me jungle
Me jungle
I'll go offlane I guess.
cyka_pider1998: me mid
cyka_pider1998: i kill viper ez )))))
*goes offlane and leech exp*
Guys, can you help me bottom? I can't solo against Dark Seer, I'd love some support. Just anyone, anyone to come help me kill the creep with Ion Shell. Guys. Guys!
>Implying 99% of antimages don't just go to a random lane that already had a hard carry
>Ended up at 3.5k after ten calibration games
How difficult is it to get 4.5k?
>me jungle
>single draft, all random, any other game mode with limited choice.
And then you end up with a solo CM or venomancer against a 2 stun lane.
mid or feed
>proceeds to mid and feed
*heads bottom*
*proceeds to steal all the last hits*
I don't know, I've been at 3800-4200 ever since ranked started.
Always solo queue, always random, always do my best.
did they fix this hero?
Last time I played, 2 years ago, it was utter shit. Kinda depressing thinking how strong it was in the original Dota
>Play AP Unranked
>Always get pudge banned
Feels nice
>mid pudge
At no point was Antimage weak. He was always at least okay, and often outright broken.
>mfw dota threads are allowed on Sup Forums
>mfw league of faggots threads aren't
>Used to be half decent
>Game became too stressful for me so I took a break from it
>Come back after a year
>Getting my ass handed to me at every corner
>It's been like 6-7 months since I came back and it's still happening
>Only hero I don't get my ass kicked as is Clockwerk
I don't know what the fuck happened but I really can't enjoy this game anymore.
>goes mid
>has wards
>sees someone coming
>that someone gets pinged
>"care mid" written in chat
>still gets caught
>still dies
>still complains in chat
*muffled soviet anthem playing in the background*
>play league, think dota looks cool
>terrible mechanics
>have no idea what I'm doing
>don't like the personalities of any of the heroes
Just got muted 24h for callign a bunch of peruvian subhuman trash
It happens every few days.
Bizarrely, every few days fucking subhuman go on us east, pick carries/mid, the end up 2-11
I truly, sincerely wish that Peru would suddenly sink into the sea.
god the way that russians type out smiley faces bothers me so fucking much
I do exactly the same.
Hes easy enough to counter, I just hate seeing him in most games. Boring as fuck.
didn't you mean to post this on reddit
he is pretty stronk alright
he has a scepter now, exept it gives him a linken's sphere that also reflects the spell back to the caster
rushing midas aghs someone else buy wards.
prepare for a roller coaster of insanity in your life
We had this thread yesterday
>I suck at the mechanics so they're terrible
like pottery
This is reddit, haven't you noticed
are you yurop? lets play right now
i have no group
>I'm a 2kewl4u kid
>wow it's hard
>Am I braindead
>The skin don't come with pretty artwork to wank
Yeah get back to lol
You remind me one of my friend
He suck at dota, he only play one champ because the rest don't have 'charisma' and don't want to learn how to play the game
GIT GUD or go play babylol
no, there are no league discussion threads on this board
I'll just buy a boost to 4.5k I dont wanna deal with that desu
I worded it wrong, I meant that I have terrible mechanics
DotA's mechanics are fine
Sorry m8 i'm in SEA
>killing your own soldiers
>towers too weak to protect you from enemy dives
>spells too expensive to use more than once ever 5 minutes
>some heroes have no escape skill early
nice balance
Why the fuck can't people play their roles? Seriously what the fuck? I'm not saying "oh everyone is so shit at their role" but rather the fact that people OUTRIGHT DO NOT play their role. Supports try to steal all the last hits from carry or offlaner even when they're getting free farm. Supports NEVER EVER buy wards let alone make any attempt to help mid. Mids never EVER try to control runes or have ANY map awareness, let alone gank any lane even when playing something like a puck or pudge. Carries NEVER go for kills the support sets up. They just keep farming. Carries also don't fucking last hit. They just FUCKING auto attack everything and push like they're an offline furion.
