Now that all ARMS testpunches have come to an end and you had plenty of time to decide on whether this is a game for you, what's it look like?
Please read the choices carefully:
Now that all ARMS testpunches have come to an end and you had plenty of time to decide on whether this is a game for you, what's it look like?
Please read the choices carefully:
There's one more.
Does Arms have local multiplayer?
Oh they're finished?
I thought there was one left
delete thread, there's still one more
I prefer it to the underground lab desu
There's still one left you asshat
Do not buy this game or support it in any way
Do not fall for this shit
I'm gonna have to let you down user :
>Be Springman (Yellow spring is best spring)
>Get matched up against a Ninjara that does nothing but spam grabs
>Dodge to the side and grab him
>Rinse and repeat until I win
There is. OP is just a retarded stupid poop head. This thread should now be dedicated to laughing at him.
>be yellow springman
>paired with a Mummy who does nothing but grab spam
>my Boomerang and Multishot are useless against his weight so he can keep throwing grabs out without flinching
>had "2009" in his name so it's entirely possible I lost to someone who was around 10-12 years old
Charge it up
>>had "2009" in his name so it's entirely possible I lost to someone who was around 10-12 years old
>But user, they'd be too young to-
>2009 was 8 years ago
you lost to an eight year-old dude
Double fug, in my defense I've been up all night.
Yeah this was the only way I was able to get hits on him, I should've just grabbed more myself.
My opinion:
The game is solid and Nintendo did an alright job with it, but it doesn't seem like there is enough to it at launch. All modes other than 1v1 range from mediocre to outright garbage which already eliminates a lot of the replayability.
But it's a fighting game, so just having a focus on 1v1s wouldn't be bad. However, I'm not sure the game has enough complexity in that regard either. Even taking into account the fact that you can use any arm you want on any character in the full game, I don't feel like it would give the game enough depth. You know how competitive players are - they find a few superior combos or setups and use that. And why not, they want to win.
So if you plan on climbing high in ranked mode, expect to only run into some specific setups before long. No one is going to run double dragon memes or other silly things like that.
And then there is the issue of the actual gameplay. It quickly becomes apparent that dodging and jumping and waiting for your opponent to attack and make a mistake so you can punish it is a much more efficient and safer way of winning than by playing offensively. Doesn't bode well for the future of competitive ARMS play.
Either way, I heard they're going to give this game the Splatoon treatment aka "we'll update it with free stuff after launch for a long time", so there is some hope I'd say. Might be worth checking the game out in half a year or a year.
the japanese have discovered a way to defeat ninjaras
this is now the general ARMS thread
>let the time run out with Twintelle's ability.
lobby full of losers like myself, so it was cheap and easy to pull off
are you a girl? fuck pussheen posters are the best.
Is this what's in those bottles that spray yellow juice all over?
Not interested anymore. Although I only tried it with motion controls because I couldnt figure out how you changed styles until after it was done.
this was one of my worst sessions so far
there was one Twintelle that wrekt my shit every fucking time, she also grab spammed but I couldn't do shit, I think I was playing way to agressive
>teammates spam grab
>released my rush
>teammate grabs him
also fuck skillshots
Did you only play a single testpunch?
pro controller classic controls are pretty decent except for it not using your right stick and L button to guard
I can't seem to win shit anymore. Do you think there's room to improve or this is one of those kind of games you have to be born good at?
My very last fight in the testpunch just now was against a lvl 7 hedlok.
We got it down to about 25% before we died, but there were only 4 seconds left anyway.
After practicing kicks for a couple of matches I can says that is not as good as it looks, is way slower than other dispel and you need to two input to do it instead of one so is way difficult to react to incoming punches, MinMin kicks is more about read your oponent that to react to incoming punches
>enemy and me jumping and dodging around
>I attack
>enemy dodges and attacks back
>I dodge and attack back
>enemy dodges and attacks back
>I dodge and attack back
Hedlock is really unfair against light arms.
This but I liked the party modes. I'm probably gonna grab it.
>The time in which you throw a grab is pretty loose
>Using a pro controller, so hitting my left punch immediately after throwing a right ends up making me use my grab
Backwards dodge is a kick too.
You have to put your springaling into his boioioioing.
After taking Minmin out hat shopping she gave me a hug, and nothing more!
>Lvl. 3
I hope the full version allows remapping, I wouldn't mind putting guard and grab on A and B.
