Is Metroid dead?

Is Metroid dead?

>Is a nintendo game that isn't Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon dead.

Yes. Next question.

Is Animal Crossing dead?

Remains to be seen

what killed metroid?

one million sold per game isnt enough
same reason there's no new princess peach game

Retro turning it into a soulless scanning minigame for a whole trilogy that people pretended was good.

You should define "dead". In my opinion it's just dormant (as far as we know). It's a prestigious series with lots of potential in its universe, but expanding on it in what regards to gameplay is some serious task, plus releasing rehashing for the sake of it is not all that beneficial since the games are kind of niche.

When nintendo feels there's something powerful that can make the series move forward, they will go for it.

And no, I don't think Spin offs really count.

can metroid be saved?

Its pretty clearly dead. Considering Nintendo thought Federation Force would be a good idea, I have literally no faith in them treating the franchise with any kind of respect.

Other M

Sakamoto to be more precise.

>Retro saving it by making games that weren't just Zelda 2 with guns and ayy lmaos

wrong, other m tried to save it

this guy knows what's up


You're right, the Metroid series was completely thriving from 1995 to 2001 and Retro killed its momentum.

Sakamoto, the original creator of Metroid

He made a shit game and got BTFO by Retro.

I can't say it's dead just yet. Not with the rumormill swirling about a possible new Metroid at E3.

If there's nothing this year though, yeah. I'll chalk it up as another dead Nintendo IP.

>it's another "defending Other M for shitposting purposes" episode

>Forgetting about Fire Emblem

>turn Samus into a sex object in a skin tight suit
>leave the franchise to rot in a Rule 34 fueled pit

t-thanks Nintendo...

>what killed metroid?

If we don't see a proper Metroid game, even a teaser, at E3 next week, then it's dead.

I ahve that on a t-shirt, pretty neat

I'd rather play Other M than Prime.

It can be brought back whenever they feel like it, and if the announcement is handled well enough, it can generate hype.

But Nintendo seriously doesn't know what the fuck to do with the franchise, and apparently they are too proud and/or xenophobic to give it to the gaijin pigus.

>wrong, other m tried to save it

and failed. Horribly.

Yeah, gee, Prime sure killed the Metroid series' momentum.

It over saturated itself by having too many games in a short period of time compared to Nintendo's real heavy hitters.

Ice beams and misiles.

And I'm sure your mum probably would have rather aborted you, but I guess we can't always get what we want in life. Like having Retro take over every other stagnate Nintendo IP and completely rejuvenate them, like they did with DK.

>hundreds of shitty series live to see another day year after year

>series has had hit after hit, nothing but high quality
>one mediocre game releases
>never gets a game again

I hate everything.

I'd rather you die than live

>>one mediocre game releases

Other M was not mediocre. It was shit

If it moves to smartphones, yes.
If we get a switch game at E3, no.

Sarcasm, motherfucker, do you understand it?

>that SM gap

Good god, no wonder people were going nuts for Samus during the Melee trailer.

If their idea of "keeping it alive" would be more along the lines of Other M and garbage like that, I'd rather it stay dead. I like to think the series as a whole still has a well-respected enough legacy despite the later trash. Unless they can muster the talent to make something new be as good as the old, just let it be.

Pokemon isn't nintendo

Metroid, Super Metroid, Zero Mission, and the three Prime games are all excellent.

The series is averaging one excellent game every five years.

That is pretty good production for a franchise that doesn't really sell that well. Why do metriod fans have this persecution complex?

Other M; no follow up game for 6 years. Let the ip stagnant and basically doomed the franchise to obscurity short of a highly marketed large scale appealing game non-metroid fans can jump on. That isn't going to happen though because you'd have to throw a big budget for that.

>Pokemon isn't nintendo

So where is the excellent game that came five years after Prime 3?

It isn't, nintendo owns like 30% of the pokemon company.

>mfw 2D metroid being announced at e3
>mfw it's for 3ds

It's jointly owned by The Pokemon Company, Game Freak and yes, Nintendo.

No, it's Metroid Dread.

>What does average mean?

