Why does everyone love 2B?

Why does everyone love 2B?

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Because she's a QT

Ass is something rarely appreciated by developers. So a character with a lovely butt is always well received. Specially in these dark times with the proliferation of cancer in the industry.

Her game is fucking fantastic.
So is her 2butt.

I liked A2 just because of the taunt and berserk. Enjoyed showboating against the mobs like I would on dmc.

>generic character with a bland weeb pander design
>shitty game with piss easy gameplay and Bioshock infinite levels of tryhard writing

It's the perfect formula to appeal to fedora tipping redditor intellectuals

Because she's a genuinely nice person no matter how much she tries to suppress it. The way game gradually unravels her true personality and backstory was done incredibly well, and love that defines her as a character is some of the best stories of this kind i've seen in games.

There's also a lot of cute little details about her you can see over the course of the game, from the fact she has more books in her rooms than in any other room in the Bunker, up to subtle facial expressions she does in some cutscenes while looking at Nines, as if she's trying to suppress her smile.



Cute butt.

>The way game gradually unravels her true personality and backstory was done incredibly well
No it wasn't and it didn't happen gradually.

>string a bunch of buzzwords with no meaning

Just saying generic and bland does not make something so. Pandering is a shit word to use also, because every game is meant to pander to someone you fucking oaf.


Cock goes where?

>No it wasn't and it didn't
It was and it did. Each route adds new details to her personality and backstory up to a huge E model reveal at the end of C. Each detail allows to re-think all her previous interactions with 9S and her behaviour over the course of a game.

more like no a2 allowed

anime permavirgins and newfags


True personality is revealed at the end of the tutorial. She gets zero development. Reveal at the end doesn't really change anything.

Lack of 2B and A2 characterization is the weakest part of the entire game. 2B never makes a conscious effort to actually try and change anything.

So cute butt.


>So cute butt.

>True personality is revealed at the end of the tutorial
It was merely a hint. You don't know what exactly is going on with her and only get a complete picture at the end of a game.
>She gets zero development.
Of course, her development reached its conclusion prior to the game already. We simply unravel who she actually is.
>2B never makes a conscious effort to actually try and change anything
Because she can't change anything. She's just one weak girl.

She's erotic as fuck, and becomes retroactively adorable after first making you think she's a cold bitch for half the game.

I'm honestly not sure who is the lucky one in their relationships.

Sexy and cute butt. Also she would basicly fug any human on sight


Humans are gods for androids.
Remind me, what she wants to do with the gods?

Preserve dna


2b is a qt

What about these qt3.14'es?

>her bed in the Bunker has proper placements for her and Nines together
It's in little details.


They're alright

cute failures?

>you will never be the last human on a planet surrounded by their care
>you will never try to make their life better

Honestly I don't think I ever got a complete picture from the game. But now that I've got a picture from the side material, I don't like the way it looks.

I like 2B a lot but she is too simple. She lived a puppet and died a puppet, essentially making the same mistakes from the very beginning of No. 9 and No. 2 right up until what we see in the game. She doesn't change and she doesn't make change, and the moments that really define her character aren't told.

A2 made a change. 9S made a change. But 2B was very static and just wallowed in the cycle of despair.

I want to bully them.

Because autismos love cold, emotionless machines because it reminds them of themselves and their computer. Basically she's a crossbreed between an autist and a computer with a cute girl case.

No bully

I wanna fuck 2b

>liking inferior operating systems


2B made a change when she understood that she's a failed E who can't continue her duty because her feelings to 9S are too strong.
She doesn't live for her mission anymore but for for him. She even mentions that prior to meeting him she wasn't afraid of dying but he changed that, forced her to become emotional and illuminated her life.

Not to mention that she is also a catalyst that allowed both 9S and A2 to change in first place. She said to A2 that she specifically tried to make 9S a better person, their feelings for each other certainly made him way better than nihilistic Number 9. Her memories forced A2 to re-think her life as well.

That's ironic given that 2B is in love with pretty much a male SHODAN.

I gotta say Devola and Popola's new outfits are one of the best and most necessary costume updates ever. Their costumes in the original game were shit. They had this white tabard thing over them for most of the game so you didn't really see it and thought they were just wearing normal dresses, but when they take that off for the end of the game you see they wear some kind of shitty wine-colored wide-legged pants that make no sense and a black cape. It was a mess.

The updated version lets them keep the tabard, it has a little bit of black on the shoulders to evoke the cape, but under it they just have regular lowrider jeans. That's perfect. It looks so much better, and it still basically has all the same elements.

>2B made a change when she understood that she's a failed E who can't continue her duty because her feelings to 9S are too strong.
What? When was this?

One of the most confusing things about the entire story for me is that 9S never told 2B about the moon server. Instead 9S confronts the commander. That would've really been the test of 2B's character but instead she never gets that opportunity.

