They can't keep getting away with it

They can't keep getting away with it

>$28,804 a month

They're providing an entertainment service people are willingly paying for. There is nothing wrong with this. Go away, commie.

They're not.

Nintendo is preparing a case that will (Hopefully) shut down all of patreon and make emulators illegal again.

Nintendo HATES patreon.

They probably won't, if they're making money off of a product they do not own the rights for they'll get slammed fucking hard.


Please tell me it's in fact one person.

uh huh

>this isn't going to perfect ps2 emulation instead

I wonder if another team will try to steal the glory from them when another big nintendo game releases.

About time.
My lawyer friend was surprised at Nintendo not taking action against Cemu given how the developers stole code and a development kit from the company to create their emulator.

Yeah and they colluded with the Russians too.

>the year of our lord 2017
>still can't emulate Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance on PS2 at more than 3FPS without a 128 core CPU stolen from NASA

Shitpost thread number 400. This will probably archive despite it being blatant flame war bait.

These. And it's fairly well known they're the ones who poisoned that Iwata guy at Nintendo.

any day now user. Any day

what a brave post

>and make emulators illegal again

Botw crashes on startup

You need 16 GiB of RAM.

"again"? They were illegal at some point? Please enlighten me.

If you have an ssd setup virtual memory through windows, and if not do it anyways with your hdd. I have no idea if this will help.

Piracy is illegal. It's not illegal if you own a copy of the game you're emulating.

What a faggot user.

it was 33 a month and a half ago

This entirely depends on the fucking LAWS of your country.

This is false in the UK and in France.
I'm fairly sure it's also false in the US.

And it peaked nearing 42k before that, but it steadily declined since then.

good lord

> BoTW (on Switch)
> Bayonneta 2 (might receive a PC or Switch Port soon)
> TMS (sold terribly even by WiiU standard)
> Zelda HD (on Dolphin with texture mod).
> Xenoblade X (maybe)

Anything worthwhile I'm missing here ?

Daily reminder that nothing will happen to team Cemu and they will keep raking in the money

Nintenbros will go and cry to their nintendaddy but nothing will happen because they can't touch team cemu

Stay mad nintenfags while we play the definitive version of Botw at 4k

>Falseflag circlejerk general
Why aren't these autobanned?
Most of you can't even run Cemu, and I haven't seen an emulation thread about anything else in months.

Nothing, since cemu even has amiibo support.

it's like 2 people, if it were at least 4 guys i could see this being reasonable

Botw can be finished on cemu so nobody needs to pay anymore

This is whay i'm waiting for, fuck 30 frames.

Have YOU finished it or you just read that article on gbatemp ?

I did actually I'll post a webm let me edit and convert it

Wonderful 101

Playable on cemu.

>paying a nerd to hopefully finish and not just """""abandon"""""" the project.
Just buy the game fags.

I wouldn't place my hopes on 60fps ever coming. OoT for N64 was released 20 years ago and you can't play it on a framerate higher than 20 without breaking shit.

Or just get the cracked patreon version.

Did these faggots expect the money train to last forever? Now that we have BOTW, time to stop paying.

thank you friendly corporation representative

I did, got all the shrines too.

This is also an option
You seriously believe he won't just take the money and run? How many more times do you fucking idiots need to be burned to learn nobody gives a shit.

Wake me when SMTxFE is playable

Oh, Nintendo is well aware that they've stolen code. The reason they haven't taken action, yet, is to let one small fish go to catch a bigger one.

In this case, it's to take action against companies like Patreon for allowing content creators to make money off of their products.The CeMU case is just going to be a stepping stone to get their foot in the door.
If the CeMU team is smart, they'll stop work on the emulator immediately. Nintendo is going to ruin them financially if they keep it up.

>still posting the emulation + NASA supercomputer meme
Supercomputers are shit for emulation.

Shit taste desu, never wake up

Nintendo called it SMTxFE in trailers and on treehouse streams.

