Are twitch stream viewers mentally ill?

Are twitch stream viewers mentally ill?

People really donate their millenial unemployment dollars to internet celebrities who are already making 100k+ per year just so that they can get their name read out loud? Why do people do this?

Are these streamers taking advantage of children? Or just those with no friends who get excited whenever a streamer says "we" instead of "I" in order to make the individual feel as though the streamer is talking directly to them? And then fooling them into thinking that they can start streaming themselves in order to make money by playing video games in front of people?

I don't understand this phenomenon.

itt: old man yells at cloud

> OP doesn't understand something

Yeah, that's not surprising.

Guess what user, lots of people don't understand why you waste your time crying about trivial shit that doesn't affect you on an anime image board.

>Go to party
>Talk to people
>Feel social and make new friends

>Play MMO
>Talk to people
>Feel social and make new friends

>Join a chat server like discord
>Talk to people
>Feel social and make new friend

>Watch twitch stream
>Talk to people
>Feel social and make new friends

Its all the same shit really
Yes socializing is unnecessary
But people enjoy it

You pay the bar for drinks
You pay your monthly fee for the mmo
You pay your internet bills to talk online
You pay your streamer host to keep streaming

The only thing that changed is powerful people just made the only free thing we enjoy cost money

And now people dont even have to leave the house

I very rarely donate, but if someone entertains me then it's worth my money. For instance Khaldor did a HotS tournament where all the bans stacked throughout the series, so by the end of a best of 5 or 7 almost all of the meta heroes were gone and teams were making funky comps that you never get to see. Which I want to see more of, so I donated

>>Watch twitch stream
>>Talk to people
>>Feel social and make new friends
except that's wrong you mongoloid
you're more like some retard sitting in the back of a concert trying to talk to the band personally, while everyone else is trying to do the same


> making up this shitty of an analogy

I hope, for your sake, you're just shitposting and not actually this stupid.

Except subs get their discord and get privileges to join the voice channel by linking their twitch

Each self-sustaining twitch stream is honestly just the same as clans used to be in mmos or dota or counter strike

Life technology and society just progressed

and ontop of that your probably old now
and the reason you resent it is the same reason old people stop going clubbing
and joining gaming communities

If you think the streamer gives a fuck about youi then you might be.
If you watch for quality gameplay or entertainment, how is if different from watching something on TV?

Whats wrong with that analogy? Thats literally whats going on in those streams. The streamer doesnt give shit about you but you think youre part of something

>People really donate their millenial unemployment dollars to internet celebrities who are already making 100k+ per year just so that they can get their name read out loud? Why do people do this?

They donate a buck or two so they can take a screenshot and brag to their friends at school/gaia.

People had to do a lot more for a lot less to get acknowledged by their heroes before the Internet.

>The streamer doesnt give a shit about you
Stop projecting?

Is any friendship real if you boil it down?
Just stop over analysing and you'll be happier

It'd be interesting to see if they were more lonely than the average person and if spending all of their time on the Internet contributed to that.

yes, friendship is real. but an asymmetrical relationship that just consists of voyeurism and gifting isn't a friendship.

>neo Sup Forums defends twitch subscriptions

We are now stuck in an endless state of summer

>Is any friendship real if you boil it down?
you reek of insecurity

>paying a subscription so you can spam LUL every 5 minutes without even cracking a smile along with 10,000 other people

How fuking salty are you? What are you saving up the money for anyways ? You aren't going to buy a house in this economy or waste your time ruining your life with wife and kids and live in perma poverty

>>Yes socializing is unnecessary
no, it's not. we are social animals, there are only very few exceptions.

im happy
im just saying if you go through life thinking
>they cant be my friend because X and Y
Your not gona have many people left

>le doesn't affect you meme

it affects society and we are all part of society

same reason being gay is wrong


Theres a difference between having a friend and being insecure (what you describe) and paying someone money to pretend to care about you over the internet

back to twitch child

how much money have you given your favourite titty streamer in hopes she acknowledges you?

twitch chats are the bane of humanity
emoticon and meme spam as far as the eye can see

>there are actual cucks who give their money to their friend simulators ITT
LOLing @ ur pathetic lives

i don't understand the retards that donate thousands of dollars


not really
having a relationship with your boss is just the same thing really

I subscribe to a couple small streamers because I like the content they make. I have a pretty well paying job so I don't mind spending $10 a month on that.

You pay your boss to pretend he cares about you over the internet? M8 your "job" is a scam

>streamer with 2000 viewers playing dark souls beats third boss
>"whoa guys we did it!! make sure you follow and subscribe for the month!!!"
>receives thousands in donations

>same time next year
>50 viewers because viewers were autists who lost interest or moved on in their lives
>owes government thousands because he never paid taxes on donations
>no practical skills or savings to show from years of streaming
>"p-please help me pay for my streaming house!!"

the streaming phenomenon is pretty sad and pathetic, a bunh of lonely people all in chat spamming memes and making inane observations in a desperate attempt to be acknowledged by the streamer, nd that's just the male streamers, the female streamers are another level of hell altogether.

