Why do publishers/devs always hire legitimate retards to playtest their games?

Why do publishers/devs always hire legitimate retards to playtest their games?

Other urls found in this thread:

lparchive.org/House-of-the-Dying-Sun/Update 08/

Who do you think the games are for, retard

I'm pretty sure they hire normies that put no effort into games they aren't interested in.


Most gamers are legitimate retards, and most focus group playtesters are non-gamers.

Lowest common denominator.

Retards are the fucks who actually give out enough shekels for developers to keep making games since they're dumb enough to be making video games in cities where the salary's are through the roof.

Because they need to be representative of the average consumer. You want a depressing dose of reality? Hang around the game kiosks at Walmart for a while and watch people play. Those are the people devs need to be mindful of if they want their game to sell.

>it's not us and marketing aiming for the lowest common denominator to counterbalance our ridicolously overblown budgets
>it's the players who are to blame

Publishers want games that even people who have never held a controller before in their life can understand so they get random fuckwits off the street for testing.

I played Dishonored recently and that actually explains why every single fucking person you speak to in the mansion mentions going upstairs to find clues. It's annoying how much they repeat it.

Seeing stuff makes me wonder how exactly the playtesting of games like Dark Souls went?

1 playtesting is a low paying slave tier position meaning only retards will do so
2 the entire purpose of playtesting is to see what they COLLECTIVELY do, this means even if there are enough low self esteem neets who actually know how to play, the average is going to be dragged the fuck down by everyone else
3 everything about gaming is about reaching the widest audience possible, therefore everything will always be dumbed down

Exactly for that reason. They want to make sure the usual non-gaming retard can beat a mission without throwing a hissy fit or giving up after 5 minutes.

Because they want the game to be playable by literal retards. Retards have the biggest mouths and generate the most negative press. Their huge ego's also prevent them from any self reflection or admittance of faults. Because of this any game remotely aiming for the casual market wants to make sure the game is not to hard for them so they don't start spamming bad reviews everywhere.

Reminder that "playtesters" are not the same thing as "The test department".

The test department always breaks the game in fucking half, "playtesters" are literally random people off the street used to gauge interest in a product to stand in for the common man

"the test department" barely exists anymore
now that you can patch your console games, who cares if you release a buggy product

because legitimate retards are their target demographic

Came here to post this

Then "play testers" would just be focus testers.
I do t buy it.

This is why so many companies are having actual gamers play-test their games on Steam nowadays.

you don't know how to pluralize the word salary

Because that's who they need to buy the game to make your money back you assclown

That might just mean hes not a primary english speaker you chuckefuck.

>that last one

no you're just dumb

you know that quote about how half the population has under average IQ?
games have to be designed for those people

someone post that greentext about an user legitimately trying to explore and backtrack and the supervisor jotting him down as retarded

Did you catch it?

>authority figure told them not to do something
>without even questioning it, they obey

There's broader issues at play here than just playtesting, it would seem.

Developers think they are cute with their meta design.

I was playing this not long ago and the guard in question literally walks away after he tells you to piss off, provided you walk far enough away from him.

some old let's player said while being part of testers they were either yes men who agreed the game was perfect or the devs didn't bother to listen to any criticism ie.. for honor

A gamer from a different era would've tried to go upstairs anyway, dude. If only to see what would happen.

but dishonored is all about playing as a thief, being sneaky and going to places you're not supposed to be at
how do those playtesters manage to stay alive is beyond me

I think the logic makes sense. You know how in some games they give a soft warning like, "don't go over here?" and it's treated as a mission bounds? Even if you know gaming well, you've probably gotten pretty pissed when you "fail" a mission for stepping three feet outside the mission zone. Or then there are other games where it's instant game over for doing literally fucking anything you weren't supposed to.

The game has one NPC who tells you "don't go upstairs", so it logically follows that you have to cooperate with the game and look for clues downstairs. The player can't intuitively know they're supposed to disobey the NPC - for all they know the devs trapped the upstairs somehow to make you lose if you go there.

Even in old games, the good ones at least usually mention something like, "I, the protagonist, must go upstairs".

What probably happened with these playtesters is that this was the only level they were given. They didn't actually play anything before. If they did, they'd be a lot more likely to try and explore it I think.

The playtester only has his work day to progress through the game. I'm fairly certain they expect to be moving through things, not trying to see what happens if they ignore the NPC and test if the devs put an invisible wall to fuck with you after going upstairs triggers the all the failure conditions.

If you treat everything like a widget on an assembly line, then that's all you get as your end product.

Every single time.

>The game has one NPC who tells you "don't go upstairs", so it logically follows that you have to cooperate with the game and look for clues downstairs
You'd have a point if the game's focus wasn't bypassing guards to get to places you aren't supposed to be, unless it was some shit like

because the average "gamers" are retards

because anyone who seeks a career in play testing is mentally handicapped


Only retards buy games at full price at release. Games are made for them.

>The game has one NPC who tells you "don't go upstairs", so it logically follows that you have to cooperate with the game and look for clues downstairs. The player can't intuitively know they're supposed to disobey the NPC - for all they know the devs trapped the upstairs somehow to make you lose if you go there.

Why would it logically follow that you have to cooperate with a fucking piece of software?

Because the average gamer praise it as the best game ever,even though its mediocre piece of shit.

Part of the issue is that the only way upstairs is the main stairs, and the game never really required you to lure guards away from their station until that point.
All they needed was a '''secret''' passageway you can find downstairs that takes you upstairs

>mfw I found out what playtesters did to House of the Dying Sun



That's got to be joke commentary.

>NEETs hide from the sun and refuse employment that would cost them their NEETbux
>functional wizards have jobs that pay decently
>the only people that are going to work 50 hours a week filing bug reports for minimum wage are DUDE WEED LMAO guys
Not a difficult concept.

>Part of the issue is that the only way upstairs is the main stairs, and the game never really required you to lure guards away from their station until that point.
Incorrect. There's a service stairs guarded by only 1 guard who routinely goes on patrol that elads to the chamber of one of the host, and you can always take a stroll outside and blink to one of the balconies.

lparchive.org/House-of-the-Dying-Sun/Update 08/

reminder that several groups of people literally fought and let executives dump roaches on them, just to compete for a chance to be a QA tester for sony


>using Something Awful

how else do they tailor games to get those autism bucks.

Valve Playtesters are really that retarded.

i liked when they put the fat guy on the spot and made him admit he still lived at home

of course it's ledditor

A lot of people still live at home now. Things are getting pretty bad.

What was the proof?

There's nothing wrong with living with your parents.
Not sure why they tried to humiliate him this way.

Mine recently moved out since they bought a new apartment closer to their workplace but I'd rather they stayed so I wouldn't need to split my income for the utilities.

Because there's more of them and they have money.

his word?
idk that was long time ago hard to find proof

oh shit nvm i'm retarded it's email from valve calling him to test

because that's their target audience

Last one reminds me of original Diablo 3 Inferno and "we doubled it", not always the best path.

Does that mean he is right now?