Just got tekken 7 on my pc. Im thinking about getting an arcade stick. Any suggestions on what kind i should get?

Just got tekken 7 on my pc. Im thinking about getting an arcade stick. Any suggestions on what kind i should get?

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wtf lads

I like my HRAP.

Honestly though, unless you get advice from a turbo autist, most people will have only tried the one stick they bought. It's not like we can give you an informed opinion beyond what online reviews say, which you also have access to.

I got this last month, been using it for SFV.
It's pretty good for a low budget stick. Responsive and worked plug and play as either xinput or direct input.
Solid build, good weight to keep it down on the desk.
Can use Sanwa parts to upgrade it.

Make your own. A friend's older brother made one out of a shoebox and a modded PS3 controller.

Wait 2-3 months before investing in one and see if you're still playing/interested in the game after that. People like you usually don't commit to playing fighting games after the release hype period.

I have a TE2 because I didn't want to cheap out but I wouldn't recommend it as a first stick and also MadCatz is dead now.

I really like it though.

Hori, Qanba, and Razer are the three dominant fight stick makers right now.

You could also go crazy and do something like the DIY case from Art's Hobbies.

Tekken is designed for the 4 button PS controller. You don't really need a fight stick, because it's easy to just slide your fingers over the buttons for combos.

>people like you
What kind of people is that?

AFAIK, it's more optimal to play Tekken on pad and hitbox

People that buy a new game, get stomped in rank and never play or return the game.

There are some moves that are kind of annoying to do like ones that require 2+3

but that's what shoulders are so I've also got 2+3 & 1+4 on bumpers

Also known as /casuals/

>designed for the 4 button PS controller
>originally developed for the arcade

It's definitely not designed for a controller specifically. It might be fine to play with a controller, but saying it's designed for it is just false information


If I hadn't been playing on stick since vanilla SF4 I'd be using a pad for Tekken. I think hitbox is definitely the best but I'm too invested to switch now.

It sort of was made with a port to PS in mind. Since the buttons for R,L punch and R,L kick are all mapped to the four face buttons on a PS4 controller and you don't need to use the shoulder buttons like in a 6 button fighter.

If you have never played on an arcade or not fully used to them, i suggest dont get them, they are expensive as fuck and have quite a skill barrier, hori new xbox one fighting commander looks sweet,
But you still hellbent on getting a stick but not sure you will stick to them game longer, get qanba sticks, drone is quite good and cheap, or go for qanba q4 it is expensive but cheaper than all the madcatz and hori ones. Do research, sticks are really expensive.

enjoy no online consoleplebs

Once in a while if you keep your eyes open, places like fry's and amazon will have the RAP4 on sale for 100-125 usd

A stick will be good but I will tell you that despite the fact I do play on stick I can transition well with Tekken on pad(Playstation controllers mostly). Tekken's inputs and directions tend to work quite well for pad play.

100 is still too much, for some one who have just gotten a fighting game and just doing what he is seeing others do,
Tho i play fighting games with keyboard been playing for very long time and keyboard is something you are really familiar with, on fightcade i got good quite fast and there are 2 canadians i know, one of them got 9th on evo 3rdstrike plays with keyboard now and other one is really really good and prefers keyboard for 3rd strike.
Stick pad really doesn't matter, japs use stick because they are super familiar with them because of arcades,
Or maybe i am just a poorfag and can't justify spending more than 50$ on a controller.
We also made a stick for my normie bro now it's collecting dust he cant stand even my sean with his new stick and we spent 50$ on it, after that i never have recommended some one gettinga stick