I give up

Okay, I tried really hard to complete this, but it's so fuckin boring and shitty that I cannot go further. People tell me that the end has interesting implications. Can someone give me a rundown of what happens?

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How does the gameplay compare to any of the Mass Effect games. Ignore the setting and story etc.

But the story is what I'm interested in, as I always was with ME

Worst Mass Effect yet so bad that EA got pissed and shut down Mass Effect forever.

Now Dragon Age is their only RPG series.

I know, it's a bloated, boring mess, but what happens in the story? What is the big thing that people talk about?

I'm in the same tier. I completely stopped doing anything that isn't the main storyline or in the Allies and Companions quest category or whatever it was called. Even then playing it just seems forced and I can't wait for it to be over.

I chose Peebee for the romance plot just to see it. It was the weakest romance I've seen in a Bioware game. She was apparently supposed to be flirty, she has barely spoken on the 'romantic' lines through the entire game.

I can't even laugh at it anymore.

I stopped for weeks, so maybe I want to continue later, just for the psychologic need for completion. There is NOTHING pulling me back. Shit characters, shit dialogue, shit story

There was an ancient race that created the Angara.
This ancient race got into a war with another ancient race who unleashed the scourge which drove the Angara creators out of the sector and severely damaged the Angara empire (this was something like 3-400 years ago, very recent).
Angara starts getting their shit together and then the Kett invade and wreck everything. This is about 80 years ago.
Big reveal of the Kett is that they don't reproduce, they kidnap other races and genetically modify them into being more Kett.

That's all I know, I don't know if there are any other fancy reveals.

...goddamnit, that's actually underwhelming. Thanks bro

There's a terraforming network spread over all the planets which is malfunctioning or something and one of them is the central control unit.

The ebin bad guy tries to take control of the ancient mcguffin left behing by the not-protheans which would allow him to turn every planet into a wasteland and thus take everyone hostage and turn them into not-collectors.

To do that he attacks the not-citadel and steals your AI and your autistic sibling to use the AI because only SAM is able to use the ancient technology.Robbed of your AI you then proceed to use the ancient technology to attack the ebin bad guy.

The final battle is literally a horde mode which ends in the bad guy blowing up on top of the ancient mcguffin.

Also the Angara are genetically designed by the not-protheans who deispeared two centuries ago.Somehow the angara not only build an entire civilization thanks to the technology left to them by the non-protheans, they also have literally no recollection that they apparently just suddenly started existing and have no history from before two centuries.

Also also after the credits roll you get an ebin preview of the next bad guy for the next game who is literally just the henchman of the previous bad guy you just killed.

FUck. To the uninstall I go

I think it's pretty fun to play, but the story is what matters and I found it lacking.

jesus christ how horrifying

Why are you so determined to like it? It's shit and you shouldn't feel bad for hating it.

I don't even wanna like it anymore. I just do not want to believe that it's as bad as it is

Good I'm close to the end.

>that Angara backstory
Why did the writer go this way. It's an irrelevant backstory. Doesn't affect anything. It's just like, oh, ok.
This is like if the arks had a backstory that they were all destroyed on the way but a super-powerful space entity created identical copies and sent them on their way again. "Oh, ok".

the blue chick gets her tits out for like two seconds. watch the youtube romance

I'm sure that they had plans to expand on this in fantastic and interesting ways in all the DLC and sequels they no doubt had planned.

I didn't mind ME3. Is MEA worth playing?

To be fair there are some slightly neat setups in the backstory.
Like that angara believe in soulwandering and rebirth which just turns out to be pre-programmed genetic memory, and the implication that angara could have a whole subset of memories and personality locked into their code that just waits to be activated, like a sleeper agent.

But considering its bioware the only possible payoff to this setup would be shooting more angara raiders in future titles, which you already did in MEA.

>Gimgan Runefoundersson

That's awful.

ME3 was miles better than this horseshit.

Best in the series. Largest amount of abilities to date that you can switch between (at no cost) and an equally large amount of diverse weapons. The jetpack is also pretty neat - you no longer have to hide behind chest-high walls through every encounter.

The story and world-building are beyond laughable, but the combat and character progression are pretty solid.

Compared to MEA ME3 is a masterpiece.

>Gimmist Hillhelm
Fuck dorfs to be honest Elves are superior.

