Why are french players so bad ?

Why are french players so bad ?

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why are japanese players so good?


Not as bad as american and brasilian players desu

american are ok, but they act like retarded child with 0 banter

brasilian players are trash tier

they give up too easily

This, if the game doesn't go as they planned, they panic and surrender instead of coming up with a new strategy

French people are bad in general.

They're not Low Tier for nothing.


>play monster hunter, someone joins my hub
>fr fr fr?
Thats an imediate kick. At least do a few hunts before announcing you're a frog. Then you might last a bit longer

>top tier

yeah, no

i never knew that non germans already picked up on that annoying use of emoticons

Say it with me, moi monsiers und madames


>quebec low tier
>canada god tier

delet this right now

Quebec belongs lower.

Probably too busy with banging best chicks.



>usa top tier
>canada god tier



Because the good one talk english and goes unnoticed.

I'm pretty sure the same apply for every nationality.

>french woman
>70 % she's a coalburner
>40 % chance she has AIDS
> 80 % she's a feminazi
>90 % she's an annoying bitch
> 99 % chances she's into anal

Baguettes can't mount well. It's a fact.

Because they refuse to speak english no matter what and usually are either really shit, or cheating

>70 % she's a coalburner
>80 % she's a feminazi
Those are mostly American things though

> 99 % chances she's into anal
What's wrong with it?

>Scotland that low

Pas d'amalgame

What are some games where i get to experience all these accents and more? I haven't played multiplayer games in a long time.

No csgo/moba shit though

I don't know man, you need a lot of guts to be a suicide bomber.

any f2p game

>abundance of emojis.
Guess I'm out of the norm.

Pepes are emoticons of Sup Forums.

>high tier

I wouldn't say that reaction images are the same as emoticons.

t. shitty french player

>be me around 2000
>spend a week in Paris (t. ameriburger)
>hang around with some french chick studying art
>nice appartment
>we go to some techno festival
>lots of drugs
>lots of booze
>we have sex (no condoms, HIGH RISK)
>can't even go full erect
>"she goes "oh yeah so good please harder"
>need to pee
>can't hold, piss into her (I don't even know what's going on)
>she passes out
> I run away with my stuff, jump into a cab
> spend the last 2 days in a hotel near the airport
>never heard of her anymore

Epilog : no AIDS ! yay !


t. butthurt hue player

Late 90's/early 2000's were some weird years

Because most of then are third world muslims.

Teach me, Master

>tfw you encounter foreigners online

This is why it's SP only for me

>tell a player he's doing something wrong
>"fuk u u american bitsh"
>I'm not even american

The best years in human history. People were happier and more carefree than now, tits could be broadcasted on TV (in my country even porn was freely broadcasted past 2 am), games weren't censored because there weren't genderfluid pansexual transniggers.

Then 9/11 happened and the age of fear and paranoids began, which developed into overreacting and easily offendable people.

I miss those times

They're too busy dodging high speed trucks and vans driven by subhuman sand niggers, just like Brits

More easy than dodging a bullet shot by a dindu from Detroit

>ive never played with americans before
>or against them for that matter
they are very coordinated. unlike euros they all speak english and therefore in games like team fortress 2 they actually use voice chat and work together and for the most part have great gamesense. euro/australian teams are just glorified pubstompers that do not play cautiously at all and die like idiots. but that doesn't matter right? did they make fun of your accent? most of the best players in quake live for example are american, wouldn't you know it american tdm/ctf teams dominate even with an american number 1 duel champion consecutively. same in sports, same in fighting games, same in weight lifting and everything else. unreal, teeworld, i guarantee they would dominate even competitive minecraft or mario party doesn't even matter, they would master rng and use it intelligently against their stupid opponents. maybe its because english is simple, and americans use SIMPLIFIED english, so americans think fast and efficiently while euros waste precious milliseconds thinking in pig language? you should spend more time playing botmatches bulat and then maybe you would stand a chance against an american

t. Pompous burger

America has some good players but playing with american teenagers is fucking horrible. They're always spouting the same jokes.

Mainly run into beavers, bongs and emu's. Lithuanians are probably the nicest community of players I've met, but rarely so. Germany and France both have F- levels of banter.

>French players are so bad
>Take a look at LoL and CS:GO EU top teams
>French (also Swedish and Germans) players are overrepresented
Really makes you think OP.

>triggered burger
>wall of salty text

And they wonder why everybody say these lards can't take a banter

define banter

>Sweden in god tier

The fuck is that leaf doing up there?

Look at Canada and Quebec footnotes.
List was obviously made by a retarded leaf.

define Healthcare


Persians ARE white though

I refuse to believe it's not fake

whiteness means fuck all. greeks are "white" but less capable of running a country than random african nation

youve just used up one of your three gotos, going to ask my bmi next? or imperial system?

>be French
>no one knows
>always the one to carry my team to victory
>always reply in Chinese to throw them off my trail

Why are you so mad ?


i think this conflict is a difference of interests. i came to this board to actually discuss so i put some thoughts into my posts, while you just want to make the board a worse place per usual in the european evening

>"yeah I bet you can't make fun of us ! hard mod : don't mention our poor healthcare, obesity rate, retarded imperial system or the fact we can't take a joke !"

If you want your personal safe space yo ushould consider going on Tumblr or Reddit

none of which irrelevant, which is why im mentioning it, its literally all you know about america and its of course an overused meme

reminder this is the videogames board

your mom is overused, and yet.........


>yeah I bet you can't make fun of us
who are you quoting?