So Polygon's worst staff member Arthur Gies leaked a bunch of details about Microsoft's presser on his shitty podcast:
>Fallout 4 VR
>Oculus Support for Xbone (possibly the store as well)
>Tacoma (walking simulator) is exclusive and you will be reminded
>Halo 3 remaster, possibly free for MCC owners
>OG Xbox games coming
>Crackdown 3 finally shown, destruction that lasts will only be available in multiplayer (MUH CLOUD)
... Yeah, pretty much all shit. Microsoft will (of course) say the have THE GAMES, but not mention almost all of them are in 2018. Who's ready to make memes in advance?
Xbone Conference Leaked Details
Man that sounds so fucking terrible it might be true.
I expected nothing and im still disappointed, shits just sad
>Halo 3 Remaster
What's the fucking point?
Money obviously.
Oculus support for Xbone? Bs
For Scorpio maybe
>Crackdown 3 finally shown, destruction that lasts will only be available in multiplayer
This has been known for 3 years you retard.
>Crackdown 3 finally shown
>release late 2019
>>Halo 3 remaster
They literally said this is not happening
I loved the fuck out of the first Crackdown. It was really comfy.
Will halo 3 remaster and crackdown 3 be coming to W10?
>Tacoma made by SJW Gone Home devs is exclusive
BASED XBONE acting as a containment zone for leftist anti art
Thank you Phil Spencer, you truly are our unsung saviour
The morphing cars will not be in 3. Have you tried 1 again? Does not hold up.
i played crackdown 1 last year and it was still comfy and fun as fuck
the morphing cars were so awesome too, why wouldnt they bring them back again? that was like the biggest disappointment about 2
>Halo 3 remaster, possibly free for MCC owners
If I got MCC but sold my xbone and Halo 3 Anniversary comes to PC, how do I get it for free?
but will they fix the mcc
Jumping building to building nuking Mexicans is still fun.
>Arthur Gies
They already stated multiple times that neither H3A exists nor is a mainline Halo at E3 this year.
why in gods name would you want a buggy VR mode for an already buggy and terrible bethesda game
how about a re-release of NV or FO3 that's actually fucking stable on modern PCs you worthless pieces of shit
"nah lets make fallout shelter vr next duhrr"
They said that 343 Industries will show something this year
that kids dad looks like a pretty cool dude desu. probably smokes weed and fucks the neighbour.
Halo Wars 2 DLC if I recall correctly.
>its been five years since those pictures were taken
>most of those kids can now legally drink in first world countries
>>Tacoma (walking simulator) is exclusive and you will be reminded
not even exclusive lol
Sounds par for the course in regards to Xbox e3 conferences.
It's only missing a Forza reveal to achieve an ultimate dull factor.
How can anyone seriously consider buying an Xbox when they have nothing to give?
is that last kid the "mom told me it's my time to play" kid
But outlets like Polygon will call it "exciting", even with only 1-2 shitty games coming out in 2017.
It's baffling to hear these folks bitch about Sony when all Sony does is give out exciting announcements and games you want to play.
It's not really surprising Polygon says it considering MS gave them $250,000 to start up.
> Johnny Masterson. Inpeccable discipline, master tactician.
> Hardass Henry. Broke four rifle's stocks without firing a single bullet, will fuck you up
> Joe "Jolly" Joley. The last thing you'll see is his smile.
> Kevin the eagle-eyed: A veteran of three wars that never missed a single shot
> General Slickhair, and Luigi Slickhair: Deadliness is an inherited trait.
> Beef Slabfist: Strongest man in the brigade, lifted an APC out of a mudhole once
> Rodriguo Quickfingers: Fastest trigger on the planet.
> Kyle: Death incarnate.
>>Oculus Support for Xbone (possibly the store as well)
Isn't MS jumping too late for the VR meme?
I don't think it will have any kind of impact considering that PlayStation VR and Oculus are already out
Actually it was 750K... It's baffling to see them still hiring when they should have gone out of business years ago.
The sad thing is that Polygon is owned by SJW
>Halo 3 remaster, possibly free for MCC owners
I'll appreciate that, but it really feels like this is the "Xbox brand apology tour". They gave out Phantom Dust remaster for free, and now maybe Halo 3 remaster. But the only exclusive they have that I'm mildly interested in is Crackdown 3, and who knows what the finished game will be like. The Scalebound development must have REALLY been a damn mess for all involved, because the cancellation felt like a nail in the Xbox coffin. I just don't see how they can justify making another console in the future if they have so few games to push.
He looks cute.
they literally always denied halo anniversaries (same with 2).
>I'll appreciate that, but it really feels like this is the "Xbox brand apology tour".
xbox one and everything since they went back on always-online DRM-only kinect-always shit, feels like an apology tour.
i can't remember the last time MS did something that wasn't a shallow or apologetic gesture for something they completely fucked up the first time
>sequel to Gone Home is an Xbox exclusive
kek, they can keep it
>Had 360 and loved it
>Decided to get PS4 instead of Xbone after the disaster of an announcement it had
>People seriously called me a traitor for not supporting Microsoft, so that "they'd have money to fix their mistakes"
I can't help but wonder how those people feel now.
Really hope the xbone has oculus support. I want to play destiny 2 with my friends but also have 3D porn
It's also on PC, Mac and Linux
And i wouldn't be surprised if it comes to PS4 or even Switch eventually