ITT - Games Sup Forums unanimously thinks is top tier

ITT - Games Sup Forums unanimously thinks is top tier

Wow a thinly veiled thread made to get people to start shitting on BB.

Fuck off.

I hate this meme.

I'd really love to have a legitimate discussion about BB again, but now everytime it's mention you get anti-souls hipsters, das1pcfags, das2babies, and das3 normies coming in here and shitting on it

SotFS a best

Reported.Bait is illegal here.


DS2 is literally perfect.
BB can't even compete.

>top tier

The Xenoblade games.

Only right answer.


>not on PC
It's trash.

Did somebody say NEVER EVER? Because that's what happens when anybody criticises BB on Sup Forums.

Ghost Trock.

i wish there was a demo or something of this. id like to try it to see if id care for it at all. dont wanna spend money and hate it.

Deus Ex
Persona 3/4/5
Devil May Cry 3


Even if it was its still a stale dark souls clone and its gimmicks get stale after an hour of playing it
(most of this hour will be spent in loading screens mind you

nice bait senpai. Here's your (You)

>Hallway Simulator 3 and 4
>Top tier

>BB is so objectively perfect anybody who dislikes it must have a secret agenda in favor of a different game
With that attitude i somewhat doubt you're looking for a legtimate discussion.



It's not the perfect game like Sup Forums says. I bought it long ago and couldn't get into it, last game in the series so I decided to try again and have been slogging through it.
It seems like it's all about stunlocks, both by you and by the enemies, and OHKs on you. The hardest enemies strategies seem to be get close, hit twice and roll behind it as it attacks, hit it twice, roll behind it, hit twice, and repeat.

For every circlejerk there is an equal and oppisite counter jerk

>dmc 3 top tier

Have a pity (You).

Basically perfect.

>legtimate discussion in Sup Forums

Welcome to Hell

you won't hate it, it's a decent neough game but it's just wasted money if you don't like souls or could get dsIII instead. Most PCfags have played it anyway, dunno why anyone acts like peopel haven't it's a ubiquitous game on a ubiquitous console. Personally played it through many times on a friends console. Guess the diehard fans can't allow that others miht have played it and disagree.

yeah mashing buttons, seems fun

>Persona anything.

DMC3, MGS3 are the only two I can think of.
>FFT maybe?

Dude sex is very polarizing, if you didn't play it while it was new, it seems like you hate it.

Oh and Homeworld.
Fuck you if you don't like HW.

>> Persona anything
> No.

Some bait...Unless you actually think that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

So you've never played the game then? Because less than 1% of players can reach that skill.

That some fallacy

I don't know what to tell you but Persona 3 and 4 genuinely have some of the worst gameplay in any video game ever.

Here's a (You)

>implying 1% is a good thing

>Hallway simulator
>Worst characters in any JRPG series ever
I pity you, you have objectively bad taste.

Bloodborne is really fantastic. I wanted to hate it because I didn't want to buy a PS4 for it but I caved in and haven't looked back.

It's a true testament to gaming. No bullshit handholding, no bullshit cutscenes every 5 seconds. Just fantastic level design, excellent bosses, fantastic combat system and replay value out of the ass.

Reminds me of the old Castlevania games. The fact that it was sadly overshadowed by that casualized cinematic trash, Witcher 3, only further reminds me to how far gaming has fallen.

Uncharted, Last of Us, Witcher 3 are all the cancer ruining modern day vidya

Persona series are nothing but Wizardry clones (original western game from fucking 1981 ) by unimaginative cunteyes, the only content even Sup Forums cares about in the games being the patheting dating sim elements written by some japanese virgin who has never talked to a woman in his life. Liking persona is the telltale sign of being a pathetic sack of shit.

>yeah mashing buttons, seems fun

Yeah, since it's a video game inputs are required.

>Sup Forums becomes so contrarian they defend Persona 3 and 4's dungeons
What the fuck is going on, this happened in another thread yesterday.

What do you play user that I am missing out on?

I just started a new character, doing a bt/chikage build. I haven't played since launch though, never got past that weird shit right after that amorphous blob boss. Is there a general listing for what level I should be for what areas? What's the general level to stop at? I don't plan on doing fight clubs or whatever but just, for co-op purposes so I can farm insight without a huge hassle.

