How do we stop rampant consumerism?

Quake Champions is already dead
new Unreal Tournament never was alive
Star Citizen backers are starting to learn basic logic
PS4 users pay to play online and then they get rewarded with experiences like Tekken 7

However the most popular games are still low tier streamer games like PUBG Z etc.

How do we stop normies from ruining video games?

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Video games are inherently consumerist.

QC isn't even currently playable
sage for shit thread

not for me, last time I bought a video game was in 2002

Capitalist society is inherently consumerist.

Time to switch to Democratic Socialism.


Your antisemitism amuses me, because social ownership of the means of production would prevent them from being owned privately by a small rulling class.

A man who is both an antisemite and a staunch capitalist is a true "cuck".

>How do we stop normies from ruining video games?
>he says while posting 3DPD

no user, YOU are the normie

>How do we stop rampant consumerism?
Stop selling several games of the same category, during the same annual quarter.

When there is so much saturation on the market. It lowers the value and makes all of the games fall into the same desirable price-point.

>social ownership

>How do we stop rampant consumerism?
Overthrow the banking elite, cull the fiat currency, and prevent ourselves from entering a new serfdom.



>3 copies of Battleborn

^ t Gabriel "snowstalker" Caceres

Go back to atlas, kiddo

Yeah trends are kind of retarded in the game industry since only a select few "win" the trend.

Like BB, Paladins, and OW coming out near the same time, makes no fucking sense.

There hasn't been a fun singleplayer RTS in ages like Red Alert 2 yet constantly we get mobas.

you cannot stop consumerism in a capitalist society

you need to overthrow capitalism to do that
so long as capitalism is the dominant paradigm corporations will always serve profit

>PS4 users pay to play online and then they get rewarded with experiences like Tekken 7
Did something happen with Tekken?

>Like BB, Paladins, and OW coming out near the same time, makes no fucking sense.
All three were in production at the same time. Then, with their announcements, they decided to start coping one another. Then one got released and the other went into "beta," etc.

I've heard matchmaking is iffy on PC, no clue about PS4 but probably similar situation.

Yet another fighter with a horrible launch, due to leaving the game open for future transactions and DLC.

Online fighting games were a mistake.

It's amazing how attractive even each individual feature of a woman can be even independent of everything else.

No wonder we put up with their shit.

Speaking of rampant consumerism.

A game I want is on sale for 50% off, $18 to $9. Should I get it now or is likely to have a better summer sale.

that's a prime example of virgintalk

Most virgins on here are pretty bitter and just fucking hate women.

Get it. The most it will go for is 75 percent off but those seem more rare and rare each summer sale. I wouldn't count on it getting it cheaper unless its some 4+ year old game.

>make gaming system and games so much better than the competition it makes everything else redundant
>give it away for free

using an image with not one, but three copies of battleborn, you deserve to be mocked

>Quake Champions is already dead
It's not even out

>Time to switch to Socialism.
Democratic """Socialism""" sucks ass

This loss?

>pay for internet after paying for internet

>normiez are runing ma gaems

new and good obscure games still exist, the market has never been more diverse. stop crying

also vidya are like the epitome of consumerism.

It works if you live in a white country. The moment darkies and muzzies start pouring in the dream is over, though. Sweden was literally heaven on earth before multiculturalism.

Everyone should stop making AAA games and focus on making nothing but low tier streamer games.

>Three copies
Check the main games alphabetically.

So it's an abortion?

What's it going to take for Sup Forums to realize no one cares about arena shooters anymore?

Is that Natalie Portman being dumb?


Lips suggest it's Lauren Mayberry.

It has more to do with the current era of social media. Everyone wants to join discussions when the game just comes out, and then they die out fast usually. There's also so much games fighting for your attention and so many games coming out on discounts weekly it can feel overwhelming.


Most virgins and alpha males both seem to have a low opinion on women. What gives?

It's a failure because I personally don't like it regardless of how well it does.

I put my fingers inside a girl once. It was wonderful.

3 copies of Battle born but not one rocket league. cmon

That's a rare merchant

talk shit on paladins and I'll kidnap your family and make them get 12 champions above level 4 without blinking

>cocksucking lips
>cocksucking chain neck
muh dick

reminder that "normie" is a just a Facebook and reddit-friendly version of "normalfag" and should not be perpetuated in the Sup Forums environment.

I picked that up when it was on PS Plus for "free".

I finally understood how cultural appropriation works once normies and gamer gurlz started becoming a thing

Congrats dude

is this the beginning of a new epic meme?

the devs are only getting 1c at that point anyway so just pirate it

Sad virgin here. I admit I'm bitter, but I actually do like women. I just hate the SJW types is all.

The system cannot be fixed without destroying the root cause.
It is not in fact, capitalism, but a more fundamental problem ailing society.


>I don't understand nepotism and Soviet Favors being a thing in a socialist society
Boy howdy, you somethin' stupid.

>pay for all my shit

fucking fuck just get a damn job dude. It is not that bad.

for that matter, when someone writes "normie" it's a pretty clear sign. The term is normalfag. You have to put the word 'fag' into it.

i loved john campbell, a shame he turned into a mentally ill tranny.


Are we Sup Forums now?

>Quake Champions is already dead
The most recent closed beta has just ended, it hasn't had time to be alive yet.
>How do we stop normies from ruining video games?
Normie money keeps the industry alive.

and what exactly is the industry? AAA shit?

We revert the power given to women, and put them back into cages where they belong.

>Wooow, I never thought ps4 has so many games
>Look closer
>40% are Remastered™ 30% Actual ps4 games 30% Cinematic shit

Weeeeeewww.... The power of the Playst4tion™ lads.

>QC is dead

its not even out yet you dumb fuck


Is that not considered 'old' yet? Haven't heard this shit in forever.

shut up you retard anyone can see it already failed to garner any interest

>uploaded 1 year ago
Nah, it's not "old" and not "new". DG mashups is still a thing.

I fingered a girl in a mental hospital when I was a teenager.

>Quake Champions is already dead