Did literally everything wrong

Did literally everything wrong.

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That's not blue-haired idiot lady

*long range swords your ass*

Nothing personal, enemy standing behind a wall

>Playing Birthrout

>Did literally everything wrong.

>Trains his enemy
>Treats it like a brother.

More like was literally asking for it.

>Not playing the only route that matters

I liked the laser sword and was disappointed Yato didn't eventually gain those properties

Literally did everything right

If both the shield and the lance are different items, how can he hold both of them at the same time?

>Person raised from infancy by your family
>not treating them like part of the family
>going the Birthright route and betraying the people that loved and raised you for literal whos

I am amazed they made his reasoning for war even worse in the remake than the NES version.

Why the fuck did they stress it as "I want my son to kill me for no reason because I'm going to commit atrocities for no reason and deserve it, but only 16 or so years later" instead of "I want to make a war big enough to forge the victors into people that can kill Gods"

Barons have giant ass innate shields. It's funny when you give them tiny leather shields

>Wanting to be the 2nd biggest cuck of Nohr after Xander himself

I don't even need to laugh at you, Garon is already doing it for me.

why didnt they just kill their father? he was clearly batshit insane and on the verge of killing them anyways

>Blatantly card carrying evil villains with no motivation other than to destroy the world or summon the thing that will destroy the world

It doesnt even fucking make sense. Fire Emblem Fates could have been awesome if it was just two sides of a conflict that had differing viewpoints on something rational

He needed to give the Zofians the resolve to not only win the war but also defeat the self destructing god, Duma. Rudolf and Mycen used this to mold Alm into a true hero.

That and Rudolf couldn't have wanted a more glorious death. He must've been so fucking proud.

Fire Emblem: LoGH edition when?

Just killed him in birthright. Liked how he was portrayed as someone torn between feelings and duty. Was a pretty good chapter, too bad the rest of the route was boring. And this was supposed to have the least worst plot of fates? Probably going to hate conquest

The big plot points of Conquest (invading Hoshido, Corrin supporting the obviously-evil Garon) are reconciled in the worst possible way. It's pretty bad.

Conquest has superior gameplay to make up for an inferior story. Revelations is the one you can whole-heartedly hate.


Conquest's story is disgusting, just turn your brain off while playing it.

Whats wrong with revelations story?

>thinking Xander isn't a complete retard on every route
He had a chance to kill every single Hoshidian Royal, but decided to free them because "its dishonorable to do that!"
Keep in mind, this is on the same route where he talks about how justice is an illusion.

In the remake, they stress that he wants to protect Alm, but it still is so much more stupid in it because he acts like his death is mandatory and that the war couldn't be avoided. He easily could have done something about the insane tyrants in his own army and country, or not been giving the Duma Faithful so much leeway and power, or joined his son at the end as some much-needed help to finish the fight with a god.

In the NES version it was way more to the point of him just going "I wanted to make you strong to kill gods" instead of making him some overly noble, tragic, sympathetic figure.

Also, he got killed by Tatiana without so much as seeing his son on the field of battle.


>inseminating his little princess

Seems to me like Xander actually developed a little.

Can't say the same about Conquest Corrin.

>baby's first moetrash
The 3 are trash but Conquest at least has good gameplay, just skip the story.

Conquest's story is one of the worst things I've ever experienced in a video game. Now, I want you to know I typically don't give a shit about story quality in my video games. I'm expecting a story, but never anything too mind blowing. I play games for the gameplay. Always have.

But Conquest's story is so fucking nonsense throughout so many points that you genuinely have to wonder what the fuck they were thinking when creating the plot for it. Characters in that route act NOTHING like an actual human would. It comes across as super fucking bizarre and unrealistic in the worst possible ways. The Nohr family is disgustingly pussy-whipped to extreme levels and Corrin's personality in the Conquest route in particular has to make him/her the most unlikable FE protagonist ever, although it is excused a bit if you're playing as female.

