Switch Online will be a paid service

> Switch Online will be a paid service
> Sup Forums nerdrages and hates Nintendo for it
> Service details are released
> Only $20 per year
> Free retro game access
> Sup Forums is BTFO'd by Nintendo once again

Other urls found in this thread:


$20 per year is admittedly better than the alternatives but if this ends up like Sony where the service is the same and or worse when you have to pay for it they fucked up.

>putting a space between the meme arrows and the green meme text
>capitalizing the first letter of the green meme texts as if they were sentences
>my-first-day-on-Sup Forums.txt

>only $20 for roms and their same shit online
No, that's robbery and people accepting this are helpful idiots.

You supposedly are paying for better online servers, but knowing Nintendo you can bet your asses you're getting the same shitty servers
You're going to basically be paying 20 dollars for literally nothing

> Being this fucking triggered about trivial shit
> Muh secret club

$20 isnt shit but name literally and NES game worth playing if you don't already have nostalgia for it.
There's none.

SNES has some good shit, but beep boop ancient mayan ass NES is just a waste of hard drive space.

gaming will reborn again when mario die...

Hello faggot

Don't forget you need to pay an extra $400 for a smart phone and the data plan to do voice chat online

>being retarded
>doubling down

underage faggot detected

If ice hockey with online multiplayer doesn't give you a hype boner you can GTFO

>> Free retro game access
that sounds dope but why make a thread without any source?


>nintendo takes away that free game after a month

Atleast xbox lets me keep the games.

The original Zelda and Metroid games are still good.

Not to mention the Super Mario games, all of which are timelessly great.

>> Free retro game access
I don't think retarded OP understands that redownloading Super Mario Bros. after the average consumer has already played it on their computer, phones, gameboy, gameboy advance, gamecube, wii, wii u, ouya, apple tv, firestick, and bootleg gaming consoles isn't all that enticing.

You know they're adding local multiplayer and netplay to all the multiplayer titles, right?

try $75 fag

>> Only $20 per year



They changed it so now you can keep it until you stop paying for the subscription

It's still ass though. Will never replace the Virtual Console.

No idea what that is, but judging from the context of the reply I'm guessing it's some primitive fanmade program to run older games in shitty, buggy online modes. Am I right?

It's now "ongoing access" to "a library of classic titles", not 1 per month.

>online service has less features than even xbox live from the year 2001
>nintendies thank nintendo for the privilege of paying for it
>go around preaching their mario religion saying how great it is just because it includes an old rom they already bought from nintendo twice


>data plan
>implying your smartphone isn't on wifi when you're home
What a retarded argument, jesus

>go around preaching their mario religion saying how great it is just because it includes an old rom they already bought from nintendo twice
You haven't heard about NESflix?

But from the looks of it, there's only 3 games on the Switch right now that use online anyway. Mario Kart 8, Splatoon 2, and ARMS. Monster Hunter is coming down the road but I still don't think a grand total of 4 games is good enough to charge for online multiplayer. It's just not.

Which is why they're keeping it free until next year. They need some online games before they can charge for them.

There's a few more though. From the ones I own, PPT and USFII also have online.

>fanmade program
Only thing primitive here is your brain.


Look at all these blacklisted 3DS pirates here, they're getting shivered in the timbers

Not him, but I've used Kaillera. There's a world of difference between having to find opponents on IRC and walk them through installation and port forwarding to try to get all that shit working, and an official service integrated with matchmaking and a friend list. I would be willing to shell out a little for officially supported netplay.

Minecraft, Fast RMX also

>OP didn't use the oldfag-approved greentext template
>implying that shit ever mattered

>> Free retro game access
i'm gonna need sauce on that

People are really complaining about 20 dollars a year? Isn't that less than 10 cents a day. I waste more than that on junk food.

Welcome to Sup Forums, where cynicism and forced hate of everthing ever is the norm

They're debuting a service with Nintendo Online called "Classic Games Selection". You get "ongoing access" to "a library of classic titles".
We don't know any more details yet, like how many there are or whether they'll change month to month. This is backtracking on their previous promise to give you one NES game per month.

i hope it's better than just a fucking NES game

at least snes for fuck sakes

The Nintendo rep said it will start out as a selection of NES games, and adding SNES titles is under consideration.

this actually turned out much better than expected

>joining the kike squad holding basic online functionality hostage behind the same paywall as the game rentals, etc
>games offered by Nintendo are ancient ROMs that if you gave a shit about them you'd just emulate anyway, don't even get to "keep" them like Sony/M$ offers
>online functionality like groups, voice chat, etc outsourced to your PHONE, as in you effectively just call people on your phone but Nintendo wants to charge you a premium for that
>Nintendo's "excellent" reputation for online service

Sony can eat a bag of dicks and Microsoft can drown in a flood of shit-laced semen for their faggot asses introducing this bullshit in the first place, but while Nintendo's offering is cheaper from an absolute dollar perspective it also offers effectively nothing for it, making it the most expensive of the bunch.