They did that in Star Trek, Stargate, Doctor Who, etc

it's such an old as fuck plot twist. Much older then even those franchises. Fuck, I even remember reading some shitty star wars eu book about dudes getting turned into aliens. I don't get how this game even got out the door, it should have been cancelled a few months into production.

Also also after the credits roll you get an ebin preview of the next bad guy for the next game who is literally just the henchman of the previous bad guy you just killed.

They're making another one?


They even did that in Mass Effect before already.Twice, in a sense.
"The bad guys want to enslave and corrupt us into them, oh the bodyhorror" has started with the Collectors and went full retard with the ME3 reapers.

The lead writer was the leader writer of Halo 4, which I've heard only bad things about. Maybe it also explains why the Remnants look exactly like the Prometheans

Also Bioware Montreal promoted Mac Walters, the universally-reviled lead writer of 2-3, to the position of creative lead. How the fuck did anyone think that would be a good idea?

>Reinin Beardfoundersson

What the fuck.

Well they were pretty convinced was a guaranteed blockbuster when they wrote it at least.

I came into it with horrible expectations. But I was fine with that, I just wanted an average experience, something ME to play through.

No, it's not worth playing. At all.

I felt the combat was neat at first but it really got stale for me. Haven't used cover since the start. Feels even less tactical than ME and it wasn't exactly tactical earlier. Haven't once instructed squadmates to use abilities cleverly or positioned them, never needed it, only thing that kills me is the sync-kills/instant-kill animations some mobs have, which I survive half the time if that lethal hit-negating shield skill actually works.
Used that heavy-damage consumable once against an Architect. Heavy weapons in 2-3 were more fun.

I feel, considering there is a severe lack of Sci Fi RPG's and as long as they hamfist together some shitty gay and bi romances, this crappy series will always have a player base.

Humanity was a mistake.

>Hanhardt Hillholme
I eventually lost interest and stopped playing, apparently they released patches, but I don't think that will help the writing and general felling.

>only SAM is able to use the ancient technology.
>Robbed of your AI you then proceed to use the ancient technology

finish it you fucking panzy


Just fuck the adorable blue chick and move on.

Best of the series.
Rest of the game sucks though.

I dunno, even most of BioWare's rabid fanbase turned on them for Andromeda, because for all the whining about social justice stuff, these are people that still want to self-insert to a fantasy, and when all the characters are ugly and unlovable that's impossible for them to do.

I was so dissapointed in this shit game, Bioware can literally kill themselves

>A white person being called 'racist' is the closest they'll ever get to being called 'nigger'. It upsets them so much.

Then why the fuck does the racist cunt do it? He likes hurting people who have done nothing to him?

>getting swamped by the ogre on purpose
What shit fetish is this?

I played Andromeda because I find the game play fun.

If you are playing for the story, just stop. It's generic and does nothing you haven't seen in a million games already.

Bioware went very safe and generic with Andromeda's and Inquisition's stories after the Mas Effect 3 ending fiasco.

I entirely forgot halo 4 exists, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Mac Walters has experience and industry knowledge. Not disagreeing with you at all user. I feel like there are more rookies then vets at the moment, seems like the studio was taking what it could get.

>Bioware's rabid fanbase can't self-insert when everyone is unlovable and ugly

More like they don't like confronting their own reality.

Honestly there is nothing truly wrong with creating an alternate reality where the ethical and moral norms are subjective to reality. Actually I think that shit is pretty fun. What we're really seeing is just a poorly done production of the concept. I also think the general structure is also pretty dated. That sci-fi channel shit can't cut it anymore. Even they, the kings of b tier fiction have realized this and changed up their vetting formula. I really wonder whats going on in those board meetings. Someone needs to get some audio recordings from one.


Vetra is the only acceptable waifu in the game.

Bolfan Firebattle. Sounds good to me.

gunplay is fun. """"level"""" design is not. most combat is just outside with nothing more than random rubble to fight in

>They're making another one?

Well, they planned on doing so. Whether they'll be allowed to after Andromeda's fairly dismal reception remains to be seen.

EA's sixteenNine shill seems to be back


If only, there will probably be a mass effect remastered, since everything needs remastering when the newest one of it is shit, of course with another clumsy attempt at making (the ending of) 3 not feel hollow, and then maybe ignoring what they were trying to do with another storyline on which the outcome of ME1-3 has no bearing and a prequel or direct sequel.

The who and the what now?

>Hanhardt Hillbeard

Not bad at all