What are some devs that publicly deny the reality of their product being bad?
What are some devs that publicly deny the reality of their product being bad?
Dude, Dwayne was just replying in his Rock-like persona.
Randy Pitchford
Look at her picture. Do you think Blue Hair is in the target demographic? Baywatch probably won't be funny to me either but I know I'm not in the target demographic.
>probably won't be funny to me either
are you kidding, people are publicly urinating in theaters because of the ensuing hilarity
This. Me and all of my friends needed new pairs of pants when were done with the movie.
Fat women hate that movie because it has hot girls being hot.
This. I myself have pissed my pants because of The Rock shenanigans.
going to be a blast watching Rock fizzle out over the next few years while realizing he has to make good on his campaign assertions
Phil Fish
What are some threads that aren't pitiful excuses to rehash Sup Forums or Sup Forums memes with a pretense of video games?
I haven't paid to see a movie in over ten years and don't plan on it any time soon. Your marketing effort would be spent better elsewhere.
>dwayne getting booty-blasted because he thought he could push a shitty movie out and get the sheep to lap it up
the rock never apologised
looking forward to the webms from this
What was going through The Rock's brain when he decided to create one of the RAUNCHIEST franchises in history? Seriously each minute following the Rock and his pals from Emerald Bay as they get into assorted RAUNCHY situations has been more hysterical than the last. Aside from the FANS loving it , the audiences only consistency has been its lack of bladder control and ineffective use of criticism, all to make movies FUN, to make R-RATINGS seem RAUNCHY.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rock vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; he made sure the movie would never be mistaken for an out of touch serious film that meant anything to anybody? Just ridiculously litty RAUNCHY summer FUN. Baywatch might be anti-kid (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-critics film in its refusal of snooze, dullness and g-rated fun. No critic wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>b-but the critical reception is fair
The criticism is dreadful; their opinions are terribly out of touch. As I read, I noticed that every time a critic marked it negatively, the author wrote instead that the jokes "fell flat."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Critc's minds are so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that they has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Wonder Woman by the same critic. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are watching Wonder Woman at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to watch Buzzfeed." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you watch "Wonder Woman" you are, in fact, trained to watch Buzzfeed, and that's not litty at all.
That's it? Leg openings don't go up high enough and her hip/thigh game is weak.
What are some games that a RAUNCHY summer fun for the fans? I wanna PISS myself.
The Rock never apologises, that's how the persona works
oatmeal cookie guy
taro yoko
all of them
The Rock is the highest paid actor right now
>hype up the movie a year and a half before its even released
>hype it even a week after release
Anyone who knows anything about movies knew this was going to be shit
he did in OP
Critic detected. Sorry broski, but this film is the the fans. #litty
Ugly bitch would never understand the humor because she never goes outside of her safespace
seriously how is Sup Forums such a meme powerhouse? every fresh new meme originates from there
Is that even him? It's probably just some assistant he told to handle his twitter for a while
>Sup Forums gets their own todd howard
>there are no threads of the rock shilling for his movie
It's only because Sup Forums retired.
Almost all indie devs get very, very defensive over criticisms of their game.
When you only have one thing going for you, then you tend to be pretty good at it.
Because all they do is post memes.
Source. That's fucking hilarious.
What the fuck is this idiot doing
What if Sup Forums and Sup Forums became one board?
What is the alternative?
Why hasn't anyone mentioned battleborn or starfox zero
Be the change, user
>being this underage
Probably a dog whisperer
>being unaware of dogposting
I meant an actual apology. In OP it's an apology/backhanded insult thing.
No you aren't. The movie literally shows no bare tits or ass. You'll see and hear more dicks.
i see it differently but okay
What are some games that are geniuenly LOVED by fans but panned by critics?
what the fuck i thought these doggos were super friendly
its even looking super chill and then just goes HAM
>go on Sup Forums to see what's it about
>first thing I see
Postal 2
don't go there, they are actual 3DPD child sexual predators over there, and not harmless lolicons like us
>going to Sup Forums
You fucked up.
Cesar really pushed it over the line this time.
>releasing your shit movie when GOTG2 comes out
Why would he do this
that's gotta be a social media manager
Dwayne has better things to do than argue with nobodies
As with anything its all about the individual and how it was raised and treated. You could have a pit bull raised by a loving and caring family be a totally loving and caring furball. On the other hand you could have a chihuahua raised by a dick that likes to punt it and be the most insufferable dick that will eat your goddamn balls for no reason.
deadly premonition
"...Clearly you're the wrong audience for a raunchy rated R film."
That's a burn, man. But anyway, yea, we're arguing over almost nothing. Let's drop it.
animals have deir own personality and not raising them properly coul make any dog dangerous or at least quite problematic.
What I'd give for her to dutch oven me.
sure you do dwayne
Cancer works constantly and tirelessly.
>muh SJW boogeyman
>muh women hate thread
Not vidya. Fuck off.
Who /RAUNCHY/ here? Seeking some RELEASE from numbing ANGUISH me and the boys rolled up to DAS KINOPLEX last night after a harrowing forty mile TREK through the frozen WRAITH-ZONE making it just as the ravenous TYRANT MOTHS began their pre-mating MANHUNT. The distant FOG-HORNS gradually being overtaken by the deadly, silken FLUTTERING of their sable WINGS.
The EMBERS of the last audience were dying down in the CREMATORIA, needless to say we had a good LAUGH in the PENIS INSPECTION line when my bro Skyler got DRAGGED OFF by the guards to serve a fifty year sentence in the POPCORN MINES for wearing a non-regulation FALCONER'S GLOVE. The SHOWERS were pumping that good-ol' ZYKLON-B that gets you extra loose for the RAUNCHY fun; trying to hold your BREATH is good practice for trying not to PISS yourself later.
My man ROBERT served us up some tasty and very litty CRAB LEGS with extra 'BUTTER', well worth the SEVEN HUNDRED and EIGHTY TWO dollars FIFTY for the TIP.
Once we were INSIDE the film hadn't even STARTED before the first drips of PISS came out. An y'all just KNOW that nothing sets off the bloodlust of a TERROR-GHEIST like warm, 'buttery' PISS. Half the SQUAD was DRAGGED into the OUTER-DARKNESS before our BLADDERS were half-empty but even the keening shrieks of the ORPHANED ONES couldn't drown out this raucous COM-BOMB.
When the GUARDS came to finish off the SURVIVORS I was able to ESCAPE by using the CORPSE of my bro JONNY D as a CANOE when the lake of PISS was drained down the sluice normally used for flushing blood and FLESH. I only had to wait THREE HOURS in the rank soup of run-off MEDICAL WASTE and avoid the TELEPATHIC SHARKS that make the sewers their HOME. It wasn’t so bad except for being driven MAD by the hungry WHISPERS of all the GHOSTS.
10/10 SUMMER FUN, would SEE again!
What video games let me get #littly
I fucked up sorry Dwayne