But that was the whole fucking point. The war had to happen and he wanted his son to properly succeed him. The only way Rudolf could be sure Alm was ready to slay Duma was if his son defeated him in battle. Or did your daft ass miss the part where Alm went nuclear which gave him that further need to stop Duma.

Stop being a nostalgiafag. Echoes story is far better than it was in Gaiden.

>although it is excused a bit if you're playing as female
>being an offensively annoying, spineless retard is okay if you're female
This viewpoint must be purged.

Women are usually softer than men. There's a lot less female warmongers than male warmongers.

Fuck off tumblr

Probably because it's far easier for a man to rise to power than a woman. It's fucking retarded to write off a bad character as ok because they have tits.

>In the NES version it was way more to the point of him just going "I wanted to make you strong to kill gods" instead of making him some overly noble, tragic, sympathetic figure.
But his motivations are still exactly the same. He allowed his army and bandits to oppress the people so that true heroes would rise and defeat him. This is part of the remake's script as well.

Nevermind the demonstrable fact that women have more empathy in general right? Nah it must be because they haven't had the chance to be warmongers.

You'd be pussywhipped too if your evil dad threatened to have you killed for stepping out of line all the time.

Don't bullshit me. You wouldn't have the courage to stand up to him.


>Said "family" is literally incapable of free will and all of their thoughts must be approved by a crazy slime monster.
If papa hitler told Marx to suck his dick he would do it without question.

I'm not being a nostalgiafag, I'm saying they whitewashed Rudolf to make his action's less shitty, something Japan always loves to do.

Echoes does not put the focus on him doing this strictly to test Alm, it's to protect him and because he's going to be killed afterwards regardless. I'm saying if that's the case, the hell is the point of him being a shitty emperor on top of that, and why are they presenting it as if he's tragic and redeemed for his actions?

It makes the plot dumber by making him try to be heroic in it, because then he could have taken any number of actions to reduce fucking over well over half the population of the entire continent for a really stupid plot as much as he did, or cut short at the end and helped like Mycen did.

So bad? There was some stuff in birthright about Nohr not having enough resources for there people. I was thinking that they would elaborate on that in Conquest as a reason to invade, but apparently I shouldn't expect even that level of plot writing? I dropped Birthright twice because I got bored of it, so I'm probably never going to finish Conquest and Revelations

It wasn't infancy, it was young childhood. And you mean the family that was lying to you about everything your entire life, while keeping you locked up in a castle unable to go anywhere or do anything? Awesome, really great family.

And then you side with them and they do everything wrong for the worst reasons possible and even if you do everything possible to make them happy, Xander STILL threatens to kill you, right outside the Hoshidoan throne room.

How was he supposed to know that Elise would dive in front of him mid-swing?

I hope you're not implying that Xander hasn't sucked his dick already

For that matter, why didn't Ryoma or anyone else standing off in the sidelines try to stop her?

Conquest is the first time I've ever put a video game down and just done something else, because the story was just so offensively terrible.

I didn't like Xander in Birthright, for everyone on Sup Forums who sucks his cock about "He raised you!" he was entirely willing to kill you the very moment you joined Hoshido. He's frothing at the mouth the entire route and then after murdering his younger sister, he forces you to kill him.

Great, so now Leo has to rule Nohr? What a stupid, selfish plan. It's something NO-ONE wanted. Elise's dying wish was for everyone to work together and he refused it like a selfish goddamn asshole. You'd think his beloved sister's final fucking words would finally break his stupidity, but nope.

And he's even worse in Conquest.

He's arrogantly self-righteous but unable to justify a single thing he's doing. When you meet in a Netural Town Ryoma calls him out on the Nohrian's crimes and he's unable to argue a single point, he just screams insults like a fucking chimp and tries to fight. And the game paints it as "They were both wrong."