>that support who is ridiculously offensive in safe lane
>no stat items
>loses half hp to creep aggro
>what the fuck carry why no help?
will you accept a 2.4k plebean?
wow, you truly are fucking retarded
But didn't Dendi play a safe lane Pudge, with supports?
>not taxing the lane 1-2 last hits when your roam there fails
git gud
We've had this thread about 4 times in 3 days
And it's good, you fucking nigger.
If you dont like it, dont come here.
/d2g/ is an animenigger samefag baitpost infested shithole and nobody who actually plays dota actually fucking goes there anymore cause of those fucking same 5-10 people
The only use for /d2g/ now is for posting during esports so we dont shit up Sup Forums
fucking off yourself
No, sorry. I just got done playing with a ~2.5 buddy, and getting absolutely mouth foaming red faced veins bulging MAD when we lose a game directly because of his inability to win favored fights.
I know its not his fault, I know its unfair to expect him to go 1v1 against a player with a better ability, but when different ranks mixed this situation comes up and it loses games on the spot.
2 Tangos please
tangos pls
tangos pls
2 tangos pls
dotards will defend this
I honestly cant fucking remember and I really dont care about dendi, I just know that on r/dota2 ukrainians thor a shitfit about dendi being best player in the world best pudge etc.
Fuck ukranians, theyre the real problem,
not Russians.
i finally found the solution, and it is to play fatty, early dominating heros. I can basically bully my safelane into not beign shit by feeding the retarded shitskin into winning it. Shit like SB, ogre, etc.
Fuck, jif i support jakiro dual breath 28% slow for 5 sec give easy spin killls and the like.
Dendi had good showings mid, because Navi was the first team to rotate supports mid all the time.
It was sometimes unironically a 3v1 lane mid for the first 5 minutes of the game, of course Dendi had farm. And then they'd lose, but Dendi would look good while losing, because he has items and kills supports for a good K/D ratio.
>implying all Eastern Europe/CIS fags aren't the same
I am autistic about last hits and If I see you miss alot I will start taking them because its better one of us has gold than neither
>Cleared all my quest with three stars (except battle cup because fuck playing with randoms), did my dailies, weekly quests, achievements, and wagers
>can't even reach level 60
Actual russians are more humble, because of the constant >russians memes. The pseudo-russians think they are tolerated, so they act like complete shit.
>killing your own soldiers
Adds for more depth, plus think of them as mindless pawns. Their only goal most likely is to serve you in battle, so I'm sure they don't mind dying to you if it's to defeat the enemy.
>towers too weak to protect you from enemy dives
They're not too weak at all, they're really strong. If you die to enemy dives you over-extended. Towers can easily be used to set up for kills.
>spells too expensive to use more than once ever 5 minutes
Alright now this one is just bullshit, after playing both Dota and League a shit-ton, I will tell you that Dota has far better mana management than League thanks to consumables. If you don't buy consumables, you dumb.
>some heroes have no escape skill early
I think you mean a LOT of heroes have no escape in general. Thank fuck for that, because if every hero in the game had an escape, people would just use those crutches 24/7 instead of actually having good awareness and not over-extending.
If you had said the map was shit, I would've agreed with you, but your reasoning is retarded. Man I miss the old Dota map though.
>give mid 2 tangos and a ward
>he still loses his lane horribly
From my experience it's Perus that are the problem now.
Fuck em
>pick lina, a spell carry
>go to lane
>use spell twice to get last hits
>out of mana
Nice, nice mana management.
Now as a mage I have to attack physically, because I can only cast once per minute. As a mage.
And when I get enough mana pool and regen to cast often, enemies have magic resistance and immunity items.
DOTA2 is a shitty right click physical damage game, even the most powerful items are 100% physical damage items for right clickers. Right click to win, right click enemy and go take a piss, and come back to see you won the game.
