No point in starting a new game now, Monday is just around the corner, you won't get to play a game you just started

>No point in starting a new game now, Monday is just around the corner, you won't get to play a game you just started
>But it not Monday yet, you have play a game to pass the time until it is

>tfw have monday off
Also I want to fuck Erin

i want to know that feel
how do i get a job

>tfw Monday and Tuesday off
All I had to do was injure myself and spend the weekend in agony

What is "Saving the game Sunday night and proceeding to play Monday after dinner"?

I'll take Pointless Shitposting for 400 Alex.

I want to fuck Erin.

>having no hobbies other than vidya

you're just begging to lose your ability to enjoy vidya

tfw know that feel too well
kill me and take my 3ds and money if you want

Degree, internship, EC activities, luck

What would you do to Erin?

>tfw can and do spend my time playing dozens of hours of vidya a week, watching anime, learning Nip, expanding my horizons through reading, talking to friends and teaching myself how to cook
FUG I love being NEET.

Apply for any entry level position in the manufacturing industry. Mills, bakeries, gravel/bark, canneries, etc.

You WILL get a job within a week. Just be prepared to work 13 hour days 4-5 days a week.


Pull her hair and lick her armpits.

I want to fuck Erin

>implying normies/Chad give a fuck about the switch
They'd be the ones who'd say Nintendos for kids and they're not interested in any of the games. People complaining about the switch lineup are Sony Pony's who probably bought every playstaion game (twice) and vehemently hate the heXbox

post erin lewds

>as a neet
How long are their neckbeards, user?

>tfw you have to ""expand your horizons"" through books because you cannot do it through social interaction
that must be a bad feel man

couldn't you not injure yourself and spend the weekend like you would for monday and tuesday?

What's your schedule?

t. brainlet

4:00-6:00~ wake up at some point
7:00-8:00 at some point make breakfast
9:00-11:00 - The vidya or anime
11:00-12:00 at some point make lunch
12:00-4:00 Anime or the vidya
4:00~ make dinner
4:00-7:00 Anime or the vidya
7:00-8:00 Study Nip
8:00 Read while comfy in bed until I fall asleep at some point over the next few hours

Talking to online friends periodically throughout the day.

that sounds awful
are you depressed?

Technically but I'm on antidepressants now which work so I'm pretty /comfy/ now.

Before you say "X will cure your depression" when I was in college I was still depressed so it has nothing to do with it.

As opposed to what? Working every day isn't much better of a schedule.

I was not going to say that
just keep in mind that reading books doesn't expand your horizons
expanding your horizons is a mix of stuff, while reading being a part of it

also try to change your life only if you want to feel better

at least you're making money lol

grow up retard
working is not "le lemming mindset" like you see in your internet memes

working sucks it's not even funny
i hate getting up every fucking day just to have money for food

I guess.

I'm not saying that it's "le lemming" shit, just saying that it can be just as repetitive as that guy's anime/vidya all day thing. Might be biased because I've been stuck in working fast food for a while.

>tfw work four 10s
Plenty of time for vidya on a three day weekend.

>Not starting a game because the weekend is almost over

I'm a wildland firefighter. I get weekends at home when I'm not working 16 hour shifts for 2 weeks straight in the middle of nowhere battling a giant fire.

I fucking love it, but you can't start a big game for shit during the summer.

then get another job lol
I'm working as a postman and I love it

10 seconds?

>I'm working as a postman
same but i absolutely hate it

do it faggot

what country?
I work in spain and like it.
7:30~15 monday-friday

I'd love to work as a postman in other countries and I'll probably try to do it

i'm a slav
9-17 and there is a lot of overtime, it's draining me

damn user that sounds bad
come here user, if you have a driving license you can get a job as a postman easily

>if you have a driving license
i don't
i'd easily find a better job even here if i had

>Friday afternoon
>"Can't wait to get home and start X! I've been waiting for some time to play it for awhile."
>Friday night
>Too tired from working all week and just end up watching stuff online or screw around in a different game
>Saturday morning
>Go to start up game
>Get texts from friends
>"user, we're gonna play some fighting games and stuff tonight. Come hang with us!"
>Decide to not start game because I know I'll have to stop in a few hours
>Sunday morning
>Knock out whatever housework hasn't been done in over a week since I've been working and Saturday was busy
>Normally done by the afternoon
>Have lost the will to start a new game because I know I just need to go to bed early and will have work in the morning
>Trying telling myself that I can play when I get off of work during the week
>Don't feel motivated to play any big, story driven games or anything during the week since my schedule is restricted with work

i did that once and never again

if i'm doing four days a week, it's gotta be split down the middle so it's never more than two in a row

why don't you have a driver's license, DUI?

never needed it, didn't have the money
now i don't have time

top stuff

came here for Erin and got nothing


It's when you work four 10 hour shifts to get your weekly 40 hours instead of five 8 hour shifts. I use to work those and had a god-tier schedule:

>Work Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri
>Offer Sun, Wed, & Sat

My work is also closed on bank holidays so we'd get free 4 day weekends throughout the year. I'll admit those 10 hour days were long but goddamn having an extra day off was sweet. I miss it so much.

I can do a spelunky hell run in under 20 mins pretty routinely. It's my comfy go to game for a limited time.

Four 10s sucks. I recently chose to just work fives 8s after being on that schedule for 4 years and I fuckin love it

I don't mind 5x8s as long as the hours and days are kind of broken up a bit like working 3 days and then be off and then work 2 days and then be off. It was nice back when I worked retail because sometimes I'd work an opening shift and then a closing the shift the next day. I'd leave in the afternoon one day and then be back in the afternoon the next. So it was kind of like getting time off even though I was working 2 days. It just helped fight the monotony of the job.

I did 4x10s for awhile when I switched jobs and loved it since I never had to work more than 2 days in row. However the bigwigs felt that the shifts weren't working out and have us back on 5x8s. So now I work the same damn hours doing the same damn thing 5 damn days in a row. By Wednesday, I'm in fuck it mood but still have 2 more days before I get a break.

I hate it.

I think the important factor is variety in the schedule. A year ago I wintered with a crab processing place, and I stood in place nine hours every day, doing the exact same motions, with no real stimuli. It was literal hell. (Audiobooks, by the way. God's only begotten son)

Back with the Forest Service for the summer, now, and I don't mind working long days or going a while without breaks because it's something new every day.

Just go for a job you can enjoy where you're not stuck doing the same repetitive actions every day.

>play overwatch
>time problem solved

>Want to spend my free time being productive
>A million ideas, all of which I'm too chicken-shit to begin trying
>lurk Sup Forums instead

The last one is really good, too. It's designed to serve people who are either hard of seeing, hard of hearing or illiterate, as well as those with allergies or product purchase preferences.


discover roguelikes, OP

I hate working but I also hate being a NEET
what do