What abilities will make The Thundercock unbeatable?
Fire Emblem Heroes
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A - Deathblow/Atk 3
B - Quick Riposte or Desperation, not so sure which one is better for LightningShaft
Flex C skill
For his special Luna since he has a brave weapon, something like that?
Clueless whale detected
Got a 5* Ryoma and Eirika recently, its going to sound like a dumb question but which should I invest more in?
Do you have a bladetome user to nuke everything with? If yes then use Eirika.
>still not playing with superior Nip voices
He doesn't have the bulks to survive 2 magic hits, on tanky brave melee sure
Please read more
Rolled a +atk 4* Mae yesterday and got her to lvl 40, her atk is through the fucking roof.
Wondering whats the best way to build her, blarblade+? Her inhierant tome since kinda lame, needing a full team to hug her for a mere +6 to all stats and has low might to boot.
Is there any build for 4*s since I don't really have the feathers for a 5* build and I already got thundercock for blue nuke anyway.
>QR or Desperation
You think you're a funny guy, don't you, user?
>Draw Back
>Life and Death
>B Tomebreaker
How do I into skill inherit?
>get 20 orbs
>decide to try hand at Waifu banner
>all but one are 3 stars
Allies -> Advanced Growth -> Inherit Skill
I go vantage, qr might work, havnt seen a rein with one, death blow 3 for sure, I go with speed buff for c slot
She's +spd/-def, how'd I do?
>when you'd like to roll for Bride Cordelia
>have to roll colorless
>still haven't gotten a perfect streak
>have 3 crests left because I keep making stupid mistakes and having someone die
This fucking mobage is stressing me out with Arena.
Could be worse. I told myself I was going to roll colorless for once just because I'm sick of having mostly blue mages as the chunk of my 5*s.
I rolled Bride Caeda on third pull after telling myself "maybe just one blue".
I don't even focus on getting perfect streaks anymore.
I just go until I get like 4400+ points and forget about it. I'm F2P so I'm never going above tier 17/18 anyway, and if you consistently score over 4400 you'll pretty much just hang around 16/17 all the time which is fine for me. It's not worth the frustration of having a near-perfect streak ruined by some bullshit meme team.
Just use Hector bro
Goddamn it. Is this salvageable or is that flat neutral 35 STR/SPD gonna fuck me in the arena?
35/35 is still better than any archer available
Should I save my orbs for the Roy, Lucina, Ike, Lyn banner? Im assuming they will be special since they havent been in any other banner.
I don't even have Hector. The only top-tier unit I have is Reinhardt, and he has shit IVs.
Though I'm not sure if I would even use Hector if I did have him, because fuck playing with 1-move characters.
There are no such thing as a good archer in any fire emblem game.
>he never played Fates
Pivot, reposition, and dancers make armor units tolerable.
And there's nothing that quite tops the feeling of placing your armor unit on a fortress tile and watching enemies hit for low single digit numbers, only to return with 30-40 damage.
But she'll never be as stronk as a +STR nuker or get as many shots in as +SPD quad-striker :(
>RD Shinon
>Echoes archers in general
>Brings fliers to bait Narcian to the proper position
Not a real solo.
>kind of want to start trying to make my units actually good
>still want an Azura over Ninian despite current lineup being Ike, Hector, Linde, Ninian
>also don't have my phone on hand to start going through units and figuring out what I have available
What should I look to put on Ike, anyways? I believe he's +atk -res or +atk -def, I don't remember offhand.
So cute
>forgetting based Jamke
>What should I look to put on Ike, anyways?
Moonbow/Fury/Vantage is a simple setup that works really well for him.
Cute. Wish her art was better
If Ike is +Atk, you really want Heavy Blade as his A skill, as it will almost always assure you the additional cooldown for your special.
Bonfire/Ignis are good to use his over 30 Def stat and you can choose between Vantage or QR depending on your preference. Also, Reposition, you have no idea how many times it has saved my life in Arena.
I use Aether/Heavy Blade/Vantage (QR is also an option) on my +Spd -Res Ike (which has a whopping 14 Res). If you feel like Aether is too slow even with Heavy Blade Luna/Bonfire/Ignis/Draconic Aura (particularly with +Atk) would also work out for you.
Yeah, I looked at and it looks like a good all-around set, but because he's +Atk, I would basically have Luna/Aether every second turn, so long as I don't get checked by something that can put him down in one shot. There are a lot of fights Ike does lose without Fury (I think mostly against Brave weapons, one of the notable losses I think was Abel which with a certain setup he would actually survive on defense with 1hp), but the sustainability and constant specials is too good to pass up.