Are you stupid? He literally still has the same motivation. Sending Alm off to protect him so that he can one day grow strong enough to challenge him instead of getting ganked by Duma priests in childhood doesn't make him or his ultimate goal any different. If anything the remake makes his plan more sensible by not placing literally all of his hopes on Alm and having Berkut as a contingency plan.

>although it is excused a bit if you're playing as female.

I have never understood this. Everyone hates Corrin, but it's okay if it's female Corrin? Because of sexism I guess.

Honestly, I didn't even hate Corrin in Conquest, he was dealing with some legitimate bullshit. If you accept the mindset that Corrin has (that is, he knows that Nohr is in the wrong and the invasion is killing innocent Hoshidoans, that he doesn't want to do) then it's perfectly understandable why he hates the war so much. The problem is that so many people wanted the route to be about Nohrian righteousness crushing Japa-Hoshidoan scum, so when the protagonist wants nothing to do with it, they balk.

The problem I had with Corrin is the same problem I had with everything in Conquest, it's railroaded waaaay too hard.

In Ch1 or 2 or something we see he's willing to stand up to Xander and Garon and die for the sake of two prisoners he defeated moments ago.

And yet in Conquest he just stands aside while Hans WITH NO PROOF tells him he's murdering these innocents on orders of the King. Corrin has no reason to believe him and fucking HATES Hans. It's retarded to imagine him just standing back and doing nothing, but the plot forces it on us.

Same with him going along with Azura's stupid plan. He should be smart enough to say "Why not get another orb?" or fucking anything, but he's not.

And THE WHOLE PLAN, the entire reason they invaded Hoshido was to convince Xander. Because Azura didn't think he'd be convinced otherwise. But only we know that Xander's important with his magical weapon, from a practical standpoint he's just one strong warrior... Gah.

You're forgetting that Corrin straight up doesn't develop as a character. Even the birthright route had him realize that casualties are a part of war, see genocide of wolves. Meanwhile Conquest Corring was crying like a baby because the foxes dindu nuffin despite attacking first, unlike the wolves. The only time Corrin shows resolve ever is trying to not cry after Lobster sudokus.

>So bad? There was some stuff in birthright about Nohr not having enough resources for there people.

Not only is that not a plot point, the actual plot point is the exact opposite. Remember, Hoshido didn't know that Nohr was starving and the very second they learned about their plight, Ryoma offered to trade food and supplies with them.

Nope, the issue isn't "We need resources and Hoshido is being stingy."

It's "Garon is purposefully starving his population and wants to kill off most of them..."

... Meanwhile Camilla, Xander and Leo have no problems at all lording their status over the commoners and living in unimaginable luxury around starving people. I can't imagine the Hoshidoan invasion was anything less than incredibly well received by Nohrian civilians.

>I didn't like Xander in Birthright, for everyone on Sup Forums who sucks his cock about "He raised you!" he was entirely willing to kill you the very moment you joined Hoshido
In fairness, Ryoma demonstrates this even harder. IIRC there's much more dialogue between you and Xander when you side with Hoshido because he's trying to get you back. Meanwhile, from what I remember when you picked Nohr, Ryoma pretty much says "Ok, then I'll strike you down."

It's accepted more with Femui because naive princess who doesn't know how the world works and blinded by peace is a trope we've had for a long time. Prince who's naive, blinded by peace, and doesn't know how the world works? Not so much.

God, the orb bit pissed me off. Why the fuck was it a one-use thing? If Azura knew that, why didn't she save it and show it to everyone else? If it broke, why couldn't she bring at least one of the other siblings to the lake and show them as well? Why did she show it to Corrin when they already know Garon's not right? Why did she decide that the next best course of action would be to put Valla aside and invade Hoshido? What the fuck

Well, there's the point where in Conquest he starts trying not to kill anyone, and then when they invade Hoshido he has to give that up and kills normally.

Also, the issue with CQ v BR in that development is that when you're playing BR Corrin believes that the Hoshidoans are in the right and are stamping against an undeserved aggression, one that stole their Queen from them.