It's Okay When Nintendo Does It!

>don't even get to "keep" them like Sony/M$ offers
PS+ games have always disappeared after you unsub, and Live Gold stopped letting you keep their games.
Get used to getting jewed. As soon as they know people are willing to pay, they start stripping away pro-customer services and features.

I hope they add n64 games down the road
>online smash bros 64, f-zero x, pokemon stadium and starfox 64

>hurr they're just ancient roms
That's like saying Steam is just selling roms you could pirate anyways so who cares.

>but nintendo's servers!
They're fine at the moment. Online play has worked pretty well since the Switch released.

Retarded argument discarded.

> roms

Nintendo fans love buying literally the same games for every new platform, and I do mean 20 year old games, not new versions.

>> Free retro game access
Let's wait to see if they'll actually have a good selection first.
The first 2 years of the Wii U VC were absolute garbage.

It isn't free if you're paying for it, son.
There is no reason for nintendo to charge for online, only reason they are doing it is because it's basically free money.
The service won't be better and you will still be treated like shit by nintendo.

>It's $1.50 a month
I don't understand how you can be well off enough to buy a $300 gaming system and too poor to buy a cup of coffee.

It's more about the principle around the issue. Nintendo's only doing this because the other two are. They saw they could get free money for doing jack shit.
Why are you happy to pay to use your internet connection anyway? A service you already pay for.

>Why are you happy to pay to use your internet connection anyway? A service you already pay for.
I imagine because the game company is paying for dedicated servers, which is an ongoing expense. I never got the "paying to use your own internet" argument. Internet is a two-way thing, there needs to be something on the other side to connect to, and that's what they want you to pay for.

Still, servers are pretty cheap and they could be covered by retail sales. I bet it's more of a motivation to keep them running instead of shutting it all down 2 years in once they've grubbed all the cash like some companies do.

>online servers
>implying companies actually have dedicated servers
>and it's not a big scam w/ peer-to-peer connections

If nintendo is following their competitors then we know the servers will be shit anyway.
It's all speculation really, but I personally doubt that their service will improve any from wii u days. As a fan I'm disappointed that nintendo are being this greedy. I always knew they were jews but this seems like a slap in the face more than anything else.

Technically even P2P games run a basic matchmaking server. I think Nintendo's only games with dedicated servers so far are Splatoon, Spla2n, and ARMS. They work pretty well though.

I had a flawless experience with the ARMS online. If they can bring systems like that to their other titles I'd be stoked.
Mario Kart 8's P2P online is ludicrously bad though.

>having severe non-functional autism to get triggered by something so stupid.

It's literally PS Plus, but cheaper. Why is this bad?

>have to have compatible smart phone for app
>expecting good quality through an external phone app
>"free" access to list of VC games everyone already had or would never drop a penny on
>people somehow blown the fuck out by Nintendo damage controlling as hard as Xbone 24 hour online checks
>still so incompetent with online services that they've had to delay it til next year

Yeah, I'm not seeing anything getting BTFO here besides Nintendo themselves, since they had to realize that the competition has actual reasons to charge their prices that people willingly hand over.

Call me when they start offering first party games and stuff like Bomberman R / Puyo Tetris like the free PSN+ or Xbox Gold games

>paying $20 for this

What does the 3ds ban have to do with any of this?

It's really better to think of it as no voice chat. A party chat app on a phone isn't a feature, we always have equivalent services. Like Wii U and Wii before it, Switch has no voice chat. If that's a dealbreaker for you, don't buy one.

>still so incompetent with online services that they've had to delay it til next year
Are people literally complaining that Nintendo extended the free period
So they're greedy if they charge, and incompetent if they don't charge. I'm glad we have such a balanced perspective on this.

>PS+ is a rip off
>PS+ is bad
>scam is a bit cheaper
>not a rip off anymore

not so inteligent anons in here

Being a third of the price really can determine whether something is a "ripoff", you know.

>pay money
>"""free""" retro game access
What did he mean by this?

Have you forgotten how many people turn to eBay daily?

>data plan
>VC is a gimmick anyway

>paying for a platform that can only play games
>paying extra for the games since they are more expensive than on pc and don't drop in price as fast
>having to pay extra AGAIN to play the multiplayer mode of the games you already paid for

do you guys have a cuckold fetish or something

The fees don't bother me, but I want the "improvements" they were supposed to offer for Splat2 and Kart 8 Deluxe, the latter still having hiccups now and then.

>service and full details are not even out
>Sup Forumsgers goes around shitting as if everything were on stone
why is Sup Forums so insecure when it comes to Nintendo??