>Not banning PA or Bristleback
Complete cancer.
He's always been good. He's super great at farming and since stacks are back at 1min now I can't see how he'd be bad.
Yeah back then XBOCT get left alone in safelane a hell lot, which is compensated by his ability to pull clutch plays and farming back in mid-game. Still 4/10 though
>not banning Meepo so you can safely random
>Mindless pawns.
>He hasn't been reading the lore comics.
Can I play only Wisp in soloqueue
Peruvians arent European my dude
Thats exactly what it is
Everyone just screamed "RUSSIANS FUCK OFF" when someone speaks vaguely Russian sounding languages
but its fucking ALWAYS Ukrainians that are the fucking niggers
Even on RU servers, Russians try and speak English if you tell them your Russian is bad
fuck, I actually feel sorry for some of the Russians, the shitheads from eastern bloc play on EUw because they think EUw has better players and just go fucking mental CYKA DEBIL tier
>Relying on your spells to last hit.
It's funny you mention lina when she's the most spell spam hero atm. Well you obviously don't know what you're talking about if you think a team going 5 carries is any good.
Xboct was a good performer back when carries were so defensive, that he surprised people with his aggro.
Navi were a strong team when everyone else was doing 4 protect 1 slow strats, and they were doing a mid game fighting strat. Once people god strategically savvy, Navi couldn't fight on equal terms.
Dota's lore comics are pretty shitty though.
>he can't into meepo
Stop giving him (You)s.
>using spells to get last hits
AM isnt the hardest carry though
That title goes to _________
>just pick a mage to right click things
>only use spells once every 5 minutes in a 5v5 hectic fight to confuse the enemy with particles and animations
RTS died for this.
I have won over 49 levels through tributes alone and that's including other peoples tributes you can too
EZ, it's Lone Druid.
Only hero that can get 16+6 slotted
>using spell to last hit then complain about mana management
Completely viable when you're Skywrath
Then again his spells are pretty cheap and rape the enemy early game
>pick early domination hero
>stomp enemy team despite being 4v5 because AM is playing PvE. He isn't even hitting towers.
>start losing midgame because we're still 4v5
>we get teamwiped. Except fucking Tarzan ofcourse.
>25 minutes in 1/0/0 no-tower damage AM leaves the jungle
>he blinks in the middle of the entire enemy team and dies
>the game drags on for another 20 minutes before we inevitably lose
>AM complains about the supports
shadow fiend
"You aren't allowed to use spells" is not mana management, retard.
I'll ask again. Why are there so many midget and centaur heroes in the game?
Why on earth is lc EVER picked though? Such a shit hero that sucks in just about everything she tries to do. There's nothing LC can do that some other hero can't do better so really, why ever pick LC?
Gaben is a poster.
A Batrider who can't play from behind. Shit hero.
Blink in with blademail and duel their strongest dude
Everyone will focus you while your team rapes everyone else
Also literally 6k damage with your level 25 talent
Lockdown and insane damage scaling
I thought you were someone who played dota and were just taking us for a ruse cruise but now I see you played one game, lost and are deriving your shit opinions from that singular bad experience
She's great at killing illusions, locking down heroes with ult, purging every~ debuff in the game from allies etc.
Just because shitters stay in jungle for 20min doesn't mean the hero is bad
Have you remembered to praise the Omniscience today?
To be fair, her heal is pretty strong with a built in purge and AS buff. Duel is a good lock-down too and with blademail you can counter squishy carries
Depends if your using a mic, or else you can't tell your relocate partner that shit is happening.
Axe does that better and it's aoe.
Lock what down exactly? It's so easy to save a teammate from an lc duel as long as they play 5 man.
That damage scaling is nothing but a fucking stupid gimmick to attract shitters. I'd rather pick pa if I wanted insane damage scaling.
>play lux
>spam E
>play lina
>buy bottle
>spam Q
>get rune
>spam Q again
but muh mana management
Of course.