>all caps typing and emoticonspam is now considered socializing

no i mean if your boss pays you and then regards you as a friend
often the incentive to be their friend is the money
but it doesn't mean friendship in this scenario cant work
im friends with my boss
if i left id still go for a drink with them from time to time

>hop into a Pokemon stream
>literally nothing Pokemon related happening at all
>it's some fat neckbeard sperg headbanging to metal music

Be sure to stick around and witness Sup Forums E3 conference threads.

The difference is largely that you actually interact with a human being, rather than a face on a screen who has no interest in you

people that donate have money to waste. You don't have that kind money, so you won't donate.

With all of your overthink, it's hard to believe you can't take a moment to fathom that the man you work to make rich isn't your friend.

livestreaming is ok
just twitch and the whole "streaming is my job" is cancer
If the streamer is playing video games and doesnt read out any donations, subs or followers, chances are he's worth watching
like demo

More like
>watch twitch stream
>donate money
>feel like you made a friend because they say your username on stream


>work to make rich

Most peoples bosses are middle management, they aint rich at all, you fucking 15 your old. Also, work relationships generally advance both of your careers if you are not mongoloid

>100k+ per year

99.9 % of twitch streamers earn close or just over national living wage m8.

Who cares what other people do with their money?
If people want to give money to them instead of spending it on vidya that's there choice. Stop being a cry baby faggot OP.

>Most peoples bosses are middle management, they aint rich at all, you fucking 15 your old.

Sorry, can't hear you from my real job burger flipper.

>actually calls me 15

and most of their earnings get pissed away on vidya and tech gadgets.
OP is being a moron, as usual.

Tipping is literally american culture. No idea why streaming and donation causes such confusion

a semi popular streamer im friends with stopped over for the weekend just a few weeks ago
I wouldn't have been friends with them if I didn't sub to them initially and join the discord group
but life happened and now we are good drinking buddies and I haven't subbed in over a year but we still hang out most weekends and they crash here from time to time

>stating an actual fact means im a burger flipper

Im an auditor, what do you do faggot?

Thats great for you i guess, but lets not pretend thats the normal subscriber/streamer relationship

Body guard. I'd shed my boss' ass the second my own life was in danger, as would anyone I've met in the biz.

I also live in a town where a McDonalds manager could mortgage and pay off a house in less than ten years, so the 'get rich' thing is relative, just like "Twitch celebrities getting rich".

yup, when i realised i was actually making more doing warehouse work than i would streaming to about 500-600 people on twitch i gave up on it for good.

Your boss just died while you were shitposting on here. You did a shitty job desu.

>>Is any friendship real if you boil it down?
>this is how people rationalize throwing money away so someone can keep playing video games

Pretty sure I'm about to go get baked in his garage actually. Incidentally my boss is also a schoolmate from back in the day. Your boss CAN be your friend, I'm definitely not going to claim it's impossible.

Neither is me banging Kaceytron desu.

>a bunh of lonely people all in chat spamming memes and making inane observations in a desperate attempt to be acknowledged
literally Sup Forums, why do you think (You)s became a meme?

If you have ever donated to a twitch channel just to get a couple of seconds of attention, then you need to rethink what you want to do with you life.

2x worse if it's a girl. 10x if it's a girl that shit at games.

I really don't get it.

I watch a stream where $5 lets you play a song. So many people will donate to play meme songs like loud ear rape, bass, ironic funny songs etc

Probably a lot of young people. Kids and shit doing it.

You have to remember we never grew up with this kind of shit being available. Who knows what we all would be like as young kids with all this technology.

>socializing is unnecessary
Actually socialising is necessary.

Who were your role models when you were twelve?

Half of them probably were just as shit, yet you probably supported them with your pocket money.

To be quite frank people that choose to 'do' twitch tend to be people who are completely lost in life both personally and professionally, often have little to no friendship circle and very rocky family relations. They use twitch as a coping mechanism to justify spending absurd amounts of time on videogames in attempt to avoid the responsibility of actualized life.

Well they're making that money because people donate... so if they didn't donate then they wouldn't be making it

twitch is just the new hip and in chatroom for losers.

>justifying making a profit by taking advantage of children (or people with the mentality of one)

brb, gonna go sign some kids up for credit cards cause they don't know any better, but it's fine because I'm helping them

how the hell does it affect society?

Twitch is people talking at others, not to them.

Well the whole gaming journalism scene is becoming increasingly irrelevant thanks to streamers and youtube.

Do you watch TV? You see those ads that show up? That's what pays for your entertainment.

You pay for Netflix? What about your internet? You're paying for entertainment.

