ITT: Real places that they look that they could be from a videogame

ITT: Real places that they look that they could be from a videogame

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Every city or town in the world

you're fucking retarded.




although not enough games to place in pic related majesty



Yes I've watched the recent Oney Plays too

this is really cute






>go to the mystic ruins
>you might find something

You're really cute.

I want stalker with grphics like that.



Where are the archers?

i wouldn't mind just a stalker sequel with Survarium-tier graphics

What's the item of this dungeon?

muddy water

looks like a multiplayer arena

if i push you down, will you die?

A step ladder.

it would be extremely painful

Island town abandoned after the coal fueling it's mining industry ran out. I think the Epilogue level of Killer 7 takes place here.


no one would want to make a video game where i live.




>want to visit some of these places
>It won't be anything like I imagine because it will be swarming with tourists and tourist guides

There's no sense of wonder when you are surrounded by 1000 people taking selfies and making a ton of noise.

better stay on your couch Cletus

boots of springheel jack

Those tortured souls trapped in the goop are a nice touch

What is up with that pose? I think even the painting might not be the original.


go to some of the places that aren't massive tourist attractions then. Go to the places where you have to put actual effort to get to, like places you can only reach by hiking or mountain climbing.

If you just go to the fucking pyramids then of course there's gonna be shittons of tourists

Mortal Kombat fatalities would be my guess.

fuck i can still hear it.

This is the first town from Bravely Default.


Mt saint michel is literally in a video game though

I've been here, it's cool but it's the only one of these temples that still have the roots everywhere. When the french explored cambodia a while ago, they cleared all of the other ones from roots except this one

wow ds ripped this clean