>no vermin or Sup Forumsermin
Are we just waiting for the host?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, tournament is tonight at like ~6 PM EST I think.
Just hold your horses until then, post some shit on the booru if you want, but we don't need another thread until the host makes it.
Crashin this mofo thread.
>yfw skeletongue wins the finals.
Fleef already fucked one of you up, do you want to loose again?
>implying it was a direct fuck-up
Anonhost purposefully rigged that match to make fleef victorious, there was no way he should've won
Just face the fact that Skeletounge is still a fleshie, and not a real skeleton. That, and arthropods will always be victorious in the end.
I wanted to make a greek statue themed monster but I think I fucked up the size difference.
I have a vermin deisgn in mind but I can't think a good pose to draw it.
Anyone want some Ideas for vermin?
Waifubait -> Allure -> Regrette
Starts off as normal woman, evolutions reveal it is a monstrosity disguised as one.
Scrawninj -> Gunsho -> Samurai Jacked
What are the stat limits?
>boners already crying "rigged!"
Get fucked. You skeletonposters are the worst when you won't stop crying. Accept the loss and cheer for the next milk drinker. You guys are worse than fucking waifu Sup Forumsermin, at least they don't cry for multiple threads when they lose.
Dumb OP didn't bother putting it in.
1ST Evo gets 13 skill points.
2ND Evo gets 16 skill points.+Ability
3RD Evo gets 20 skill points.+Ability
>worse than waifufag
Nice try waifufag
I'd really like to see the first idea.
But can't you have it so 2nd form gets 20 without a skill, and third form gets 25 without a skill?
That's not official.
r8 my Sup Forumsermin.
Good puns
My Battle Cube for vermin is coming along nicely. I took the advice of an user and changed it into a mechanized Cube for the final form.
Somebody ought to do a full evo line for Lazer Cheese. Ability could be "Bad day to wear white"
Okay I made mine, can someone tell me if the size will be a problem and if the ability is fair?
Maybe if I could read the text I'd tell you.
Did Shrubmerged win? I fell a sleep
Ability is fine, since it's pretty slow to begin with
But, fix those sizes.
Didn't end yet. Continues some time today (I think around 6 PM EST or something like that).
I'm Finished up the stats and abilities of the Battle Cube line. Is the ability too OP? If so what should I change it to?
Host called it after first round. Second rounds start tonight at 6 est. current bracket is
Reminder that this happened
>Due to timezones I am always sleeping during a tournament
I'm fairly sure that didn't happen.
The two didn't even fight.
Suck it, leaf.
>statue is clearly Michelangelo's David
Should we add types?
If so, what should we add to this simplified chart?
Some OC from me, r8 and h8.
Anyone got a special idea?
Are you the person I stole weaponized snakes from?
Our Sup Forumsermin should fight
>Implying crabs can counter skeletons.
You should just put them above all other types desu.
No my brother. We should join forces. Alone we may be strong but no one can stop us if we dual-wield.
It's not my chart, but it totally makes sense for Skeletons to loose to Arthropods. Of course, you guys still beat the fuck out of waifus pretty hard
More like they totally boned them.
SS Gomad needs a sexy bellybutton
Could someone catch me up to speed on what all of this is? If I draw something now is it too late to put it in the tournament?
Tournament is being continued from last night, can't add more to the tournament until next tourney.
There's already a full bracket in progress and round 2 starts tonight.
After that it's the semi-finals and finals
then the next roster will be open for newcomers.
So you still have time
Wrath of Steamboat Willie - Gains 1 fast every four turns as the propeller picks up speed.
i'm making a decent effort to make demons a subtype. all my things have been demons so far
Remember to upload to the booru
On attack or on defend?
types are a TERRIBLE fucking idea.
We already have people attempting to metagame and that would only exerbate it. It'd limit creativity to fit your Sup Forumsermin into a type, and it would be a pain in the ass to code in each type for each Sup Forumsermin.
This desu
But I like it as just a meme
This desu, metagaming in a MS paint shitfest is just sad
can someone tell me what this is or point me to where I can read about it? i havent been active in a few days/
It is official. It was literally in the last OP made by Host.
Basically, we make shitty MS paint monsters, and a host with a battle engine battles them out. Host is coming around 6 PM EST
If you make one, post it here vb.booru.org
If it's official then my ability of 4 fast below 50% is completely fucking redundant. I'm changing it.
I guessed it that far but how do you watch the results? is there a stream or something? thanks for answering btw
>draw a monster and two evos
> give them stats and an ability
> get chosen to be put in host anons battle simulator
The host posts webms of each fight, no worries famerino
this ok?
Here was last thread.
Is there a way to see the old webms? has anyone saved them or are they uploaded somewhere?
ok cool, thanks. ignore
They're in the archives. Gonna have to find them yourself my dude.
Agreed. Fuck meta faggots. Let people draw whatever they want.
It's only official for the second host with the badass fighting program. OG host hasn't said anything about it being ok in his tourneys.
you can't make a thread every fucking day, user.
I thought it's the same Host just upgraded the engine.
Here's a lil one I made, if people like it I'll do evos later on.
-Titanbetes bows to Blorf
-In contact with Owntron
-Possesses blast-like abilities
-Controls the tourney with an iron but fair fist
-Owns swords and crowns globally
-Direct descendant of the imperial blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities in Mars (Blorfrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of Sup Forumsermin creation facilities on Earth
-First meta Sup Forumsermin will in all likelihood be Blorf babies
-Said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of one Blorf who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him
-Owns meta-game labs around the world
-You likely have Blorfbots inside you right now
-Blorf is in regular communication with the Tourney Host. Who do you think set up the meeting between the skellies & the crustacean high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged Conniption Man’s first trip to the finals?
-Learned fluent Blorfese in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Blorf. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Blorf
-Is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, Blorf is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he's a benevolent being.
Cool sprites, I like it.
i basically already used this name and concept, though
i might be retarded, because for the life of me i can not find a way to upload to booru
Nope. 2 different dudes. You're more than welcome to make it with the extra stats but keep in mind that you may wanna make a copy with an ability instead in case host #1 says fuck that shit.
You need to be logged in then click posts and Add at the botom of the page.
thank you user
Does anyone have a better name for this?
Ever since fleef won I see alot more plants.
I honestly love those names
I think names are fine.
What triggers the ability though?
1ST Evo gets 13 skill points.
2ND Evo gets 16 skill points.+Ability
3RD Evo gets 20 skill points.+Ability
Oh, thanks. I still think I could do something better than "Threesaparty" but I am retard
I'm pretty sure I've seen red ones.
I was thinking they ditch the shield for three turns and pummel the enemy. I'm not sure if that's allowed or if I just need to draw something extra.
That doesn't mean the minimum, right?
I will post this in every thread until i get at least 1 (you)
So it's an opening move?
Oy vey! Your schmeckelster is looking particularly penny pinching today.
Oy, if you want a (You), post it in the booru
I'll make it, thanks for the info.
latest production
That's the exact amount of points you have to distribute. Abilities might add stats. Read the vermin cards.
Does this count as a waifu?
waiting for the next tournament to steall hearts