Could be better
With units like Ike, is better not to depends on things like Moonbow when Bonfire/Draconic Aura can give you an even bigger damage boost (in the case of Bonfire, a fixed 16) and most of the time you'll be getting the special ready after a turn. Vantage works great here since, if Ike survives the turn, the special will be ready and nobody will dare touch him in fears of a KO and if it's your turn, you will almost always have an ensure ORKO too.
And of course it might die to Abel, he's a blue, reason why you have Hector (preferably with Swap) so he can get rid of physical and some magic blues.
This is my +Def -Res Ike as reference.
Out of curiosity, how exactly does Spur/Hone skills work anyways? I know it says 'adjacent allies', but I've never actually paid attention to see if it buffed the ally that actually has it themselves or not. I would figure Spur or Hone Atk would be a good C as for seal, I don't think I ended up getting the Attack seal in time but I'm not full-on sure of their nuances.
Hone/Fortify skills apply the the buff at the start of your turn to adjacent allies. The buff will turn the receiving unit's star green, and the buff will remain on the unit until the next player phase. Hone/Foritfy skills for the same stat do not stack.
Spur/Goad/Ward skills apply the buff during combat only (so you do not see them reflected in the unit's stats, only in the damage dealt during combat), and only as long as the unit is in range. Spurs are only in effect when adjacent while Goad/Ward are only in affect within two spaces. These skills allow you to set up a buff after moving.
I uninstalled months ago
After completing the story on lunatic is there anything to do other than one arena run a week and the 4 day battles?
Other than spending money on orbs
>turn unit's star green
That's "turn unit's STAT green". The number turns green if it is buffed.
What skills to run on Camus? Prepping for next season.
Hm, almost seems like Hone might be marginally better for a Dancer then, and anybody who would actually be doing attacks should have Spur instead? Pardon me if I don't find it a bit... convoluted, to say the least. It's a bit fucky figuring out which one is probably more useful than the other.
Also, Spur/Ward/Goad skills DO stack with each other and Hone/Fortify skills.
Only Hone/Fortify skills (or any weapon buff that works like a Hone/Fortify and turns the stat green like the First Bite, Light Breath, Sieglinde, etc) count toward -Blade tome bonuses.
Erika is a buffer and doesn't really require a lot of investment. Just give her hone speed, rally def and the hone res seal. Rest doesn't matter and is whatever you want.
Hone is always better than Spur, but if you have hones, then spur is good to stack up
Hit me with some hard facts dudes, I'm trying to fill out my horse team and I'm running out of SI fodder. Right now I have a Thunderwang and Xander and I've got..
>Neutral Cecilia
>+ATK Titania
>4* Reinhardt
My problem is that I don't have a Vantage 3 for Camus, only TA2 for Cecilia, and it would take 40k feathers to do Ursula. I COULD sacrifice my other Rein for Vantage 3 but that honestly seems like an awful idea. What would you do here?
It can be a little confusing just to read, but once you experience using the two types of skills, it clears up. One is not inherently better than the other because they have different uses and limitations. The correct option for each character to equip depends on your team composition more than anything.
>use hector, tharja and Effie + Olivia/Eirika
>thundercocks and meme cavs everywhere with whale stats out the ass
>replace team with Tharja, B.Caeda, Eirika and Lissa
>simple replacement of hector with Lissa means matches have been vastly less annoying
as long as i end up with over 4k score, i'm satisfied. I don't want to see another ebin thundercock whale team again
Wait until you blow all your orbs try to get the waifu of the banner but actually getting shit you could use as skill fodder
As long as you have the Hones/Goads/etc and your Blade user for cavmemes, everything else is good but not a must-have unless you want to go hunt whales in the arena.
I did that unfortunately, dropped 80 orbs the other day and got that Titania, a Ryoma, and absolutely nothing else of value. Added to my already massive collection of useless heroes like Gwendolyn, Draug, Gaius, and Stahl.
I can't even use the Ryoma because of my lack of Vantage and the fact I have only one single Hinata left for Fury and that's going to Camus. It's depressing to think I'd rather have a couple LonQu instead of Ryoma.
>Thundercock beating Quadtania
>tfw you're waifu is obtainable at 3/4*
feels good
It's deeply enviable. You have better luck +10'ing your waifu than any non-whale.
>tfw your waifu isn't in the game at all
>tfw Ilyana and Nephenee never
It's also interesting that, as long as you have the feathers to boost her, getting a 3* waifu is actually better than getting a 5* waifu. Sure it'll take more time to level her up all the way, but that means she'll also be able to get SP a lot faster because trying to farm SP for skill inheritance as a maxed-out 5* is an unholy grind.
Is anyone else having less fun now that banners can't be datamined? I liked knowing what I was saving my orbs for, or knowing that I could spend freely becuase the next banner didn't interest me. Being left in the dark just makes me anxious about rolling for anything.
