Less than 1/2 of the framerate than most 16 bit era games

>less than 1/2 of the framerate than most 16 bit era games


Leave Sony alone op, don't kick a struggling man when he's down

Surely Sony will stop failing one of these days

Epic OP, epic for the win.
Where do i upvote?

Ha nice one OP. You should have just said "30fps and under" but instead you found a real clever way to put it haha.

>old 16bit games have a higher framerate than a 2015 multi million dollar PS4 exclusive
amiright? hahahahahaha

You still won't get to play it, PCFAT

>post YFW you're not a soulsborne fiend-cuck

and yet its goty. HA


>tfw pcbro
>tfw genuinely want to try this game and it be good
>lock games to 30 on my PC to test the cinematic experience
>absolutely terrible

Does a controller make it any better idorts?

where is it GOTY?


>it probably isn't that good anyways

What games did you try? Generally, games that pan the camera quickly are really bad.
FPS and racing games often work poorly, 3rd person games are much better.

I tried it first on battlefield 4 which was BEYOND bad (it's a fps though, kinda knew this).

Tried it on DS3 and it was better, but still pretty shit to the point where I wouldn't bother. Not tried with a controller though.

>y-y-y-you've never played it!

Well, there's a reason why Battlefield and CoD games are 60 fps on consoles. They really don't work well.
I can imagine that you move the camera more when playing DaS3 with a mouse than with a controller. You also often only move the camera in one direction and not as sporadically. Try with a controller.

In a vacuum, 30 fps is worse than 60 fps. It's a fact and everyone who says different is trolling. Some just put up with it better than others. Moving from a 60 fps game to a 30 fps one is really bad but once you get into it you feel it way less.

>Try with a controller.
Can't try and no friends I know of have one. I guess I'll go to a store and see if they've got any ps4s/xbones with third person game demos.

>not owning a controller for PC
It can be a good investment if you play games that don't require perfect aim like DaS. Stuff like Witcher 3 I feel is better with a controller.
Try not to twitch aim or move the camera sporadically. You can't do that with sticks. Leave the camera in DaS3 to auto adjust itself while running and only moving it straight when turning tight corners.
You'll probably be able to tell if it's okay for you or not by just moving straight forwards in DaS3 and seeing objects move by the screen. Lock on also stops camera movement.

Battlefield games are not 60fps on console.... I've played many hours of bf1 on PS4 and the frame rate is sometimes disgustingly bad and feels 20fps.

This. I can not think of one game that's more than 30fps on ps4. Nothing good anyway

And yet it's still one of the best games ever made.

Almost like there are more factors of quality than just framerates.

Battlefield 4 is. Didn't know about 1 but apparently it targets 60 but drops regularly.

Remasters like TLoU and Nathan Drake Collection and Vita ports like Dragon Quest Builders are. Nioh and Nier Automata as well.

I love the game but it is like 15fps in some spots.

I actually did play it, because I'm not a child who only owns a single platform.

>Yakuza 0