What game that could realistically be announced at E3 would make you FREAK OUT?
A Superman open world game by Rocksteady would make me go fuckin' crazy.
What game that could realistically be announced at E3 would make you FREAK OUT?
A Superman open world game by Rocksteady would make me go fuckin' crazy.
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I would love that, there's never been a good Superman game.
More likely they'll just make another Batman though.
A release date for M&B: Bannerlord
We are on Sup Forums though
Death and Return of Superman was fun as fuck, but a very simplistic game.
At this point, though, I'd take a Legacy of Goku-like game for Superman for handheld even...
Can't think of anything that would make me 'FREAK OUT'
Would be cool to have something like a stereotypical FROM game or a high resolution VR HMD announced.
As far as capeshit is concerned, Arkham Beyond would be a nice surprise. The MvC Infinite roster leak being fake would be nice too.
Prey 2. The one that was cancelled.
Never saw the appeal of superman, he's an overpowered freak that can wipe out a whole city with a sneeze. Batman's just a regular rich guy that works out alot and beats the shit out of bad guys.
A Demon's Souls remaster would mean the world to me.
Squadron 42 for consoles
Sure, bud.
>Superman 64
It still hurts
>A Superman open world game by Rocksteady would make me go fuckin' crazy.
Why would you want a Superman game without PROPER environmental destruction physics AND the ability to fly anywhere on the planet in seconds? I'd rather play a fully powered Superman, not a heavily castrated one.
Unless Supes fights other super-strong types then the combat system is very unnecessary, it would be like punching a giant stone for the baddies and Supes could beat them all by merely blowing on them.
Vidya tech just isn't ready for Superman, we have the destruction tech (Red faction) but we don't have the non-lazy devs.
King's Field V
Would love to see them come full circle back to first person RPGs and incorporate Souls shit in it.
Metroid Prime 4 on Switch
A new Resistance game for PS4
Cyberpunk 2077
Far Cry but in space (not this year, maybe next)
A Ratchet and Clank game which pretty much renounces the reboot' s embarassing story and characters, building off the Future canon instead
Battlefield 2143
GameCube Virtual Console
System Shock 3 (I just finished 2)
Not old enough yet, give it another decade.
That would be the ideal scenario, but I'd be more than happy with a game that did what Superman Returns game got right (powers, flight, speed, destruction) and fixed everything else about it.
I'd be more than happy with a really big Metropolis.
Anything less than COMPLETE destruction physics means they should call it Castration-Man, NOT SuperMan.
I should be able to fly straight through buildings for a shortcut if I feel like it. I should be able to punch a crater into the ground or wrap a bus around a lampost or melt steel down to molten with my eye beams.
If I cannot do these things then he is Castration-Man.
Metal Gear Solid 5.
Team Fortress 3 [I know this will never ever ever happen but getting rid of all that hat shit and taking the game in a new direction would be cool]
A good jackie chan adventures game
Release date for butterlord
A Silver Surfer game that doesn't sexually assault you would be great
>What game that could *realistically* be announced at E3 would make you FREAK OUT?
So no HL3 then?
Why do people like capeshit ? I've watched Iron Man, the first of the latest batman trilogy and Guardian of the galaxy and all of them were unfuny boring shlock without great visual scene. The only thing I really remember is Batman final where he kill old ninja guy but it doesn't count "because I choose who to save :^) "
What the fuck would possibly be the point of this
You can play the game today easily, it holds up and looks fine
Try being less hipster and maybe enjoy yourself now and then.
For the same reason people like fantasy and light sci-fi. It's no different.
I'm still mad.
never ever
i still remember that gameinformer magazine with the sc ghost cover
But I do enjoy well-known shit, it's just that capeshit is uterlly boring because everything is so visualy unnapelling and characterized as to be the most bland possible.
I feel the same way about the last two Star Wars movies, they are completly forgetable because they are filled with unexistant characters and actions scenes where the only impressive thing is the CGI explosions.
Death Stranding being Silent Hills, chapter 3 of MGSV or MGS5.
they totally missed the boat on ever reviving it too. AAA development is so fucking expensive.
>Native American protag
>Game starts is a dive bar
Always a chuckle
>A Superman open world game by Rocksteady would make me go fuckin' crazy.
Can you imagine? Mashing X to Man of Murder while casuals collectively bust a nut, consumers and "journalists" both? Guaranteed GOTY.
That could still happen, I'm saying no stuff like Goku v Superman game made by Platinum or shit like this.
Not a game but:
>Disney announces they are pulling the Star Wars license from EA
I've never done a jig before but that would be deserving of a good first try.
Devil-you-know wouldn't apply here, literally anyone else deserves it more.
Yeah, but who?
Die in a fire.
You should watch captain underpants
Devil May Cry 5
You could easily do a fallout-style game set on a dingy Star Wars planet. I'd buy it.
Halo complete collection on PC
3D Platforming Donkey Kong
A proper game for the Fable series
Retro Studios tries to make Ravenblade again
Chapter 3
Kingdom Hearts gameplay that isn't less than 30 seconds
It's only expensive when you make games only for PC, a platform that has historically and currently underperformed consoles in the only metric that matters; sales.