>averaging one excellent game every five years
It's been 7 years since the last actual Metroid game, a Metroidvania starring Samus Aran as the playable character. And Other M was by no means excellent. So in actuality, it's been a decade since the last halfway decent Metroid game.

average means absolutely nothing, the average person has one testicle and one ovary

>30% of TPCI
you forgot the controlling interest they have on Creatures Inc user

fanbase hates everything except their specific favorite, and will relentless shitposting and arguing inbetween acfag telling you the franchise is movie games. Also after Other M, anything that isn't exactly what they want from this franchise will hate it and resent the game without anyone playing it. If there's ever another metriod game, expect nothing to change.


This, even if they decided for some reason to make another metroid game it will get treated with all the dignity of drunk man at a wet tshirt contest.

FedFarce literally wasn't even a metroid game, it's ios spinoff tier that they just slapped the metroid name on it since prime is KINDA like a first person shooter and maybe get more sales on the name, which is bad enough, but the last metroid game before that was otherm a near universally reviled game and that was a whopping six years prior, with the last GOOD game in the series being over a whole decade back from FF.

The only good game to come out in the series in over a decade is a fan game. (a 2d game no less!)
If metroid as a series isn't dead yet, I wish it was, if only so nintendo would stop desecrating its corpse.

federation force was a bad game, nobody bought it because it was a bad game
a fanbase isn't obligated to buy every single game released in their favorite series regardless of quality

>FedFarce literally wasn't even a metroid game, it's ios spinoff tier that they just slapped the metroid name on it since prime is KINDA like a first person shooter and maybe get more sales on the name

There was never a moment in Federation Force's development where it wasn't going to have the Metroid name on it. It was designed from the ground up as a Metroid spin-off featuring the Galactic Federation.

We're not entitled, we just want another good fucking game.
>new Metroid game comes out, first new main series game that isn't a Prime title
>it's fucking awful, universally reviled by whole fanbase
>it's like 6 years until another game is announced
>next game is a fucking spinoff for a handheld that uses a completely foreign artstyle and totally lacks the serious tone that the series is known for

worst part is though, the concept in itself is not a bad one
heck people have said for a long time they would like a federation spin-off

Axiom Verge is an excellent Metroid style game.

It sold 140K copies on steam at around $20 a pop.

Those are okay numbers for an indie game, but it's not something Nintendo can justify putting big production values and marketing behind.

Nintendo has to pick its spots for Metroid.

You shouldn't care anymore.
There is nothing to gain out of waiting half a decade for Nintendo to release some shitty game.

Metroid is dead because there's no influx of fresh ideas from new developers, like you're seeing with Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey.

None of the new blood at Nintendo are dumb enough to want the reigns for the series with the underperforming sales and the psychotic fanbase.

Even the metacritic User score rates Other M as average. And that is with a bunch of babies giving it 0/10.

It's funny. My little nephew is over and is acting out right now. He is six years old and sounds exactly like you Metroid fans.

on the other hand other m managed to sell almost a million games despite being objectively terrible
it wasn't a top tier brand beforehand but it still had a loyal fanbase and was a well respected series at that point

they have nobody to blame but themselves for fucking that up

I feel sorry for the poor son of a bitch that has to make the next real Metroid game because unless it opens up a time portal that takes fans back to 2002 he will be eaten alive.

>despite being objectively terrible

It's a well-reviewed game that most people who played, enjoyed well enough. It has an extremely vocal minority of haters.

It's not a world-beater, but it's a fine game.

do people really dislike Fusion that much?
I get that everyone blames it for creating Other M, but it's not bad as a game is it?

there was a LOT of initial aversion towards metroid prime as well

I mean, metroid hadn't had a proper game for ages at that point and then suddenly it's given to an inexperienced studio AND it's a bloody 1st person game?

Fans were right to be skeptical because pre-table flip Prime looked awful.

I don't understand how Sakamoto and Tanabe can look at the current state of this series and feel anything other than total humiliation.

it singlehandedly killed the metroid brand mate
virtually all it's sales were in the opening month, after that it dropped dead, when the usual nintendo game tends to sell consistent numbers for several months

and the reason it has decent reviews is pretty simple: the game get's progressively worse and most reviewers only played the first hour in combination with reviewers not wanting to give an entry in a very highly regarded series (at that point) a bad score

They should do Paper Mario


nah, it's just back in the days it was an 8.5 game in a series that somehow consistently managed to produce 9+ games

nobody really hated it but it didn't measure up to the rest of the series giving a bit of a skewed perception


Dude. Get fucking real. I remember going into EB games a couple years after Other M and they had a fucking WALL of Other M discs. I commented on them and mentioned something about trade-ins and the sales rep corrected me, stating most of the Other Ms I was talking about were brand new and that they simply had slashed the price to try and liquidate the stock.

