Will it ever be topped, Sup Forums?

Will it ever be topped, Sup Forums?

no, never ever.

tfw starting making a campaign and it got corrupted

The only chance is Wc4

>Game list is full of bots


shut the fuck up
blizzard will fucking ruin it

we need warcraft 3 remastered with compatibility for old custom maps
fuck starcraft 1 remastered


>one unit actually matters
toppled from mediocrity?
that game sucked shit, and was the begining of the end for RTS

>we need warcraft 3 remastered
Why though? It still looks perfectly fine, clean and charming.

It would be intrinsically tied into WoW, same with any expansion it got.

WCIV would be a nightmare as a result, there would be no cohesive story, it would just be setting up dungeon and raid plots for us to knock out in WoW. They'd probably start releasing expansions for WoW and WCIV in tandem and charging $100 for a "super" collector's edition, and the Blizzdrones would just eat it up.

I'm sorry you are fucking terrible at RTS and got bullied by the good players; maybe MOBA is more down your alley?

Remember, remember. Daelin was our savior.

Nope, this was their best.

>Pardo doesn't even work at Blizz anymore

it'd be shit. The teams are totally inept and incapable of keeping quality a constant, just look at Legion:

>Launch was strong, built-in shit like artifacts made it a good first time experience
>7.1 releases, continues and expands upon the still relevant launch content
>Big lull towards 7.2, inherently flawed systems rooted into the design of the expansion become tedious and start to be ridiculed further
>7.2 launches and it's evident they've had to start making cuts

Dat momant wen Arthansndid never wrong

I rather doubt a sequel will even be in the same area of graphical sharpness.
Or in the same area of STUFF.

You look exactly like how I imagine every Blizzcuck looks.

Whats below the Necropolis? Was that RoC model?

Dont be butt almonded bro

On picture:
1. Hero Alter
2. Necropolis
3. Graveyard
4. Building that spawns Ghouls
5. Either building that sells items, or the blacksmith
6. House/Tower

Necropolis never looked like that

Graveyard is modified too

>Kills bot lobbies
>Renews interest in the game

It wouldn't be a bad thing, provided that Blizzard only updated the graphics and didn't fuck with anything unnecessary.

I think WC4 would help WoW. WoW has only ever really been very good when it has followed the events from WC3 since there was an origins WoW helped flesh out the perspective of someone on the frontlines to tackle the ramifications WC3 setup and as such it felt both cohesive and expansive.

Plus when making an RTS the budget can clearly lean in favour of the story and atmosphere because there is no massive world building scenario that effects allocated effort unlike what there is with make a large as fuck MMO.

Why they nerfed to shit the gyrocopters in Frozen throne

>mfw I realize W3TFT campaign was literally "rapefugees welcome" and "muh strong female lead" while the sane characters were portrayed as evil

Proudmoore did nothing wrong.


the graveyard is also the blacksmith, the building on front right is the magic building for necromancers and banshees

Founding of Durotar doesn't even get to count as part of TFT. It was complete trash.

its the beta model

>Build bridges, not walls

>Theramore builds a land bridge to barrens
>Tauren build a wall cause of it
Racist cows.

your memory is shit
the orcs were living on their own land and were attacked by proudmoore literally just because he couldn't let go of the past wars with them