>""""free"""" retro game access

I'm not going to defend MK8D, that thing still D/C's me in like 25% of matches. But Splatoon 1 and ARMS had really stable online. I think those are their only games so far with real dedicated servers.

>paying for being allowed to play peer-to-peer games using your connection for hosting
>not totally a scam
>making it cheaper makes it not a scam anymore

hello? McFly, anyone home?

you are literally forced to pay to be ALLOWED to play the full price games that you already paid for.

Wii U had Miiverse, which actually required tons of server and that was "free" (because you bought the fucking games). There is no Miiverse on the Scratch.

Miiverse was retard facebook with a monochrome paint tool. I really don't miss it, and if was part of their paid package, I wouldn't consider it as adding to the value of the service.

I'm not sure why you guys think Nintendo is still going to have the same shitty online as always? It almost definitely won't be as good as the competitors' but they need the money to support online capabilities. Why would you expect a decent, comprehensive online service to be free? XBL has charged for over a decade. Nobody cares. PSN started charging because they could no longer support their online for free. No shit. Same thing with Nintendo. Why do you think their online has sucked all this time? Because they have to fit it somewhere in their budget. This way they have more money to actually focus on online

The retro game access is just a bonus to sweeten the deal and make more of you retards more inclined to pay. I'm going to pay anyway because I want to kick some ass on ARMS

the point is you dumb-head, that it would have made more sense to charge for online on Wii U, because Miiverse needed actual servers and lots of storage.

>Miiverse was retard facebook
>implying that facebook is not already for retards

From a purely technical standpoint, perhaps. From a business perspective, it would have driven people away from an already doomed platform and generated negligible revenue due to the disastrously small userbase.

Of course facebook is for retards, but Miiverse was like a cross section of the most underaged, autistic facebook users.

>I imagine because the game company is paying for dedicated servers

Isn't the Nintendo Network P2P?

Most games are. ARMS and Splatoon have dedicated servers, though. You can really tell the difference compared to something like MK8D, which only uses a matchmaking server and an anti-cheat bot.

>Free* retro game access
>*With paid subscription

>I imagine because the game company is paying for dedicated servers, which is an ongoing expense.

>buy Counter-Strike
>play it for ages despite dedicated servers
>no monthly fee
>be able to buy your own dedicated server for full control

>buy console games
>have to pay to be allowed to play via peer-to-peer networking
>try to find excuses, because you are that retarded

>Muh meemtext!

on a technical lvl there should not be a reason for Companies to charge for online

Online only became was is today cause Xbot and later Sonygers welcomed it with open arms

>b-but its only 60$ a year
>You are too poor!!!
>T-The free shovelware and indie trash no body touches makes up for it!!!

im not entierly happy with having to Pay on Nintendo now, but at least is the lesser evil.
anyway my current set up is only Switch and PC

pretty sure that Splatoon on Wii U is P2P.

Who doesn't have a phone?

> Only $20 per year
> Free retro game access
You can do this on PC without paying $20

Did you really just praise Valve's generosity for running "free" CS servers?
Have you any idea how much they take people for in CS?

It's almost like they realized that what they were going to ask was a shitty deal for the consumer, and everyone told them so, so they delayed it to next year and promised it would be something much easier to swallow

Good thing Retroarch recently stepped up its netplay game with matchmaking/lobbies.

Still not worth paying Nintendo.

Learn to use greentext properly.

>be Ninten-tard
>try to spin it that requiring a fucking phone for basic online play is not a big deal
>pay mobile data fees even when you are at home
>will also surely be a way better connection than DSL


You say that like Nintendo didn't make fucking millions selling out those fucking NES retro console things.

Metroid is literally and objectively a bad game.
Do you like farming for 10 minutes every time you die to fill your energy tanks?
Do you like getting lost because all rooms look alike and there is no map?
Do you like bosses that take forever to kill and spam projectiles, so you have to keep retreating after you shoot them once?

>not having unlimited data

>Why would you expect a decent, comprehensive online service to be free?

The Wii U's may not have been comprehensive, but it was decent. Once I replaced my faulty modem, I never saw a communication error again, so yeah, I did expect the Switch's to be free. However, since the Switch is incapable of voice chat (on its own), you can't exactly call its paid service "comprehensive". Ultimately, I guess it really is okay when Nintendo does it.

>be retard
>don't realize the switch is a fully portable console
>don't realize everyone has a phone
>don't realize an app is the easiest way to ensure most people can access online chats without putting a toxic environment onto the switch itself, which nintendo clearly wants to avoid

You say that like the Mini NES wasn't just a test in order to confirm that retards would toss money at a subscription fee if they just sweeten the deal with some retro games.

>people are too retarded to use emulators
We already know that. It still doesn't mean it's not a shitty deal.