I bought a PS4 because my PC couldn't run DaS3, after I played Das3 i was so disappointment with it I decided to get BB, and hot damn were you guys right about this game. A fucking masterpiece. I ended up buying a PS3 and DeS afterwards and DeS/BB are my favorite out of the entire series.


All great games have been overshadowed.

The one that appeals to the lowest common denominator tends to overshadow the real gems

Bloodborne really is fuckin great. It's one of those rare cases that it actually deserves every bit of praise Sup Forums gives it.

>le plebbit horsey show

I'm playing through Bloodborne and replaying Witcher 3 right now since my 1080 ti came in and I never played either expansion.

Games Sup Forums unanimously thinks is top tier

Answer: NONE


Oh and you can play bad or deeply flawed games. But you'd be retarded to call them unanimously liked or even good.

Still waiting on those 10/10 games user. The only one you said was BB and this is what the thread is supposed to be about anyway.


Different guy but how about Etrian Odyssey

Jak 2
Vice City
Red Dead Redemption
Demon Souls

- MGS2
- Demon souls

+MGS 3

>Menu Simulator 3


>Vice Shitty
>Red Pleb Redemption

I'll give you the rest though, but come on now faggot. Only shit taste niggers on Sup Forums who weren't even alive to live through the 80s actually think VC is a 10/10. It's not even the best GTA game in the series...let alone a fucking 10/10 game nigga.

What is the best GTA game in the series?

I don't know user. I'm back recently after two years and I've noticed this too. It's like the old bizzaro/v/ threads. Far cry 5 threads are just an absolute shit show.

>Replacing Legitimate Critiscism with "Le Reddit meem Sup Forums is cunterculture xdddd"
>Does this to R&M and Bojack because anything thats popular is obviously shittier

but that skill isn't necessary in dmc

maybe in ninja gaiden, but not dmc

>Having to teleport back to hub to level up
>No variety in builds
>No reason to replay
>Warping from the beginning
>Shitty chalice dungeons to pad length
>Broken multiplayer leading to my first 2 playthroughs involving not a single invasion
Every Souls game after DaS is shit due to one of the above being present

>chalice dungeons to pad length
nigga what
you can literally go through the entire game without ever even unlocking the ability to make chalice dungeons whatsoever. The only thing they offer is gems for minmaxing autists.


The only games that Sup Forums "likes" are over 10 years old at this point and had maybe 3 people actually play it.

pic related

The Dark Souls series and Metal Gear Rising are the reason why i couldn't care less about Sup Forums taste in games.

Give me one (1) similarity between Wizardry and Persona.


I like this game but that's bullshit and you know it

But I wasn't alive during the 80s, grandpa

Bullshit that Sup Forums unanimously agreed that is top tier or its just not top tier?

The latter.

Automata is obviously top tier.

>DMC games worth a fuck.
>Terrible music, enemies, bosses, levels, etc.
>Just shitty mahvel training mode sims.

One of the few 10/10s ever released.

Yes, games were better a decade ago before you were born.Glad we agree.

This. I never understood the appeal.
You can beat DMD without ever getting good at the games. So, you just autistically grind up combos that you never need to use, on a game you already beat the shit out of by the time you can even do anything.

It's basically mashing or using the basics to through the hardest arcade mode of a fighting game, then spending 6 months in training mode mastering a bunch of shit you never needed to learn in the first place in a game that no longer offers challenge. The only real difference is a fighting game has a reason for doing this shit and DMC does not.

>didn't reply to my question because of his pleb tier opinion

That's my point you idiotic nigger.

>being this stupid
And they let you live...why?

It depends on what we're talking about? Originality? Then GTA IV. Gameplay then San Andreas. Graphics? V. Fun? GTA 3/San Andreas. Overall though I'd say anyone could make a case for San Andreas or IV.

V the missions are shit, the story is meh, and the game is just overall too short. 3 and VC lacks any originality for me to say it's a 10/10 game or even close to being the best GTA game.

Ok you're patrician

Viewtiful Joe
Ys Oath In Felghana
Kirby Air Ride
Custom Robo
The World Ends With You
Trauma Center in general
Hotel Dusk

10/10 game don't exist
thread closed

>no actual argument

I can't even be bothered to drop a (you) on that low effort post faggot.

First Trauma Center is shit.

There is no argument against tetris being 10/10 that isn't just retarded wordvomit without any substance of semblence of rationality.

OP didn't say 10/10, he said top tier. Learn to read.


