So apparently Microsoft is adding a built-in anti-cheat into windows 10
Built in anti-cheat in W10
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, this will go well.
I'm never gonna switch to this piece of shit
Installing windows 10 on my most recent build has been, by far, the biggest regret of my life. And this is coming from someone who posts on /v every day
Just disable updates.
lol get classic shell and it is literally 7 on roids.
I disabled everything and its ok now if I pretend the botnet isn't there
has to be pretty good then i take it
lmao triggered script kiddies mad they won't be able to cheat in games
>start regretting not having windows 10 because of forza and other games and how shitty quantum break runs
>look up a benchmark
>it runs 25% worse
what the fuck, am i reading this right?
Good riddance. Go cheat all by yourself playing Tux Racer, faggot.
but since your not gonna play appstore games you can turn if off unlike steam, uplay, origin, etc
I actually code those cheats for singleplayer games, it's probably the funnest thing I can do right now and windows decides I can't do it?
Fuck them
W10 is a bulky unoptimized piece of shit OS.
There are hundreds of stories about how fucked the development was and how much of the coding was outsourced to the cheapest third worlders.
>I code those cheats
>code those
Lol, you don't do shit, nerd. Enjoy your VAC bans.
Works on my machine. Sounds like bullshit to me.
If you are older than 17, I'll seriously be surprised.
Works and works well are very different beasts. W10 is dogshit from every metric.
Disabled those mandatory self updates that automatically shutdown your computer and reboot to install huh?
I bet it only applies to windows store games.
>saves thumbnails
you seem like an expert on mistakes and regrets, so i'll believe you
Works better than every previous version of Windows. Sounds like user error, as usual.
Well the issue in the os market is 0 competition. Windows is the current global standard and whatever garbage they shit out you'll have to put on with it. If you make a linux distro as shitty as windows 10 people will kill you no joke. But since there are no other option besides windows they can practically do whatever they want
And even if you try you can't do anything to stop them
When you grow up, you'll realize how childish it is to cheat, kiddo.
The Nexus in TERA (a discontinued raid area where hundreds of people couldjoin a single instance) technically "works", as long as you don't mind a 2 FPS slideshow due to poor optimization.
Windows 8.1 with Classic Shell is pretty much the pinnacle of modern OS and W10 is worse in every regard
Anti-piracy, now anti-cheating too? MS is truly out of touch with PC gamers.
Not even a peacock but as long as this dorsn't affect singleplayer games this is probably a good thing. This might lower the shitter percentage to console levels.
I just said it's fun to code cheats.
Maybe when you acquire a skill other than being a retarded NEET you'll understand.
>install W10
>disable updates just like when you installed 7 and disabled there too
If you disable updates you're a retard that's gonna get rooted.
You just know this shit is going to spy on you and do nothing else
>Want to use Cheat Engine on an old shitty PC port to get it to run correctly
>Windows 10 detects cheat engine is open
>detects its modifying active game files
>System 32 deletes itself
>Microsoft holds my computer for a $600 ransom that I can only pay by preordering a Scorpio
It's like we're really living in 1984
How much does M$ pay you to shill their garbage?
Every reputible source shit all over W10 for being unoptomized as fuck, not to mention the scummy freemium practices and literal adware forcing upgrades.
Just because you don't know how doesn't mean it's not possible.
And why?
Baby to retarded to do some basic system management?
>NEET trying to convince people that he """codes cheats""" to defend cheating in video games
whoa dude does your dad work at zelda
let me cheat in my single games reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Everyone knows Windows is shit but it is only choice for gaming.
>"""reputible""" [sic] source
Ah, I remember my teenage years. Going on the internet, making shit up and hating microsoft irrationally because it was leet.
UWP is a mistake
it's not Win10's fault
Another cheater rekt
Not him, but it runs much faster than any windows, and that's on a 10 year old mechanical hard-drive so I would know if it was unoptimized.
Never got an add, I think you have to sign up for this to receive them.
And updates are set to manual download.
Stop using common sense and hate microsoft with me you fucking shill
All the Sup Forums impotent rage in these thread is always hilarious.
why are you shilling on Sup Forums bro?
this place is probably the worst to do what you are doing because people know better.
Maybe try reddit.
>Never got an add, I think you have to sign up for this to receive them.
You type like a pajeet, did they move you from customer service to advertising "Steve"?
Fuck off cheating scumbag. The day people like you die horrible deaths the world will be a better place.