Whereas in CQ, he ALSO knows the Hoshdoans are right and that they're defending against an undeserved aggression, one that likely stole their Queen from them and is tearing through their country. I think most people want to view Conquest as being balanced, but Corrin actually does make sense as soon as you accept that he believes Nohr is in the wrong, and that he doesn't want to be killing Hoshidoans, who he sees as innocent.

You can hate that plot point all you want, but him growing accustomed to killing innocents would just make him callous.



Thinking about it more I can understand why they wouldn't show the siblings. They hardly believed it when they saw slime king with their own eyes, showing them an orb that says their dad's a monster would do nothing but make them suspect Azura of treason, or at the very least batshit insane.

>Ryoma pretty much says "Ok, then I'll strike you down."
To be fair, at that point Corrin has all but decided to be as "evil" as the rest of Nohr. Nohr killed Sumeragi and Mikoto and invaded Hoshido. It falls squarely on Ryoma to protect Hoshido then.

Pretty much yeah.

>In fairness, Ryoma demonstrates this even harder.

Not at all, in fact the opposite.

If you choose Nohr, Ryoma says to capture you, he repeats that staement multiple times through the route and constantly appeals for you to change sides, even making a deal for you to do so.

It's the same in revelations. Xander's trying to kill you. Ryoma's just trying to stop you.

>It's accepted more with Femui because naive princess who doesn't know how the world works and blinded by peace is a trope we've had for a long time. Prince who's naive, blinded by peace, and doesn't know how the world works? Not so much.

So, sexism.

Ryoma is entirely unwilling to kill Corrin until Corrin literally comes to him, besieging his castle, holding the spear of Ryoma's murdered sister and news about his slain brother.

That, finally, is the point he gives up on him.

And yet, afterwards, he's still able to believe in him, enough to die for his sake rather than try spite him.

I cut Xander some slack after he killed his imouto because you can't reasonably expect someone to act rationally after doing such a thing.

Conquest is awful but from what I recall Xander just wanted to do what he thought was best for his nation while accepting that there is no true best course of action, and so he can't defend his reasons.

I didn't mind Xander at all. He was flawed but there were much worse characters in fates to steal such a spotlight.

more like
>Corrin "killed" Hinoka
>Ryoma goes full REEEEEEE

>tropes that have existed for centuries are sexist
Spoiler alert.

I sure hope you would REE if someone claimed to kill your sister and had "proof", faggot.

>In the best Fire Emblem game
>doing anything wrong


>Katsuyuki Konishi

Not posting the biggest fuckboi in Fire Emblem.

>Behaves like the most obnoxious tsundere cunt in Birthright
>Constantly shitting on you because of 'muh step-mum'
>Has an all around nasty personality
>Is a massive cunt in Conquest and goes full aspie.
>worst sibling in all routes by far
>his counterpart, Leo, is a complete bro even in the route were you have to take down his family/kingdom.

Name me one Fire Emblem character worst than Takumi. I'll wait.

You will go REEEE once I rape your mother, fetal alcohol nigger.

He comes across as a fucking hypocrite the entire way through Conquest.

>"I hate Hans because he's a murderer. Don't trust him at all. Oh, have you met my retainer Peri? I recruited her myself. And I may just marry her and make her the next Queen!"
>Can't defend anything Nohr does to Ryoma, just screams and flails at him like a monkey
>Releases the Hoshidoan royal family and kills loyal soldiers rather than ending the war
>Threatens to kill Corrin AGAIN, this time literally outside the throne room (Doubly awesome if you married him)
>After killing his way through Hoshido and being shown undoutably that everything Nohr has done is wrong and they have slaughtered people who did nothing to deserve it, he gives a speech about peace and the importance of protecting it. Literally atop a pile of corpses.

How did they drop the ball so hard on Revelations?

Gimmick maps everywhere, awful unit balance, plot almost as retarded as Conquest. How did they fuck it up so much when it is clearly meant to be the true route?