I'm having less fun now that all my 5*'s are maxed out on HM, so I don't even have a regular grind to do while waiting for this shitty 3 week banner to end so I can hope something I like pops up.
I've never deliberately saved up orbs anyway. If there's a banner I like, I'll spend orbs on it until I either get the character(s) I want or I run out. The only times I've saved up orbs were when there wasn't any banner I wanted to roll on.
I don't particularly care. I'm more inclined on spending orbs on limited banners though, as I can get the other units later on with luck. Half of my 5* came were off banner draws.
Any ideas on an A skill to finish off my Julia? Shes been a staple on my team for months and Ive kitted her out as a healer. I feel like fury would defeat the purpose of having a health pool to give to my defenders. Would LaD2 or Deathblow 2 bee good to help her kill blues better? Im trying to conserve feathers as well.
I saved a moderate-to-high amount from release day in anticipation of Ike. Because it took me exactly 300 orbs to pull him on his banner, I'm now paranoid about having "enough" saved for the next banner I really want. Pulling in banners I like but don't really like is worrisome when I don't know what's around the corner. Your mindset seems significantly healthier.
I'm having less fun now due to skill inherit being so important and the only way to get skills is to roll and pray you get it. If I could spend badges to directly buy skills I'd feel a lot better about things.
For instance I really want a Triangle Attack 3 yet in over 240~ heroes (with around 100 of those being red) I've never seen a single Roy.
>70 orbs
>Shit banners of literally whos, brides consist of redhead who cucks you/nostalgia girl, breast hambeast/2pure4thispanderingLyn, Azura banner who I already grabbed.
I'd go with Deathblow.
LaD isn't as good since she's not going to get many doubles even with the increased speed, while the lowered Res makes her take more damage from units she's supposed to hard counter like Reinhardt.
If you're using her as a healer, it might be worth considering to swap her WoM with Renewal, so she can recover after using Reciprocal Aid.
What about tiki and fae? You don't want a dragon loli gang?
~6/14/17 at 3:00 a.m learn to read nigga
No the only dragon loli I want is Nowi and I never got her not even during her banner.
I have Adult and Young Tiki. I've been waiting a month to increase *4--->*5 Awakening Tiki. Sacrificed Nowi to power up Adult Tiki. I'm not sorry. But yeah, banners are killing me because I have no green units so I'm just endlessly grinding in the tower.
Didn't think of that. Having her zip across the map to heal someone has saved my ass a few times.
Any news on Masked Lucina? Is she going to be a GHB character?
Fucking deathblow I can't bring myself to use those 20k feathers I have there. Klein fucking never ever never, just an unholy amount of virions and gordins, end me.
Just got a -hp +SPD Reindhardt who should i promote to 5 stars Reindhardt or Camus
Isn't it always like this for mobage games in their early days?
No confirmation, although she was shown in the unreleased Vortex mode along with the hint that there will be 5-star unit rewards related to said mode.
+SPD is absolutely useless on Reinhardt. He has shit for speed to begin with and Dire Thunder lowers it even more.
Those IVs are worthless on Rien. Decide based on that.
I can't bring myself to sack Klein. he's my favorite bow user in 6 and best big brother. I just generally find his default loadout really useful. At the same time I can't bring myself to drop the 20k feathers to bring him up.
You mean marth
As long as your Rein isn't -ATK he's good, +ATK is elder god from the netherverse tier.
Nice, that's good to know. Hope it gets released soon.
As others have said, +SPD isn't the best. Promote Camus now and wait for a better Reinhardt.
Okay, so I have a bunch of spear users (and no Azura), so I want to know who you think would be best for me to have on my attack and defense team:
Bridal Charlotte +Spd/-Res
Peri +Spd/-Res
Cordelia +Atk/-Spd
Also who to pick for my Blue Tome User:
Waif Mae - +Atk/-Res
Thundercock Reinhardt - +Atk/-Res
Who is better to promote to 5*, Xander or Camus?
i only have 20k feathers
>Thundercock Reinhardt - +Atk/-Res
There is literally NO reason not to pick him. Give him a good A skill which boosts his attack (Death Blow 3 would be the best) and he already is good to go.
+Atk Cordelia and +Spd Charlotte both sound good to me. Sharena is great but you don't need to spend 20k feathers on her if you already got Charlotte except you want a character you can use as a bonus character more often.
Peri isn't great. I'd say go with Charlotte.
Holy shit the Japanese voices are so much better.
Severa's fucking cute as hell with that voice (rather than her scratchy English voice) and Hinoka is goddamn perfect. Dual Audo mode fucking WHEN!?
Fuck off.
Good breaker skill for this monster? Desperation is useless in vantage arena meta. I want her to also finish people off in arena as well as one shotting mages