You have to stay still to use it, if you try to use it while moving you go forward instead (or I'm really fucking something up)
1v1v1 was the only mode other than 1v1 that was somewhat okay in my opinion
Hoops is grab spam (even cheesier if you pick lightning element arms and hit your enemy with a charged one for a free grab afterwards)
V-Ball is pretty lame
1v1v1v1 is too chaotic, hedlok fights are somewhat alright I guess but you don't seem to get anything special for beating higher level ones
Skillshot isn't very fun and one of the worst modes of all time has to be 2v2 with the bond, holy shit is it infuriating
>missing your punches
>not predicting dodges
It doesn't matter whether you predict dodges or not, everyone knows they are coming, you can't do anything about it because unless they are far away from you you cannot curve your arms enough to get them
Jumping and dodging is too good in this game
How do you do this shit so fucking fast, you're ridiculous
Dodge direction is tied to movement, of fucking course if you're moving forward you won't be able to dodge backwards.
>Hedlock is a complete disaster most of the time
>Skillshot is crap
>V-Ball is crap
>Hoops is meh
>2v2 is a mess
>1v1 is great
please be nice to me
Not the thread for it but did anyone here buy Mr.Shifty on switch? Any good? I need some games on this thing.
>Be Springman
>Pretty much nothing I can do against her
>That fucking annoying hammer
this is a reasonable opinion and i mostly agree
that being said i personally find it fun enough (including the other modes) to pick it up at launch
speculating on competitive play is still a little early but i think it could go either way; maybe we'll get a bit more insight on it at Nintendo's E3 tournament thingy
What decides what lvl your hedlok is?
Throughout this weekend I had
1 lvl 3
2 lvl 4
7 lvl 5
1 lvl 7
yes and yes
V-Ball is good. Also good practise for playing anti-grab.
Wow I didn't know that tengu lad was so popular to have a game all for itself.
I dunno.
I wasn't counting but I got an even split between 5s and 6s.
Maybe it depends on your fight money.
I want to swap dash and jump around and put block to A/B
It's 2017 the current year why the fuck can't we remap in every game?
L3 for blocking is god awful
There's definitely room for improvement. Even with entry level stuff like charge cancels.
get disgaea 5
How good you and your teammates are at being good.
ARMS might be a last minute thing for me. I'll probably wait until after E3 to see their ARMS tournament too. Hopefully the people they'll have it play there are actually pros at the game, don't want to see some dumb clowns play it that aren't even better than me.
charges don't last long enough desu
really makes me appreciate minmin for the fact that she can perma-charge her left arm until you use it
Is there a black haired minmin?
I'd play controller if I could change punching to L/R triggers. I'm used to playing the splatoon setup, I'd be able to jump/dash way more like that.
No, I'm talking about if you're going left or right and try to do a backdash kick you go forward instead, there's something weird about it, I just can't do a consistent left/right, backdash kick
Or maybe is just the fack I'm using the pro controller
were you supercharging or just regular charging
>Ribbon'd every other testpunch
>just tried out Twintelle and Helix
Pretty fun desu.
I wonder if they force them to play with motion. Not saying its worse, but I know for me I was very comfortable with sticks and began to love the game after switching.
Knowing Nintendo, I would say they have to use motion. I remember a Punch Out Wii tournament here in Nintendo NY where they didnt allow people to play with the wiimote sideways.
It's already on ZL/ZR as well as A/B by default user
are you ok
You can punch with the triggers. I forget which ones but you can instead of A + B
Is that like cannibalism at that point?
Are Min Min's arms actually made out of noodles? If so, wouldn't be get really soggy and have the chance of being cut off?
_ ____ __ ____ ___ ___
Some arms last longer than others, I think. I know with Twintelle I was able to throw out a charged parasol and right after a thunderbird.
what? really?
I'll get it when the game is dead.
faced mechanica and her hover and hammers a few times. Never had trouble beating her, even perfected her
A jumping dodging ribbon girl on the other hand... rekt me pretty bad
>Arms Thread
>zero to no webms of the game
Just move to /vg/ already.
>not posting the superior springman someone did in that thread
You're worthless.
>implying I have a capture card
For some reason the game doesn't tell you in the controls section, it also fails to mention you change targets with the right stick
Did you watch the Japan tournament livestream?
They hired a model that typically does lewds to stand around and do commentary.
Theres a few webms posted in every thread. I dont watch youtube videos to get some for myself, I tried the Gamexplain one and he just sucked so nothing worthwhile outta that.
I'm posting the one I made, you fuck.
Jokes on you, I don't have a switch
>mained Ribbon all last week
>BTFO every black Ribbon faggot with Twintelle
I know every one of your tryhard tricks.
>arms characters change into different attire
>don't remove the masks
>no one removes the masks
Looool yes and it's by far the best method. How did you not press the buttons?
What's wrong with you?
I dont like posting my own webms more than once, feels narcisstic and avatarfaggy
i figured it out mid-match.
>"you really should be able to punch just by pressin- oh"
>Hurrrrrrrrrr I can float and counter durrrrrr
Sorry, user. Please accept this baby Spring Man.
>he didn't go into training and promptly mash every single button on the controller
>nintendo trying to do their market research in the most unsubtle way possible
hey, if it works, it works
why is fug so funny?