>Conquest is the first time I've ever put a video game down and just done something else, because the story was just so offensively terrible.
I'm not alone. It took me so long to get to the endgame just to find out it's damn near impossible to beat if you aren't ready for it beforehand.

>9th basement of Thabes
>Celica gets 1-shot from full health by a dragon
>no checkpoints

Conquest Corrin

>Xander tells Corrin right before invading directly into Hoshido that Justice is an Illusion and straight up lie
>Xander like 5 fucking chapters before this decides to help Corrin save the Hoshidan Royals because Zola captured them and was going to Execute them because ending the war without having to kill a lot of innocent people is somehow bad
Why do people think he is a good character at all? Isn't he even MORE fucking retarded in Revelations? I'm only at chapter 13 in it, but I just hope that they aren't fucking stupid after I kill the boss. Also he puts the fucking Camus Archetype to fucking shame

>Behaves like the most obnoxious tsundere cunt in Birthright

He was wary of Corrin for entirely legitimate reasons. One of which being that Corrin was at least partially responsible for his mother's death.

>Constantly shitting on you because of 'muh step-mum'

Yeah, someone kills your Mum you tend to be upset with them?

>Has an all around nasty personality

He's actually pretty sweet and kind to almost anyone besides Corrin (at first) and Azura. He's got insecurity issues and he doubts himself, but he's still a good person trying to do his best. Funnily enough I found him to be a good husband for Azura in Birthright, worked pretty well as the story with Takumi maturing and growing as a character.


Possessed, not his fault.

>Is a massive cunt in Conquest and goes full aspie.

He quite literally isn't even in the Conquest route, by the time he shows up he's almost entirely possessed.

>worst sibling in all routes by far

That would be Xander

>his counterpart, Leo, is a complete bro even in the route were you have to take down his family/kingdom.

Eeeh, Leo's a bit of a bitch in Birthright to be honest. Fucks things up with Camilla and then spends his entire chapter REEEEEing at you. I like Leo, but he gets way overpraised, especially when they lazily gave him the same self-doubt issues they gave Takumi.

>Name me one Fire Emblem character worst than Takumi. I'll wait.

Xander is worse and Peri is probably the single worst character in the entire series.

Holy fucking hell, that's retarded. So Birthright actually tries harder to make Nohr sympathetic than the actual route which you side with them. Now I understand why the plot is hated. I was somewhat impressed by how they portrayed Xander in Birthright, with the conflict between doing your duty and sacrificing your feelings for it. I was expecting this to continue in Conquest as doing a necessary evil, with the hate to come from the delivery and other plot points. But apparently the writers were doing the total opposite of making a good plot. How the hell do you create such an potential interesting setting and then screw it up so much? Thanks for warning me, I at least will go into Conquest with the lowest expectations so I will at least not be disappointed.

>>Xander like 5 fucking chapters before this decides to help Corrin save the Hoshidan Royals because Zola captured them and was going to Execute them because ending the war without having to kill a lot of innocent people is somehow bad
There's a difference between justice and political suicide, retard.

Everybody did everything wrong in this game.

Takumi is actually one of the few well written characters in Fates.

>political suicide

I don't hate Takumi because at least he has a character. It's pretty much middle child complex cranked up to 11, but at least it's something. I didn't see much of the supports, but from what I saw of him and Aqua he isn't that bad of a guy, just filled with angst from being snubbed for a shadow of an alleged step brother.
And then after all these years everyone stops what they're doing and start sucking you off, not even considering the fact that you don't recognize your mother and that you've been raised by the enemy. Then once the sword YOU bring into the country allahu akubars on the city plaza, killing tons of civilians and the queen. I'd say it's justifiable that he'd still be suspicious of you even if you side with Hoshido and be extremely pissed when you side with Nohr after the above happens.

> Peri is probably the single worst character in the entire series.

He's not even a Camus archetype, he's just a fucking idiot. He's not quite as bad in Revelations, but he's still ridiculous.

