People like Zelda more than Mario

>People like Zelda more than Mario
>But Mario always sells better than Zelda

This has always confused me. If you like Zelda, why won't you support it by buying the games instead of using an emulator?

>not doing both

>>People like Zelda more than Mario
They seem both pretty well liked to me


>mario sells better
maybe because it is always bundled with every new nintendo console

Yeah, like the NES, SNES, and... hmmm...

Normalfags use Zelda as a mark for being "hardcore" and "oldschool" when it's both easy and constantly modernized.

>>People like Zelda more than Mario
What makes you come to this conclusion?

Casuals/non-gamers love Mario but are intimidated by Zelda. Hence Mario sells more. It's not that complicated.

I think you can say people like Link more than Mario (the character) but Zelda/Mario (the series) are pretty much equally enjoyed. Mario is a more iconic character than Link, even though both are pretty prominent.

I've heard normies say they like Zelda. I've never heard one day they consider it "hardcore". Stop making things up because you don't have friends

mario is more new player friendly I guess

Everyone who owned an N64 also owned SM64

the quality of a game is one thing and sales are another. They aren't mutually exclusive.

You ask any self-respected gamer what franchise they prefer and they gonna say Zelda because it's you know, more hardcore. You ask random casuls which one they prefer and they gonna say Mario simply because Mario has way more mainstream appeal.

Another thing to note is that the casual market is the biggest market but at the same time the most unpredictable too. Core gamers are loyal and know what they want, casuls are not.

It didn't come with the console

Zelda has that gamer cred. And outside of SMG1/2, Zelda games are better.

They both appeal to different demographics.

Mario is for all casuals.

Zelda is for casuals who like to think they aren't casuals.

Well that's an interesting statement, neighbor.

isn't that because we get one zelada game per generation yet we're up to mario party 18, mario galazy 6, mario kart 10, etc?

there are millions of people who buy mario games that never post online about video games

People who like Zelda like it more than Mario, but Mario has a huge widespread appeal. As shitty and bland as the "New Super Mario Bros" series is, they keep making them because even the most oblivious of casuals know what 2D mario is and buy it.