2B was also emotional from the very start because she's patterned off of A2, who was an emotional wreck. She doesn't get more emotional. If anything, being around 9S makes her more withdrawn because she's repressing herself.

Finally I don't think A2's change was about 9S, I think it was about the machine lifeforms and Pascal. Which you could argue is motivated from 2B's memory even though it really boils down to a player choice.

9S's change is not positive. He was just as nihilistic and destructive as No. 9 in the end but in a different way for different reasons.

would you play a nier automata with 2b and 9s wearing tradional turkic clothing ?

(i made the drawing by the way )

>What? When was this?

Before the game begins. You learn almost all of 2B's story after-the-fact.

>tfw in the end 2B and 9S are together after the pods revive both of them

I'm just happy the game got a happy ending desu

But she does continue her mission, she ends up killing 9S twice in the game. Admittedly not under the normal circumstances at all, but there's no indication at any point that she wouldn't have continued her duty.

Somebody's been reading Kaoru Mori.

simple the ass was fat

It's covered in background material. 9S finds out 2B is an executioner model sent on a mission to kill him over and over again as he keeps going to deep into the top secret database. 2B goes over the edge and asks 9S to kill her because she can't take the emotional strain of having to kill the one she loves over and over again, but instead 9S kills himself and tells 2B not to hesitate in the future when she has to kill him so that they get a chance to meet again.

2B a completely generic teen anime girl in design. The fuck is unique about her?

>What? When was this?
Memory Thorn.
>9S never told 2B about the moon server
Judging by side materials, he reads her like an open book. He doesn't want to hurt her and instil doubt into her in the worst possible moment. But post-e script makes it obvious that she gives zero shits about humans, only about 9S' well-being.
>She doesn't get more emotional
Her self-sacrifice is the peak moment of her emotional development for Nines. She never did anything like that before, even when she asked 9S to kill her in Memory Thorn after he hacked out a virus she tried to kill herself with.
>Finally I don't think A2's change was about 9S
No, it wasn't. But it was about 2B's memories giving her a different perspective on things. She starts to change when her memory fuses with 2B's.
>9S's change is not positive
He had multiple changes. When 2B was together with him, he became progressively better. Then he plunged back into despair when she died. Then, at the verge of death he found strength to re-think everything yet again and come to different conclusion. 9S that wakes up after E will be a much better person.

There you go with the buzzwords again.

Is that manga good?

Yeah exactly, but that isn't an indication that 2B "couldn't continue." She was continuing just fine. Maybe not fine because she was completely miserable, but we never see her really make that decision. What we see is 2B killing 9S twice.

I feel like this was a missed opportunity to have something meaningful in the game itself. 9S could've told 2B what he had found. We could've seen or made the choice not to kill 9S. Hell, that could've even tied into how YorHa gets destroyed, the sudden usage of the backdoor could've been a failsafe to prevent information from leaking instead of being a coincidence.

It's decent. Obviously requires that you're fine with reading a straightforward romance manga with very little in the way of drama. Has some amazing characters, such as Amira's surly cousin-or-whatever Pariya.

>We could've seen or made the choice not to kill 9S
She doesn't kill him by her own free will. She gets an execution order.
There was no order which means commander wasn't against 9S telling the truth to her.

We see her trying her hardest to ask 9S to stay away from confidential info.

>Then he plunged back into despair when she died. Then, at the verge of death he found strength to re-think everything yet again and come to different conclusion.

Can you expand on this a bit more? The entire ending of C/D with the ark and adam/eve/etc really confused me.

Why did the Commander give 9S all the info again?

did the commander give up executing 9S?

Nice details

>Memory Thorn.
And then she kept up with her duty because 9S asked her. Not a change.
>Judging by side materials, he reads her like an open book. He doesn't want to hurt her and instil doubt into her in the worst possible moment.
It wouldn't have been the worst possible moment since Adam and Eve were dead and they thought they were going to mop up. Also I don't mean a story reason as to why 9S didn't tell because you can make up any reason either way if the script is changing, I mean it would've been a good inclusion to see some real character change in 2B who is otherwise static the entire time we see her.
>Her self-sacrifice is the peak moment of her emotional development for Nines.
I don't agree with this either, we see her break down into an emotional wreck because that's what she always is.
>No, it wasn't. But it was about 2B's memories giving her a different perspective on things. She starts to change when her memory fuses with 2B's.
Could not disagree more. 9S was almost incidental to A2 although this was mostly because of limited script focus. The real turning point for A2 is sparing Pascal because up until then she's just as pointlessly destructive as 9S.
>He had multiple changes.
No, he went completely nuts and had to be put down like a rabid dog.
>Then, at the verge of death he found strength to re-think everything yet again and come to different conclusion.
That was the virus.