>If you make a linux distro as shitty as windows 10 people will kill you no joke
I had no idea things had gotten so bad. So many lives lost...
Too bad you don't have a cheat for Sup Forums so you can stop me from reminding you of the truth, kiddo.
It's built into UWP, not Windows 10.
Idiots need to stop conflating the two.
Could be cool.
Then again, who uses windows playstore
install gentoo
So another reason to not install this piece of buggy shit
>if I dont update windows 10 in 3 days after the update is released the system starts eating up more and more RAM and both resource and task managers have no idea where it goes
>If I bring the PC form sleep I get random 100% spikes in disk usage, again resource and taks managers dont show shit. (pic related) This used to happen even if I didnt bring it back from sleep but apparnetly format fixed it
>playing a video on the internet or any downloaded ones fucks over the audio with random buzzing sounds that drive me insane,
however any sounds coming from games is completely fine(fixed after format)
>If I play a game and alt+tab out of it to listen to youtube the video starts buffering endlessly and the browser stops working shortly after
Why is this system so fucking retarded? I had every previous windows except for 8 and none of the had any problems like that.
how am I raging? did you even read my post? you clearly don't belong here.
Did your superior order you to come here and tell us how awesome it is to have W10?
You are wasting your time
No windows os could be pinnacle when osx exists
Are you retarded or just autistic?
this unfortunately.
I just run w10 in a VM and pass a GPU to it, works pretty well if you have the patience to read some instructions for setting it up and have appropriate hardware.
How can be someone so retarded and incompetent? Damn thoose shareblue guys are really pathetic
>cries about not being able to cheat anymore
>s-stop trying to get me to use Win10!
Hahahaha, fucking kids, I swear.
We are anonymous
We will cheat whether you like it or not, normies
Nothing can defeat us, not even reddit
Go suck on billy gates cock, we will forever cheat
Win10 is much worse than 7 anyway
Right? You would think these script kiddies would know how to deal with this. Luckily for us, we get to experience their rage first hand.
After investigating I found out I will be able to still cheat on online games if they are not from the windows store.
I won't use W10 because it's fucking garbage.
Here you go,
Don't rage next time, when you cant set up your OS.
Learn to read, braindead nigger
Windows 10 is trash it was throttling my CPU all the time.
>All of these people defending Win10.
>Not just light defending, but full on "Fetch me my rapier, i'll duel this cur right now." levels of fanaticism.
I don't understand.
>Wasn't eligible for the free upgrade
>I'm going to shit on it on an anonymous image board, that way I won't feel bad about not being able to afford it!
Classic sour grapes LMAO
Why would somebody want to use this garbage? Its like linux but thousands times more buggy and glitchy
Weren't video games once for children?
Not the advertising on W10 you fucking retard, what they did to force people who didn't disable updates on W7 and 8 to switch. It was straight malware.
more bloatware I don't give a shit about
Nobody is too old to enjoy a game.
Another cheater #rekt
its time Sup Forums... put it in ` _ > `
its shills i guess, not even fanboys this fanatic.
Classic i am human failure who cannot get a real proper job
It's the best Windows OS yet. You got cucked by another FUD-spreading redditor again. But I suppose that's what happens when you're a bandwagoning sheep who can't think for himself.
Haha.. looks like this cheater is gonna get locked up.. thank you based Microsoft...
Reminder that the only way to turn off telemetry (spying) on windows 10 is to block the web connections in your router but if you do this windows 10 breaks.
Consider suicide, not even weaboos that pathetic.
You can suppress system updates by setting your connecting to metered, and then continue to manually install security updates
Still cheating in csgo and no problems. or does it have to be a game from the windows store or something?
Sup Forums - tech illiteracy
Pirated versions of Windows 10 don't allow the telemetry bullshit, it is actually more beneficial to your privacy to pirate the OS than to have gotten it through the free upgrade.
Paid Microkike shills. You really think a company with 0 morals or integrity and infinite money won't hire pajeets to shill for their fucking malware OS
>implying casual shitters who can't even into Dwarf Fortress will have any chance with a system that does less handholding than a tard wrangler for blind tards
Oh sweet irony
No, my point is, why is everyone pretending to like "gaming" suddenly? Policies like the shit listed in the OP influences more than it should.
Fuck whoever decided that video games must be serious business.
Only running UWP software from the Windows Store is the future of Windows 10.
If that's not the future you want then its time to stop using Windows.