 6 months for anyone to point this out
I think that's the nicest thing somebody ever said to me on Sup Forums
Thanks, user
The thing that bugged me is that was such an obvious clue back when it came up. If they had played it off a little less it may have been okay.
That's also how I felt. The fact they flat out ignore the pancake thing when it happened just made it painfully obvious that the scene would be important later, and that Akechi was up to no good.
They also shouldn't have sprinkled you with free SLs from Akechi either, which also made it fucking obvious
The drugs blotted out Jokers memory of the plan, which is another reason that plan was fucking suicide.
It's a narrative device to justify the interrogation framing device, sure, but it's essential to set up the big twist: the phantom thieves actually being competent enough to recognize Akechi was obviously planning to stab them in the back.
>resents her father who was model cop for doing the right thing
>calls a model student a leech for a situation she can't help
I'm not a Saefag, she's a cunt who just happens to be hot, but you guys are disingenuous as hell about these two points in regards to her. Their dad died in the name of an abstract concept and he left her to fend for herself & Makoto, Sae resenting him is completely understandable.
She was a cunt to Makoto but you speedreaders act like there was no reasoning to it and not because it was a combination of Makoto bringing up the Phantom Thieves after repeatedly being told not to get distracted by them + bringing up their dad's idea of justice which is what originally triggered Sae before the start of the story in the first place. She didn't call Makoto a leech "for a situation she can't help", she word-for-word calls Makoto a leech for continuing to get distracted by justice and so on while taking for granted how she's had everything handed to her despite the situation they're in. Not agreeing with her, just saying that it's not what you're saying it is.
>second palace
>"Someone's been stalking you in the Metaverse"
>party never bothers to investigate
>party doesn't connect the dots
>third palace
>"There is still someone stalking you in the Metaverse"
>continues to ignore it
>The drugs blotted out Jokers memory of the plan
This was such a shitty excuse. The game isn't told from Joker's POV at all.
Merciless and NG+ are both far too easy
>party doesn't connect the dots
Here's the problem... Morgana and Joker DID catch that, as evidenced by the later conversation
Not to mention his confidant ability list looking totally different.
Or not being able to check out a Robin Hood book.
Or first appearing right after the gang learns of an assassin operating in the metaverse.
Didn't Ryuji and Ann catch on too? I thought I remembered them bringing it up in the tv station after the ruse was revealed.
Why didn't they just record Kamoshida when they confronted him for the first time in the PE faculty room? He flat out say some pretty suspicious things without thinking, like how he deliberately is going to make them be expelled for no reason. They live in a time where everyone has a smartphone with great recording capabilities and most Japanese school have a convenient announcement speaker system throughout the whole school.
No one brings it up until that meeting after Goro joins the party. Several months later.
Hard was more fun than merciless to be honest.
i cant play it for the first time again
They both reacted to it but said nothing about it.
It seems to be implied that Kamoshida is so revered that the school would sweep anything under the rug.
Don't forget the principal was sketchy as fuck too.
>has no passion for it, has to cheat just to make it by
99% conviction rate in Japanese courts is something atleast somewhat rooted in reality. That doesn't happen without a lot of miscarriages of justice, doesn't make Sae "right" but she was just doing what everyone else in her field does. It's not the sort of logic Persona runs on but lots of people do lie and cheat to get to the top, we all know that.
"I wouldn't say it was that bad, it was different!"
"I should say so, most of these games these days are short and boring!"
"Yes, they finally managed to make one that was LONG and boring! D-oh Hohohoho!"
>being this wrong
>Morgana and Joker DID catch that
The funny part is, they only noticed Goro was lying about hearing Morgana for the first time, which made them suspicious. They never really question the fact he was able to hear Morgana during the pancake thing at all.
See youtu.be
Either way, they knew he was black mask for several months, but somehow did not act on that information.
just more best girl for me desu
>they knew he was black mask for several months
They might have been suspicious but after they saw his thief costume they didn't think he was the black mask, hence why when he changes to his black mask form in Shido's palace they're all surprised as fuck by the idea that someone that cold alter his thief costume which is supposed to be a constant.
How did they make people "shut down" mentally? I see how they did with Okumura, but what about the principal, the SIU guy and the train conductor? Did Akechi go to their palaces and kill their shadow?
Their shadows could have been in Mementos.
That makes sense.
the canon version is better.
objectively wrong
I believe that the guard that Sae talked to before helping Joker escape was supposed to bring the corpse to the morgue. Considering that Sae told him to leave because his life was in danger, he most likely confirmed to the mastermind that he did actually bring the corpse to the morgue to save appearances.
It is a bit of a stretch but the possibility is here.
Don't worry guys
They're both equally Trash
Final boss was basically a rehash of the DDS1 final boss
Not because he uses memes, but because he is a genuinely terrible person
>I believe that the guard that Sae talked to before helping Joker escape was supposed to bring the corpse to the morgue
No, he was supposed to die in Joker's "suicide".
I thought it was a great game. Although, it was my first Persona game.
Can't heal in palaces
At least let me heal the fucking sp
I kind of feel sorry for you. The older games are great, but 5's production value is so much higher. It feels really weird going back and seeing how static and lifeless the character models are in 3 and 4.
Minus the cores.
I've just started this game
8 hrs
I have tons of problems:
-fucking cuts between animations, literally they just added shitty scenes where they move more and shit but it add more pause than necessary
It's fucking frustrating
-anime scenes lmao every hour
-the menus, I mean yeah they look cool but why does the joker need to do his silly dances and shit, it just feels like a waste of time
-the horrible translation, I don't even speak Japanese but you know it's a fucking disgrace, also in the anime cutscenes they couldn't bother to give subtitles to background characters (this can be clearly seen in the beginning of the game when the news lady was talking and didn't have jack shit of subtitles)
-lastly, horrible pacing
I like hard rpgs but this one is hard because I can't fucking heal in palaces and I need to take a day off to fucking get healing items and btw I haven't find an item that heals so so if you know any pls let me know
I really hope that Mishima is a party member in the updated version, pisses me off that we got Haru instead of him. She doesn't add anything to the game and her social link is boring.
Don't you have a phansite to moderate for no pay?
Sexy femdom lolis are not romancable or fuckable
Shut up! Mishima is the closest character to me, and all of us! The loner that wishes to be the hero, and ironically he's just a goddamn support character! It fucking burns me up! Imagine how mad he'd be if he knew he was just an NPC in a game?
Mishima forces me to see that I'm just a nobody as well, waiting to become a somebody, so please let him be playable.