>She doesn't kill him by her own free will. She gets an execution order.
That's not how this works, the androids clearly have a capacity for free will and can and do ignore orders.

>We see her trying her hardest to ask 9S to stay away from confidential info.
I think she may have asked at one point. That's really not trying her hardest.

I wanted to see 2B make some kind of change and break out of her cycle. It doesn't make any sense to me that out of the hundreds of iterations of 2B and 9S, even in the one we see, the one that matters, she is not an active part in changing her own destiny.

Holy shit this is amazing

Basically, his fight against A2 is the moment he nearly devolved to the level of Number 9. He only wanted to destroy everything and considered his own existence meaningless aside from whatever un-fucked memories of 2B he was still holding.

But then he saw the way N2 has changed, he saw peaceful Adam who stopped hating everything holding his sleeping brother on his hands, and by relieving his own life for the last time he finally understood that he never had a reason to hate machines.

Final choice between staying and going is basically how you interpret his new conclusion about his meaning of life, whether or not it's pointless without 2B who defined his very existence.

Wish i could replay all the sidequests on my full clear game.

>And then she kept up with her duty
She COULDN'T keep her duty anymore. She's a failed E. She kept fulfilling her promise to 9S in hopes they can get out from this circle which is different.
>It wouldn't have been the worst possible moment since Adam and Eve were dead and they thought they were going to mop up
Actually, they were going for all-out assault with probability of massive causalities. 80% of the planet was covered with machine lifeforms after all.
And i don't see how revealing the truth to her would change anything in her character. She acts strictly on execution orders. If there's no order, there's no chance in hell she will do anything bad to him.
>The real turning point for A2 is sparing Pascal
Indeed, but then again, it's because 2B gave this perspective to her by merging their memory regions.
On her own she would've killed Pascal exactly as she killed defenceless forest king.
>No, he went completely nuts and had to be put down like a rabid dog.
He wasn't completely nuts as he still held the most important memories that defined his entire self, memories of 2B.
And it wasn't a virus that allowed N2 to appear before him in the end. He was actually connected to the Ark from the centre of machine network which is where you find him with A2.

Going would just mean 9S's memories would be transported onto the Ark with Adam and Eve, right?

So the choice was between living on in the memories of the Ark to find a new meaning or to just stay on Earth and sleep forever since without 2B he has no reason to continue living?

And finally, if 9S chose to 'go' onto the Ark, wouldn't that make it impossible for the pods to revive him? You had to make the choice before the pods began to reassemble them after Ending E.

>That's not how this works
No, this is exactly how it works. She gets an execution call and she either complies or gets marked as a traitor which is a horrible fate as they both will live a very short and miserable life as outlaws with no place to repair or rest.
>I think she may have asked at one point.
She actually makes multiple suggestions to him about not looking at forbidden info.

I think on a micro-scale, they do capture the feeling of character development for A2. Enough so that it works as a stand alone. Yes in the grand scheme of things it isn't as significant, but it is nice to see that a small (but crucial) excerpt of a larger story can be lifted and it works independently fairly well. You still get the larger character progressions of the characters (e.g.the constant killing of 9S or the completely different worldview that 9s has) in a boiled down format. Whether it's a narrative thing or it's how the game is structured so that you play four 9s executions and get to see 9S completely different perspective after you've played for a while.

>Going would just mean 9S's memories would be transported onto the Ark with Adam and Eve, right?
Not just memories but self-consciousness data which is pretty much android's "soul" and sense of self.
>So the choice was between living on in the memories of the Ark to find a new meaning or to just stay on Earth and sleep forever since without 2B he has no reason to continue living?
>And finally, if 9S chose to 'go' onto the Ark, wouldn't that make it impossible for the pods to revive him?
Probably. We don't know for sure as concert ending follows the version when he stays. His self-consciousness was badly damaged to a point it disappeared but he couldn't just lay dead in front of grieving 2B so his black box literally asspulled him back to life.

>She COULDN'T keep her duty anymore. She's a failed E. She kept fulfilling her promise to 9S in hopes they can get out from this circle which is different.
But she's never tested so we don't actually know this.
>And i don't see how revealing the truth to her would change anything in her character. She acts strictly on execution orders. If there's no order, there's no chance in hell she will do anything bad to him.
I don't think this is the case either, she's got her mission parameters and clearly she knows what's going on.
>Indeed, but then again, it's because 2B gave this perspective to her by merging their memory regions.
That's what I said, but I don't think this counts as a change 2B herself makes.
>He wasn't completely nuts as he still held the most important memories that defined his entire self, memories of 2B.
And it wasn't a virus that allowed N2 to appear before him in the end. He was actually connected to the Ark from the centre of machine network which is where you find him with A2.
It was a virus from grafting the 2B arm to himself, we see his red eyes, that's how he's connected.

