Should DOA continue?
DOA - Sunday Night's Alright for Fighting
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Should have died in the 90s.
No. Ayane should have stayed 16 and kept her nipple bumps and cameltoe.
Should have died in the 90s.
Nazitomi is love!
Nazitomi is life!
Her Reich will last 1,000 years! She is the uber-fraulein!
I prefer the needy fist slut over Nazitomi.
It's all an act
Funny how Germany was the worst thing to happen to Europe, Nazitomi is the worst thing to happen to DOA threads.
>Should DOA continue?
Yes. DOAX OTOH shouldn't. DOAX should be combined into the main series and turned into a bonus minigame in DOA, because frankly that's the most it will ever be good for. It doesn't have enough content to be a full game in itself.
Also the poor girls need to get nipples. It's actually fucking distracting at this point how they have otherwise hyper-detailed breasts in bras the size of a stamp, and there's no nipple bump. Fuck off with that ghetto shit.
Of course, her fisting Marie is fine too.
If you say so
Honestly no. Fighting games are dying a slow death and if 6 gets made then it's going to marry the series' traditional "alright but nothing really spectacular" gameplay with pandering to a new fanbase. Ayane and Kasumi are going to be ignored for Marie and Honkers and old fan favorites will be ignored. Even worse my waifu Mila won't be in it.
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well
Where in the fuck is the uncensored version?
I liked it better when DOA was a fightan game than a softcore porn service with a gazillion dollars in DLC.
Is this done in the Honey Select thing? My god damn cock is getting pretty hard for the first time for 3d animation shit.
It was a shit fightan game. They're just putting money into what people really want
>Basically just a fapbait series
>Graphics are ugly
>Girls look like shitty plastic dolls
>Have to grind for your faps
>Even indie games have better graphics and fapbait than an entire studio because the developers know people are dumb enough to keep buying this copypaste 2008 tier graphics garbage
>Gameplay of fighter and spin-off subpar at best
You guys know there's free porn out there, right? If you buy this shit, you're fucking retarded. Get some taste. Stop posting this garbage here.
>Low quality textures
>Aliasing everywhere
>Everything smeared with Vaseline to hide texture quality
>Bad DoF effect
>Eye destroying bloom
I doubt that will be the case, just because the same damn thing happened with Tina and Hitomi around DOA3 and Xtreme 1/2. Yet Kasumi and Ayane are still poster girls.
>I liked it better when DOA was a fightan game
It still is.
Eh, I just hope they show my main some love if they ever get off their lazy asses and actually make it rather than just sit around and keep releasing DLC for LR. Which they probably won't since she's one of the least popular characters.
Yeah, I really really doubt Mila is going to get any significant spotlight. Which sucks since she's my favorite of the newcomers. At least she's not maybe killed off like Lisa.
Wait, they killed Lisa? Really?
She's one of the funnest characters to play as even if her combos aren't crazy flaming ninja shit. That and she's the most beautiful out of the group to me.
It's left up in the air
They've never dropped a non-guest character, especially a female. Even Gen Fu and Leon keep getting put in even though their parts in the story ended ages ago. Mila might not be part of the main ninjas/DOAtec story, but she's involved with Bass and Tina's story.
Last time we saw her she was trapped under burning rubble in her lab which was underwater, and pretty sure it exploded afterwards. So, yeah she could still be alive, but she's also pretty unpopular so if TN were going to kill someone, she'd be an easy one.
Mila is pretty fun to play even if she's not my main, plus she's qt as fuck in story mode.
Hope not. I don't like niggers any more than the next guy, but when you have close to thirty female character in your series, killing off the only black one seems a bit mean.
Lisa's latina, I'm pretty sure. Plus the token black is Zack already.
>Not liking delicious brown
U wot?
Finally some taste in here
She's qt as fuck in any mode.
I'm okay with her staying out of the main story. It's about teleporting ninjas and clones and guys with eye lasers, a hard-working waitress/MMA fighter has no business in that shit.
Just have her training under Tina to be the next MMA champ or something.
I'm not expecting them to make her the undisputed GOAT champ who defeats superpowerful bioweapons and shit. I just want her to get some screen time if they ever get around to making 6.
I'm personally tired of the ninja/DOATECH focus and wish they'd bring the rest of the cast into the plot more. But I doubt they will.
Tina and Lisa are patrician taste that loving them comes from their personalities over attractive looks.
Did someone say taste?
Yes the superior southern belle blonde or delicious taste of a chocolate specifically.
Gutter trash and a mexican. Certainly not women of class and sophistication
Strawberry, vanilla, chocolate.
Is there a demo for doax3 with vr?
Switch it around.
I would if the difficulty would be getting them in bed
this is the only good thread on Sup Forums
Fat chance. The DOAs are nothing but cock teases and they wouldn't let smelly virgins NEETs fuck them. Except for Nyotengu, who is a literal semen demon.
I want to impregnate Nyotengu's throat.
What are those? I mean, model + nazi props? XPS? Blender?
Did Ayane get a Major Kusanagi skin?
This is the best couple in DOA
Prove me wrong
Heaven or Hell, Sup Forums?
They're good but not you+you're waifu
Kick-ass team
But I want to be Miji and have Nyo as my waifu
For a non-meme answer: yes.
I played a few DOA games before 5 but only when 5 ultimate came out did I actually get into it. The combat feels a lot faster and slick than previous games. They should definitely continue with the series and expand on 5.
Posting best girl
Why did it take them so long to get Mila some good costumes?
Excellent taste
It's called being fair. If they gave Mila costumes as good as the others from day one, then none could stand up to her.
If nothing else, at least being in X3 would have officially given Tina back her true bust. She's just not Tina if the majority of her torso isn't being obscured by her could-be-enhanced-but-I-don't-care tits.
More like Sunday night's alright for fapping
Let me help you with that filesize
I can't.
They're both great, but neither are my favorite. There's no better pairing, though.
my fav girl
Yes but only if they get rid of Marie and Hinoka.
Much appreciated
I wish they'd just release this, Marie's sailor suit, and the Venus for the PS4 version. And maybe add the Artemis, which shouldn't be that hard since it's in DOA5 already.
The HS models just don't look right
The stage is set for DOAvsTekken
I want to cum inside Helena
Some are way off, especially Marie and Nyotengu. Most are just slightly off. A few are actually spot on or better than the original models.
Kasumi is a sweet waifu