What books would make great video games?

What books would make great video games?

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The Great Gatsby
The Catcher in the Rye
The Prince
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
anything H.P. Lovecraft

>The Great Gatsby

Stormlight archives as a MMORPG

Gloomy 40s setting, story driven, I could see it being a pretty cozy game although it'd be pretty lacking in action

>the black company

Make it happen.

Give me a banner saga-esque game for this, maybe following the company down south or a build your own company after the events of the books

Myth ripped that series hard.

The Great Gatsby was 20's retard
Did you not read the book?

Elric of Melnibone.

Think the Witcher but actual morality, FF15 party mechanics mixed with Dragon's Dogma and sidequests that don't suck and the Multiverse.

Not to mention best girl

Bungie already did. Kind of.

I can't tell if Sup Forums loves or hates these books/Joe Abercrombie.


that meme again

Of Mice and Men set in a cybernetic future, developed by Platinum Games. With robot racism.

Red Rising by Pierce Brown.

It's already been done.

Also I've never read a series that went to shit so fucking hard. People warned me that the Black Company got worse after the Dominator plot ended and they left to enter a new land but I never thought it would get as bad as it did.

>Porth Woods

Oh shit nigger! I haven't read the book since high school, my bad.

Meh I'd just end up being even more depressed by playing that shit.

inb4 some mouthbreather posts Rothfuss or Sanderson


I didn't really mind it, you obviously don't give half a fuck about what is going on, and the author drags perspective around and turns every previous character into a paranoid nutjob to obscure and be vague; but it still works as a tale of soldiers getting dragged through retarded machinations.

After the first trilogy, the first book travelling south, the catch-up book back north, and the final book are all decent. The final one in particularly resonates with me pretty deeply.
Those inbetween are a chore though.

anybody have a link to where i could get a pdf of the first 3 black company books? i've been wanting to read them for a few weeks now after reading the preview on google play but have no idea where you go to pirate books

You'll find a lot there, but not everything. I've only used it for some Black Library novels, about 50/50 hit and miss.

There are omnibuses, I bought the first one in store and got the rest off Amazon.
Decent value.

Too late buddy. Also, comparing Rothfuss to Sanderson is ridiculous.

Thanks dude. I'd buy the the omnibus but I don't live in an English speaking country so unfortunately it's not as simple as just walking into borders and getting the book you want.
Good bookstores are something you'll never know you miss until you they're gone.

I know, I got the first one at Dymocks which is one of the few we have left here in Straya, but was overpriced and they didn't have the rest.
So I got the rest off Amazon. Which are pretty decent priced, though they charge a lot for shipping here.

The Forever War / FPS or TPS
Malazan Book of the Fallen / RTS
Blindsight / Survival Horror but 1000x times better than Amnesia and shit

Mouptlips is mountains in Russian, which is the language of future mars.

>Malazan Book of the Fallen / RTS
Fuck that, make it like Commandos/Shadow Tactics

WOT would be fucking amazing for a game.
>Be a borderlander fighting Trollocs
>Be a mercenary in Murandy, Andor, Tear etc
>Be a male channeler on the run from Aes Sedai
>Aiel War
>Be an Aiel warrior in the waste
>Do stuff in Shara
>Be a hero in Arthur Hawking's conquest
>Stuff in Seandar
>Be an Aes Sedai
>Join the Black Tower
>Help the Dragon Reborn
>Join the Band of the Red Hand
>Fight in Tarmon Gai'don
>Trolloc Wars
>Lews Therin's war against the Shadow
>The Breaking of the World
There's so much stuff you can do its not even funny

WoT is fucking great. They made a game on it though from what I've heard.

Maybe. Series ended up so mediocre.
It's good up until he gets the crystal sword, but everything after just blurs together into a bland stew. There are still a few highlights though, but they're really few and far between.

I appreciate the first book the most, and the city of the mists and the blight stand out to me as video game opportunities, good roguelike settings where death is always around the corner.

>It's good up until he gets the crystal sword
It had me until book 10 then got me again for book 11 but Brian Sanderson fucked the series.
Tarmon Gai'don was so disappointing. Wished Jordon had lived to write it.

Wasn't his publisher paying him by the page at one point?

Nier Automata...?

Sanderson did ok, I imagine its pretty hard to step into someone elses shoes like that. The whole ending was plotted out for him, he just had to actually write it. If you didnt like how it ended then it wouldnt matter who was writing it, you would have disliked it anyway.

It was his way of writing characters like Mat, adding in his own OC donut steal that had more page time than Rand, killing beloved characters like Bashere and Hurin off page, Padan Fain just showing up to be killed and general rushing of certain plotlines like the Black Tower ruined it.

Now Damandred btfoing Gawyn and Galad was great and Talmanes POV chapters were GOAT. I'll give em that.

He had to rush some things, Jordan left allot of loose ends and Sanderson only had so many books to tie things up. I would have liked more Rand in the last few books as well and some of the characters did feel off, but what did you expect? If sanderson had just tried to ape jordans style it would have seemed even more off, like a cheap chinese knockoff. I'm not saying its perfect, but it could have been much worse. It could have been Brian Herbert levels of bad. What he did to his fathers legacy is a goddamn travesty.

Mother fucker read my mind!

Fucked if I cared enough to look that much into his stuff.
Probably wouldn't surprise me though.

I don't think he did too poorly, with the exception of two cliffhangers at the penultimate book that ended up not mattering at all.
But that said, as I didn't really like the second two thirds of Jordon's stuff so I guess I feel that Sanderson's stuff was 'just as mediocre'.

What was his OC?

Please don't mention Brian.
I'm pretty good at dealing with half-finished series, and ignoring horrible continuations of them. God Emperor of Dune is my favorite book of all time but I still didn't really mind the series just stopping, I was mostly in it for Teg in the last two books.
It's just disturbing how corporate Brian's continuation is, it's behavior I'd usually expect from the shitty industry this board is centered around, rather than book publishers. Like I just can't comprehend the fact that they might even be selling.

In what aspect exactly?

Not so much a good game itself, but a good setting for one.

Brian Herbert should be shot and his remains burned long with the rest of his shitty dune knockoff manuscripts. God Emperor is one of my favs as well, and the last 2 F.H. dune books are pretty good too. I still find it hard to believe that publishers let Brian rape dune like he has.
Also a modern revival of the Dune rts games would be fucking awesome, or maybe a mmo set during Paul's jihad.

>What was his OC?
Androl. I liked the way he used the gateways but holy fuck he had too much pagetime.

Oh right yeah. He was well conceived with his strength, but you're right about the page time. The Black Tower was just forgotten and forgotten and then clap and done and then he just lingered too long.

I have difficulty placing anything out of Dune in gameplay too much, the best they can do is pull something unoffensive out their ass and just go off the aesthetic alone, which yeah the RTS games did well.

I just hope that maybe, like Leto II's smaller hoard left for Odrade, we'll maybe get some manuscript from Frank Herbert that is just banter between Leto II and Malky.

Sanderson should have stuck with Logain for his black tower pov character. I mean Logain was already established and had all this forshadowing. It would have made way more sense and left more room for Rand.