Then don't comply. That's a character change. That's what I want to see. It's not like she can't disobey, she chooses not to, and thereby chooses to go along in this miserable cycle. That's exactly why she's a weak static character. God knows she's been pushed far enough.

And multiple suggestions, wow. Really gave it a good effort 2B, nice going. That sure helped preventing your boyfriend from going fucking crazy. Oh, wait.

2b not A2, fuck.

2B more like 2 cute feet (>~

I wish the game had more end-game content. I feel like I want to play it more/learn more about the world but I already did basically everything.

I miss toobie and nines :(

I'm glad it works for you, but I'm dissatisfied with how little agency her character ends up having, and the portrayal of the relationship that's at the center of the story. I think they could've done more and better, because I do like 2B (and A2), and I don't think the game does justice by them.

>But she's never tested so we don't actually know this.
We know the fate of deserters. They get swarmed in E models. She of all people know this.
>she's got her mission parameters
Androids are too humanlike for shit like "mission parameters". She wants to kill gods for fuck's sake, and humans are gods for androids, so she wants to kill them despite her own base programming.
>It was a virus from grafting the 2B arm to himself
Actually he got infected earlier judging by concert script, probably in soul box when that black entity started corrupting his memories.
Virus itself doesn't allow him to connect to anything. N2 actually established a link to the Ark for him and it looks different from virus corruption, a pillar of light descending onto him.
>Then don't comply. That's a character change.
She is not crazy. She understands that between certain death and a probability of survival second option is preferable despite the fact it will make her suffer like crazy.
And she actually prevented 9S from going mad while she was with him. Her only fault was not understanding that her sacrifice will break him down again. But it's reflected in japanese weight of the world lyrics as she talks about "sin of killing her promise" which resulted in her waking up nearby a seemingly dead 9S.

I want 2B's squishy fat butt on my face.

The only thing that matters is that they got a happy end further reinforced by concert ending.
That one is called "farewell", though, so we will only see them in the future through fanart. Thankfully the game has a metric shitton of fanart, especially about them.

>She is not crazy. She understands that between certain death and a probability of survival second option is preferable despite the fact it will make her suffer like crazy.
She was going to kill herself to end the suffering.
Also her mission parameters weren't to prevent 9S from going nuts, it was to kill him once he learned the secret.

The killing gods thing is also not literal.

We know that the logic virus does patch them into the network from the destruction of YoRHa and N2 possessing all of their top secret information. This one's up to interpretation but given the overwhelming visual evidence, I'm sticking with virus.

Anyway all of this isn't entirely relevant. I'm talking about 2B and what I wished I had seen from her and why that would've made her a much stronger more dynamic character, not splitting hairs about what happened in the story as written.

I'm surprised how much this game made me feel for a group of fictional characters. I've been a hard-ass for quite a long time now but this game really played with my feels

I had the same reaction to the first game. (but to be fair my depression was hitting me pretty bad around that time)

>She was going to kill herself to end the suffering.
I'm talking about what followed memory thorn.
Nobody expected that she will have such a good effect on 9S. Commander herself seems to have formed attachment to them too.
>from the destruction of YoRHa and N2 possessing all of their top secret information
That's because N2 was inside the Bunker. 9S could even feel it faintly. Read Bunker Observation Diary.
>I'm talking about 2B and what I wished I had seen from her and why that would've made her a much stronger more dynamic character
Well, lets just agree to disagree. I'm quite satisfied with what we got, aside form the fact fucking memory cage and thorn are not inside the game itself despite how important they are for her portrayal.

That's one of Taro's strongest points. I felt bad even for whore Zero, not to mention this beautiful pair of androids who just want to live and love each other.


Oh yeah, I mean it's barely there and I'm reaching for it. And while i think it is intended (as it isn't a new idea to have the whole micro-plot play out that's mirroring the wider-plot), I agree that a better characterization would have been nice. She does definitely need more when you look at the other two and their turning points.


>no answer


she got the 2Booty

Is 2B warm? Would cuddling with her feel nice?

I like Kat 2B more.

It's never stated openly but i think that she was in severe depression because of her job for a long time now as she refuses to get maintenance checks and her room is a clusterfuck, so this was her attempt to atone for her sins.

Remember, this happened before the decisive assault. If they won, they would be free from their mission. And 9S is pretty much a pinnacle of android life. She entrusted the info to him and probably wanted him to come up with his own answers about meaning of existence now when he has 2B as a stabilizing factor at his side.

Design alone is memorable.

Because she can be cosplayed by girls and boys

Their skin is canonically very soft and warm to touch.
In side materials 9S remarks that the only thing he felt while she was choking him is warmth of her fingers and sensation of them being "connected".

I want to see them cuddle

>kawaii sexy teen waifu in a frilly dress