Pc gaming is dead in a completely different sense than what people think. It still gets games, just not PC games. They are either console games or console inspired, PC genres are dead.
You know Steam is a thing, right?
A highly successful thing?
I was joking but would still be better than EA
Give out rights on a game by game basis. Selection based on concept and history/past performance of dev.
Don't foolishly restrict yourself and make the license exclusive to 1 publisher. Vidya is too volatile for that.
That or resurrect LucasArts.
You mean a platform where games only sell when they are significantly cheaper?
No developer wants to be PC only, though. PC is basically the beta phase for developers or the place where you port games after they've sold as many copies as possible on consoles, because of piracy and because Steam created a culture of. ot buying games before at least 70% off discounts.
Developers would be stupid not to put their games on PC for archiving purposes and because most games are already PC-ready by virtue of being made on PCs, but no one actually cares about it.
If that were true, sales would be put down.
In reality tho, sales have shown to increase post-sale #'s significantly, probably due to word of mouth, hence why so many companies are willing to be involved with sales so frequently.
People only put games on PC because some money is better than no money. There is a reason why the Japanese Port their games almost a decade after consoles had them.
difference is if you shoot batman in the face he dies, if you shove a nuke up superman's asshole he wouldn't even notice
That reason normally involves a restrictive publisher and contract stipulations.
Platinum for example. As soon as contracts/publishers allow, they bring their shit to PC.
No it doesn't. The platform is simply irrelevant to the Japanese. Not to mention that Sega really doesn't give a shit about it. Most profitable platform my ass, then no sooner they say that, they make games only for consoles.
Metroid Prime 4
Literally impossible. Old Rare is gone.
You might get a game with that name but it will never be the game we all want.
Yooka is as close as you will ever get.
Far Cry set in Jurassic Park
Uh, you know Blood Dragon is a thing right?
You must be a millennial who hates the greatest decade or something.
>A Superman open world game by Rocksteady
Mert sen misin lan
New Arkham that's actually challenging.
>Emoji Movie becomes incredibly popular with the kids
>Advertisers want to milk it for all it's got
The Emoji Movie: The Game, only for Wii U
I would freak the fuck out, it would be a glorious day.
Uh, Blood Dragon's setting has more in common with Terminator than JP.
I'm talking about a broken down dinosaur park in tropical environment, getting hunted by velociraptors, trying to power up sections of the park, survival mechanics etc.
Greg mayles is still at Rare and they have more higher quality assets than Playtonic did after that bullshit high kickstarted money they got
The problems have no excuses to exist, if Nintendo can bring back 3D exploration Mario despite the problems, it's because they found a fix, then Microsoft can do it too
>Sony owned movie
>going to non Sony platforms
Sony is incredibly Jewish with the media they own and where the games should go. Contrary to common belief (regarding player bases), a lot of Japanese games, usually anime tie ins, are Sony exclusive because Sony owns THOUSANDS of animation studios and their IPS.
>getting hunted by velociraptors
Those raptors as depicted by JP never existed tho. The real ones are only like knee-high.
>People saying Rocksteady needs to make a Superman game
Their gameplay system is fucking garbage, it only works because it's Batman
This may sound retarded at first but the current Saints Row style is what Superman needs
Sony movies are different from Sony the games company user
He's still completely human, dumbass.
1 person does not a good game make, user.
The human brain can't process movement from superman's perspective. So it's impossible to make a faithful superman game.
Bullet time the shit out of it. Done.
Sonic should be doing this too.
>Their gameplay system is fucking garbage
Nah. Fuck off contrarian.
I'd definitely play those games. Here's an idea: SUPERHOTMan.
>the only version of superman that exists is the one that travels at sixtrillion times the speed of light
I bet you can't even tell the difference between Superman of Tomorrow, Suberboy Prime, and the Superman Thought Robot
Almost all versions move atleast 1000mph, Its only golden-age supes that moves at the pitiful speed of sound.
Devil May Cry 5, Capcom vs Snk 3
Blood dragons never existed either, what's your point?
Open world Terminator set in 80s LA
I honestly can't tell the difference between the original pic of PeePee and the shopped one anymore
who cares idiot, speed isn't even the main appeal for Superman, that would be The Flash, Superman is about raw power and being pretty much immortal
>Conker and Banjo Kazooie come back to Nintendo for the Switch
>Announcement trailer has this music
legend of dragoon 2.
I went to TGS in 2011 when it was teased, and I got blueballed ultra hard from there being fucking nothing about it.
I doubt it would even be possible in the modern day, licensing issues abound and whatnot, but still. It's my fever dream of vidya bombshells. I would lose my god damned mind.
Silent Hills
Op said *realistically* tho
The thing I'm most looking forward to has already been confirmed, the next From game.
Devil May Cry 5
MvC Infinite revealed to have more actual cool characters contrary to the leak list
Death Stranding
Bloodborne 2
Anything on that switch SMT project
>There's never been a good Superman game
Destroy All Humans! 4
Playstation All Stars 2
3D Donkey Kong platformer
Star Fox 2 finally getting released
>star fox 2
didn't they release it with the fanpatch on one of the VCs or am I just imagining that. I swear I remember it being released officially in some capacity.
All i want is Visceral's new SW game to be on PC. That's all i am asking for.