Why can't we

Thank you again friendly corporation representative, I will now go and buy a Nintendo Switch™ to play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild™ the way its meant to be played. At only 300 dollars plus 60 dollars for the game plus 70 dollars for the Pro controller its an absolute steal.

Just emulate it on Dolphin instead.

I still cannot play botw at 60 fps without any issues, can I?

You really are this stupid, aren't you. "duuuh, just put the number higher!"

What specs are needed to run it?

Is it worth playing BOTW if I'm tired of open world games?

Try >=4th gen Intel i5 / i7 @4GHz. GPU isn't that important as long as its got at least 2GB VRAM.

Best SMT since SJ.

The bigger one being?

>being so salty about other people money

The game is from Jap the dev so if you play this game at a higher fps then 30 the game quite literally speeds up and everything goes nuts. 60 FPS will never happen.

if they do that we will still support them on bitcoin

>these people are already working on wii u emulation
>When just ps2 and xbox emulation is still trash
Why do pcbros love nintendo games so much?


Better games.

Nintendo has more exclusives. Sony and Microsoft are multiplat machines with a few exclusives thrown inbetween.

60fps, if it comes at all, won't come out for years. If you have a decent processor (sandy bridge quad and up) and 8+ GB of ram and nearly any sort of dedicated gpu, you should be able to get 30 fps. I'd still wait a month or two though, there are still some issues that need to be ironed out with the new caching system.

>Why do pcbros love nintendo games so much?
because we get them for free

Wish there was this much effort in PCSX2. I think the best update was fixing video files when upscaled. Ie. SILENT HILL 2

they aren't russian hackers, it isn't hard to know how are they.
If they are making something illegal and law knows who they are, they should pay

But I don't know how much of that post is true

Thats funny I played through the entire thing on cemu and didn't have many issues.

all nintendo consoles are basically bootleg upgrades from previous consoles, much easier to emulate

>has the biggest games list
>no one gives a fuck about it because MUH LINK BUSSY IS BETTER
gamers in 2017

N64 is a nightmare for emulation though. But I'm sure there are people here that have a far better grasp of why, so I'll let them explain. From what I understand, wiiu was close enough to the the wii that is wan't that hard to come up with an emulator, plus it had consumer grade non custom amd hardware.

Absolutely not.
There's been a decent amount of Xbox REing and emulation work done in the past month. It's only like 1-2 people, but progress is there.

>if they are making something ilegal
no, the people making roms of the games and sharing them are making something ilegal

PCSX2 is has to be compatable with a MUCH larger library and the console code itself was never dumped.

Bullshit. It runs but it's nowhere near playable.

>PS2 emulation is trash
Loving this meme. Almost all games can be emulated just fine. Yes, there are expectations like Ace Combat or ZoE games but for the overwhelming majority of titles, PCSX2 runs well.

Call me when they start work on Monster Hunter 3U

Is there a site that tells me how to configure each PS2 iso to make it work well with PCSX2?

>"we're gonna kill emulation, you'll see", says increasingly nervous Nintendo investor for 11 time this year

Hopefully somebody works on Switch emulation on android and ios so Nintendo can die already.

Try google.

>and make emulators illegal again.
Can't do it again if it never was illegal to begin with

>paid emulation

Why hasn't Nintendo sued them or something?

They know that nintendo has the superior games. pcbros are tsundere

Because you can buy emulators. Nintendo can C&D, but if you take it to court, the whole case falls apart on Nintendo.

Sony tried that with Bleem and they lost the court cases, even though Bleem was driven out of business.

pcsx2 wiki

Because they can't read english. So they don't know this exist.


Bleem wasn't made with propriety code.

if a group of lawyers say that it is illegal, well, it will be illegal.

no they're just easy to emulate

>Website disabled


And was CemU? That's pure speculation because you can't view the source code.


This post proves PCbros are nintenfags in the closet

Niggers you know you love them Nintendo games, stop lying