>It's a great game, its just a bad ______ game!
Care to fill the blank space Sup Forums?
So far I can only think of Fallout 4
>It's a great game, its just a bad ______ game!
Care to fill the blank space Sup Forums?
So far I can only think of Fallout 4
Other urls found in this thread:
FO4 is just a bad game, come on.
I've never seen anyone talk about it, not even normies. That's how you know Bethesda went too far on the chinese outsourcing quality like.
>[muffled uranium fever playing]
Bastard, you won't take my job.
BotW and Mario Sunshine
It's just autistic fanboys unable to cope with their precious formula being changed.
ten thousand times better than Johnny Guitar
Without a doubt the worst MGS game to date, but it's also the absolute best sandbox stealth game we're ever likely to see.
Nuts and bolts
It's a great game, it's just a bad Banjo Kazooie game!
DmC reboot
resident evil 5
Be nice to him. I'm SO SICK of you entitled trolls constantly berating him yet you've never created anything in your pathetic life.
Not in a million sales fucker
It was a bad game and a bad time for the franchise too
It was fun, fuck you.
But Todd, we all want to cuddle with you.
There’s a meme on Sup Forums that has Todd Howard, often in an assortment of disguises, showing up and demanding that people buy and/or preorder Bethesda’s latest game. And he gets increasingly more irate as posters reply saying they pirated it, or that they thought the game was bad.
And some people even have folders full of Todd images. Now who would do that?
I tried to make Joshposting a thing, like an antithesis to Toddposting, but Sawyer has like, no pictures
Yes, thank you for that definition captain autism.
This your first time here, Redditor?
You must have forgotten peace walker
Take 4's cock out of your mouth user.