>Neither Xander or Ryoma will trust you, they're both trying to defend a neutral city thinking the other side is responsible for the destruction
>Obviously it's the Valla people, only thing you can do is subdue both armies
>Subdue Ryoma, he calms down, sees his sibblings have allied with you and agrees that he's misjudged you. Returns to Hoshido as a friend.
>Subdue Xander, he REEEE's even harder, complains that it's unfair Azura can solo him as a Dancer, refuses to talk, then fucks off back to Nohr to plot how to kill you. Takes Leo with him.

It's quite literally only when he overhears his Dad talking about secretly being an evil monster and how he'll kill everyone that Xander reconsiders.

Honestly though, Leo is worse

>Joins you on the second part of a 2 part map, on a massive difficulty jump map
>Hey, I brought along a whole bunch of massively underlevelled retainers too!
>Hope you're not playing on Classic Mode! There's a lott'a guys with a lot of movement here, they could kill any of us really easily!

Fuck those multi part maps, seriously.

Takumi was alright, his reactions were more or less justified. I like pairing him with Azura.

Xander is crown prince. He's going to be king someday. If it becomes a well known fact that Xander stood by and let one of his men violate neutrality laws to kill the Hoshidan royals it would tarnish his entire family's reputation let alone his own when he inherits the regime, not to mention the remaining Hoshidans would probably chimp out and probably fight to the last man. Negotiating surrender would become impossible because people would perceive him to be no better than Garon. The political ramifications of that event would completely undermine Xander's intentions to reform Nohr and restore it to good standing among the world.

I've never seen anymore of that comic and reverse images gives me nothing.

As someone who loves the Nohr characters it really is painful how much wasted potential there is when it comes to conquest's story.
>"The royal family will not only protect all our people, but also lead our country to prosperity."
With just this quote from the uncorrupt Garon cipher card you can see the potential for an at least half decent story of desperate necessity.

It's from the Royal Family Anthology

>blow up a city
>side with the guys who are potentially responsible
>not needing to be an emergency king so has time to spare taking you down
>"why is Takumi so aggressive to me?"

>Tfw want to marry Hinoka to Xander because their supports are actually really cute and nice and I like Red Hair a lot
>Tfw then have no idea who's going to marry Charlotte
Help Sup Forums

>marry Xander to Charlotte
>marry Hinoka
Problem solved!

>>marry Hinoka
I married her in my Birthright route and Camilla in my Conquest Run
But I decided to hit the middle ground and go with Azura this time because why not
Also if you marry any of the 8 "siblings" in the end CG cutscene is there anything special to them if you married one of the 8?

I have no idea for Revelations, but I was disappointed that there was nothing like that in either BR or CQ. Not even a change in dialogue for your spouse during the final battle.

It's fine, my Conquest MU was gay and got assfucked by Zero.

This is what bothers me the most about Conquest and Fates in general. The story actually potential to be good, everyone thought so when we they first revealed it, but holy shit, how could they fuck it up so hard.

Conquest is still fun, but the story and characters does drag it down, which is why it's not my favorite FE game.

Hinoka has a great support with Silas, I'd pair them myself.

Leo with Sakura becuase they're both likeable.

Camilla with Takumi because that's basically canon.

Ryoma with Elise for the same reason.

Charlotte with Saizo or Kaiden.

Marry Azura yourself.

Xander gets no waifu.

>Ryoma with Elise for the same reason.
fucking pedophile japanese lobster

Marry Charlotte yourself.

>Fates was originally going to be about Ryoma And Xander being great friends and you would have to choose one of the two of who you would want to play as something happens to the Hoshidans King and Queen that makes Ryoma think someone at Nohr killed them war starts
>But then they added Azura and the MU and then everything went to shit

>Camilla with Takumi because that's basically canon.
>Ryoma with Elise for the same reason.
What in the fuck are you on about

But Ryoma is such a shit character compared to Marx.

>hosido didn't know nohr was starving
You actually believe this?

Stop using the Japanese names