I almost grabbed a copy out of morbid curiosity.

I love fusion.
... buuuut it does run in continuity with other m, so I really can't blame fans for the retroactive backlash on fusion.
It's a shame that fusion is associated with other m since fusion really did add more to samus and the world around her without fucking up samus as a character.

I really wonder, had YouTube existed back in 2000/2001 when Metroid Prime was revealed, if the initial trailers would have gotten immense dislikes like Federation Force's debut trailer did.

>And that is with a bunch of babies giving it 0/10.

they remove those

just ignore Zero Mission, Fusion, and Other M and the timeline makes sense

I don't think so because Prime was graphically impressive, the series had ended on a good note with Super, and there was also a traditional Metroid in the works at the same time.

ZM and Fusion fit perfectly into the timeline

Lets give metroid to Kojima Productions

Isn't ZM just a remake of Metroid 1?

All things considered, Fusion is a great game. The problems I have with it are the gameplay-halting cutscenes when Super Metroid did minimalistic storytelling so well, and also the fact that the story completely undid the ending of Super Metroid and dug the series in a rut, ensuring that any subsequent sequels would have to make a radical departure from the series' status quo. I blame the fact that we never got any games after Fusion on Sakamoto backing the story into a corner.

Nintendo franchises that outsell Metroid:

Super Mario Brothers
3D Mario games
Mario Kart
Wii Sports/Fit/Play/Party
Animal Crossing
Donkey Kong Country
Mario Party
The Legend of Zelda
Smash Brothers
Brain Age/Big Brain Academy

The problem is that fans think Metroid deserves Zelda level production when it has closer to Pikmin level sales.

it's not, it just got a game last year

>8 years between Metroid and Super Metroid
>8 years between Super and Fusion
>8 years between Fusion and Other M
2018 Metroid game confirmed

to be fair though, Prime did set a precedent for a non-linear timeline which is why it didn't bother me
if they wanted to make a traditional metroid game it'd have been easy to just set it anywhere before fusion, if they actually wanted to try something new, set it after fusion

all that game's ending did was open up new options as there were now 2 very distinct paths of to developers, each with their own merit

course they went and took a terrible terrible third option anyways so it was all moot

>Isn't ZM just a remake of Metroid 1?


It's really odd to think that Metroid is such a niche franchise amongst generral public

the games actually take effort and skill to make so it would make sense that normalfags wouldnt know about it

You see, this is so childish.

Every game takes skill and effort to make. Even games you may not particularly care for.

>mfw falling asleep last night creating my ideal next Metroid game in my head

you cry baby faggots should have bought Super in 1994
this is your fault metroid died Sup Forums

Fusion takes place after Super. It didn't "undo" anything. But I think I know what you meant, user.

Personally I liked Fusion's story, but it's true that it's kind of a tacked on extension to what was already a nice 3-game narrative with Metroid, II, and Super. I honestly feel like Super should've been the last game in the series, and that subsequent games should've explored Samus's other adventures. However, I think the issue is that the series is called "Metroid" and considering the first three games (not counting the Prime series, as that's separate devs) had a continuing plot, the devs probably felt the need to continue the story. As you said, the status quo is basically dead with Fusion, as there's literally no metroids left, apparently.

That being said, I have a personal dream "Metroid 5." It's pure headcannon on my part, but I feel like the series can continue story-wise if they play their cards right. One thing I think not a lot of people pick up on is that the metroid series does actually have a decent amount of variety to it. Metroid II had its particular gameplay of hunting metroids to expand the world, Super added map functionality and was basically "Metroid done right" since they had much less limits, and Fusion took the series in a more linear direction that made narrative sense. Even Zero Mission included a new section at the end where you play without the power suit.

Because of all that, I think the series actually doesn't have a status quo. Well, to an extent anyway, I know the gameplay is usually really similar.

Is it really that surprising when you consider how Nintendo constantly squanders any momentum that this series builds up?

I think he meant to say effort and skill to beat.

no new games between 2007 and 2017

they had another shot, then released federation forces.....

yeah they had their second chance and still blew it

metroid is dead
I think a quick google search could have answered that

I did


Delusion status: Other M fan