Just bought this.What am i in for?
Just bought this.What am i in for?
Bad frame rate
Literally every console game ever.
The worst final boss in a llvidya
shit combat
nothing of a story until the very end
single digits framerate
all characters have zero personality unless you are a good goy and spend more on dlc
Sluts wacking other sluts with weapons
A slideshow with hot girls.
the greatest female protagonist of all time
Post rare Zeros.
disgusting slut.
fuck you, One
three is best girl
>its a Zero thread
Enjoy your corpse, assholes.
Only the rarest
Zero is pure! I want to hold hands with her!
God, Zero acting so slutty is such a distraction sometimes.
Can't help but imagine scenarios with her since instead of it being fan fiction fantasy it's actually canon that she's a dirty little slut.
Having to take breaks because of that sucks.
Literally nobody thinks this.
Are you trying to say that Zero isn't pure?
Not even Zero would agree with you.
Now can we go back to posting rare Zeros?
I'll post rare Zeros if you admit that shes pure!
Will cute One's suffice?
I'm not like those faggots over there at Sup Forums.
Even if a girl grinds through cock like its fucking wheat, she can still be adorable and pure in her intentions.
Zero does not grind cock! Zero is NOT FOR LEWD.
6fps and the biggest whore in the universe killing lesser whores for not being whorish enough, which is a solid reason.
weeb shit
>you will never be Zero's sexual relief servant
best girl taking basically forever to actually show up
forgot pic
Not even close. Go play Persona if you want that
only god knows how filthly that pussy must be
Have any side materials explained what was up with her yet? She's somehow related to the Automata era of the Nier timeline right?
Why do you take breaks? I don't understand what you're trying to convey. Do you cry or something lol it's just a game dude
A pretty awful game with a decent story and lots of wasted potential.
Really shitty dialogue and gameplay and as others have mentioned bad frame rate. Good job falling for the Taro Yoko meme. Nier Automata is the only game he's worked on that didn't have the shit developer Cavia and where he toned it down so good luck.
A very boring game.
Shitty game with 2deep4u anime story
As a game its complete shit and you'll drop it real quick.
giant iron yo-yo's
the greatest game your best friend will ever play
you'll never be able to squeeze even a drop of pleasure out of it though. its just not for you, and that's okay
Taro went overboard with the """"humor"""", localisation is at times butchered.
But it has its charms. Worth playing if you're fond of powerpoint presentations.
>not 2
I fucking hate Australia, they're the only ones with affordable R1 versions on ebay and they don't ship them overseas. Fucking cunts. Australia should sink into the ocean.
A pretty good, but ultimately very repetitive game.
The story only really gets going after you've completed the game once already, but is 10/10 when you actually get there.
Music is also good as in any Taro game, although the boss theme is the same across almost all the bosses.
A final boss that will make you rage, but deliciously fitting to the franchise.
The significance of the DLC is overblown for the most part, but the pricing is bullshit considering.
It's worth a single complete playthrough, but not really a revisit. If the story (the best part of the game) interests you, I recommend reading the short stories that can be found on the Drakengard wiki.
Better than Drakengard 2, but arguably less interesting than the first one until you start connecting 3's story to the grander universe.
Good luck user.
Note, by "single complete playthrough" I mean getting ALL the Endings.
Also worth noting that Drakengard 3 has the best gameplay in the series prior to Automata's release. Although that's not say much.
A bad game with shit gameplay, horrendous framerate and unlikeable characters for the most part.
The story is mildly interesting but overall not worth it considering the shit you have to go through.
Only play it if you're interested in the story beforehand. It's a bad Idea to start with 3 first, since the biggest pull for these titles is the plot within the Taroverse.
Gameplay is otherwise average, like God of War mixed with Da Nasty Warriors.
also worth nothing what good gameplay could've been there is bogged down by the frame rate regardless
Any chance se could get a drakengard series remaster in the future? I heard SE recognized how good automata did. I wanna play the series but not at 2fps preferably.
>Dark Id finally LPs drakengard 3
>game spends so much time taking the piss out of itself that he has very little to add
Hi Pun