Twitch has ads but they don't give much money. So you toss a guy $5/month for entertainment. Celebrities get paid for entertaining the masses. Its no different than watching your favorite streamer or youtuber, & tossing a few bucks their way.

still better than sending $25 to dr. popoff to cancel out your sins

>Someone subscribes
>Streamer has to drop everything to thank them
>Finally get back to the game
>New subscriber
I almost feel bad for them. Sounds awful

Then there are streams where the streamer reads out every fucking donation or retard question. So it's just a clusterfuck of them thanking the donators for hours, and no gameplay. Donating actively makes most streams worse.

Lets Players and e-celebs are taking advantage of the incredibly antisocial setup of modern society by filling in the vacancy of having actual human contact. Whereas nerds used to actually meet up physically and do shit like LAN parties and whatever to provide a socialization opportunity for people who were otherwise highly asocial, now YouTube gives kiddos a chance to feel like they have friends to hang out with and play vidya with. Even though you're not playing the game and you have to pay for the random faggot on the internet to acknowledge your existence with a shout-out. I think it's pretty shitty state of affairs, too, I mean why the fuck do you need other people when you have waifus to keep you company?

I don't know man, people waste their money on all kinds of shit. There are people out there who spend $525+tip ordering 25 minute long custom fetish porn videos with no penetration. The fact is, no-one would be selling if people weren't buying; you've just gotta roll your eyes, accept it and move on.

You could choose not to read stupid questions and just thank them, it's not that hard.

If they do that though then no one will give them money because people only donate for their 15 seconds of fame

I understand wanting to watch games. What I don't understand is the obsession with spamming chat with banal, nonsensical pictures of a dog face. MISSED LE JUMP KAPPA CRYING BABY FACE CAT WITH SUNGLASSES!

Literally the white equivalent of emoji, the absolute nadir of communication, a modern revival of hieroglyphics.

And that's a bad thing?

If they're crying about not getting attention on stream just make fun of them and chat gets a kick out of it.

>Why do people do this?

Something-something-Nietzsche-Ubermensch. Individuality doesn't seem to be a born human trait. People tend to want to model themselves after someone else, want to worship someone who exemplifies all of "their" values, or wants piggyback another person's social or financial success. At least, that's my understanding of fanboyism. Not very different from partisan politics.

Watching Sup Forums froth at the mouth about Twitch streamers is one of my favorite things about this board.

I mean, you guys fucking complain so hard about those "Millionaire e-celebs who just rake in autists cash while pretending to be their friend when they thank them for subscribing", but that obviously means you watch them, right?

Like, why would it matter if you didn't? Nigga I know there are people making Youtube videos talking about how the Earth is flat, but I don't watch them, so the fuck do I care? There's a whole section of Youtube for making money playing with kids toys, but I don't watch it, so I don't ever see it.

But you guys apparently sit in these streams and just stew with rage the whole time. Do you? Do you spend your days spamming emotes because you're so mad and you need to "disrupt" their 100mph chat in protest?

Explain your existence to me.

It doesn't matter that for example Pewdiepie has millions, he's getting donations not because he's dying of starvation obviously but because Youtube should be paying him and others, but doesn't anymore.

Because people like his stuff they feel the urge to pay him what Youtube "owes" him and others. It's understandable.

>hey guys Imma choose this BLACK top for my gta character streamer snickers alittle
>chat spams trihard XDDDD and that laughing face



>trying this hard to justify paying a streamer to pretend they are your friend

This is about as eloquently as it can be put. adblock rates are so high that most people have actually just given up on ad revenue entirely as a primary source of income, and that's why you have patreon shit and everyone asking for donations.


It's just hero worship.

BrainSlug = Big Nig (no space)

>He shitposts on Sup Forums for free
>finds other people pathetic
the ironing.

I'm not sure how it is outside of america, but people who donate from america tend to do so because they value the entertainment and feel like tipping the streamer for offering this entertainment

its classic american tipping mentality, you don't have to tip the hotel concierge or the streamer but you do because you can

>taxes on donation

I forgot that in burgerland you have gift and death tax as well.

>watching streams with over 200 viewers
you're doing it wrong.

donating money to people you like that produce entertaining content isn't that surprising, street performers have been a thing for a long time and twitch streamers don't do 1 trick but take an hour to do it

the real mystery is how things like gachi and spamming became popular. I think those people are actually disabled

Is PogChamp the best Twitch face or what?

I'm not justifying anything. I never once mentioned money at all.

I just asked why the concept makes you so mad.

Why does it make you so mad? It's not your money, you're not being forced to watch, and if you don't go looking for Twitch streams you'd never know the site existed.

So either you're angry because of jealousy or...moral indignation over something you watch yourself, but do so "ironically" or while feeling superior to the others doing the same thing. "I watch this huge millionaire streamer, but I'm better than the other 10,000 people in here with me because I don't WANT to be watching."