How do i get good

How do i get good

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acquire excellence


Patience and practice. Expecting to knock it out of the park on first playthrough is very dumb of you.

Don't get hit

achieve greatness

become proficient

Dodge, and don't let enemies get behind you. Knocking people down is very, very useful.

You don't get good. You just suck a little less over time.

I used savescumming.
Shitty game

>I used savescumming

No wonder you didn't like it.

Dodge instead of backflipping.

this guy explains it all.

Dodge more than you attack and buy sushi for moar moves

it was too hard for me

how do you even emulate this? Ive tried everything and it runs at like 80% speed

>Get comfortable with the controls
Yes they feel awkward as shit but you should be able to get comfortable. God Hand controls just fine.
>Learn to dodge not just backflip
>When the enemies block use your guard breaker or whatever it's called

It's really just the Punch-Out rules of attacking and playing defensively. GH is one of the best action games I've ever played.

The tutorial kinda sucks, simply because you are almost expected to know how to do all of this right off the bat:

Uh, there's also a bunch of shit that's pretty necessary to know to really have fun with the game, but isn't told to you, like knowing that pushing the right stick forward dodges everything except for low hits. And that you don't need to just mash circle when it pops up, you can mash all the face buttons instead. It'll save you from breaking your finger off.

The amazing thing about the difficulty is that it can get harder than the last level on the lowest difficulty, within 5 mins of the game to keep up with you if you are great at it. And really should be a fucking standard way of making all difficulty in games today.

I cannot play properly on hard.

Normal is the best difficulty anyway, if you aren't sitting on level die naturally, then it's above you.

Practice getting counter hits and launching enemies with the up/down+triangle moves, they are the most valuable skills to have by far. Learning to counter with a quick charged punch will carry you through the game.

duck a lot and learn when they'll block, it becomes muscle memory after a while

>suck at the game but know the mechanics
>somehow always end up getting to lvl 3/die
>die almost immediately
It gets annoying.

Do less duck dodging I guess. It turns into a different game on level die.

launch to wall repeatedly

Acquire impregnable defenses and impetuous style


become alexander

Just punch everything.

Use that fucking dodge button.


Never because I think Capcom owns it and they aren't as interested in porting their older console games as Sega is. At least, not anything not called Resident Evil.

>How do i get good
You don't
You don't even play the game, because it's shit
