Game Cube games on Switch

Which GC games do you want on Switch?
For me, it's
>Sonic Adventure 1 & 2
>Sonic Heroes
>Tales of Symphonia
>Digimon World 4
>F-Zero GX
>Pokemon Colosseum & XD
>Megaman Network Transmission

Melee will never happen because it would kill Smash 4 Deluxe's sales. Also, Brawl>>>>>>melee, fuck off :3

Other urls found in this thread:



Mario Sunshine

f-zero gx

oh wait, no analog triggers, because nintendo is retarded

I doubt GC will even happen.

Idk, man. I don't think Nintendo cares.


analog triggers :^)

sad, but you might be right.


> Pokèmon XD
Fucking epic man XD

I will buy a switch if they do it and make it work online.


why would you want to emulate the fucking gamecube version when there's a modern port that you can buy right now for two bongbucks

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Donkey Konga
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
and wireless DK bongos so I can use them on my Switch

Portable chao garden.

Stadium didn't come to the Switch's VC despite the gen 1 rerelease, I doubt the GC games will come.

i don't think you all understand how underpowered the switch is. gamecube VC will never happen

is it actually more underpowered than wii u?

For the love of all things good on this earth


Ikaruga and viewtiful joe

wii u had hardware the supported the gamecube natively. switch VC would use emulation, which the switch isn't powerful enough for

Why make VC games for $10 a piece when you can "remaster" them and sell them for $60 a piece?

I doubt anything after N64 will get VC releases

/thread i guess

Too bad people never realize this.

games like SA1/2 wont get remastered because nobody can reverse engineer the physics :(

Make this happen Nintendo

OR you could emulate them on a computer and they would prob run better.

What? Remastering legitimately takes more work, wtf? Only if the game is guaranteed to sell well, like Zelda remasters, is it worth it to do them.


>tech is too different to natively run GC games
>tech is too shit to emulate GC games
>tech is overpriced for the performance you get
>tech is overpriced because there is actually modern doodads in it
>modern doodads underclocked by 60%, completely and totally defeating the engineering design where cheaper older hardware would have done just as well
Nintendo switch is the dumbest piece of fucking techology I've ever seen.

>simpsons hit and run
>the spongebob squarepants movie
>luigi's mansion

Custom Robo
Chibi Robo

Nintendo Switch is dumb b/c you say it can't emulate gamecube games.


Where is this meme that the switch is too weak to emulate NGC games? This is the first time I've heard of this

Custom Robo
Star Fox Assault (Yes I actually liked it, fight me)
Mario Sunshine
Metroid Prime (Never Played it)
Luigi's Mansion

>Pokemon Colosseum and DX
>F-Zero GX
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Luigi's Mansion
>Animal Crossing (if there isn't already a switch version out at that point)
>Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (because why tf not)

This. WiiU literally had a Wii inside it, and the Wii was basically a rebranded GameCube with online support. GameCube VC would actually take a ton of work.

Nvidia Shield can't do it reliably with 50% more resources than the Switch.

Even if it is, Nintendo has access to the original source code. They can make it work if they want.

Just a matter of if they think it is worth it.

Thats a remaster son, not VC.

>>Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
Forgot all about this game. Only played demos as a kid when it was in the store. I hope they port that as well.

Virtual console is a branding scheme. Doesn't have to mean emulation IMO.

Soul Caliber 2

No the idea is that Nintendo can make the most optimized emulators since they know the GC inside and out.

Why do you think people made a big deal when N64 games hit the VC? They're a bitch to emulate.

Killer 7. A remaster would be better, but I'd settle for a VC release.


Its a branding scheme to facilitate easy porting. Only games with their original source codes still preserved could be rengineered to work on switch, and at that point it's a port as well as taking time and effort to rengineer the source, and if you're dumping time and effort into it you may as well just redo the assets and touch the game up as a remaster.

Emulation requires zero effort and increases the chances of it happening. Porting and remasters require effort and decrease it if not outright being futile if theres no access to the source.

Some n64 games are a bitch to emulate, and they're explicitly not in the few that are supported by VC.

Really gets your nigger noggerin'.

what kind of excuse is this, gamecube games only used 2 pressure levels for the triggers

>tfw never had the occasion to play this with another person because you need 2 gba and 2 plugs

>i'm retarded

>half press on ZL/ZR
>full press on L/R

is it true that if you lose your switch you lose your downloaded games plus save files

they better make this compatible

Pic related, maybe even launch a server for it.

matthew knight?

None because it has no analog triggers.

Yes because it locks SD cards to the console.
This is Sony Vita memory levels of kikery.

>i've never played a game that featured analog triggers on the gamecube and I'm retarded

wew not even an online backup or anything

i'll get it on christmas but that shit ain't leaving home at all

ctrl+f Kirby Air Ride; no results
It's like you don't want to have fun

source on all pls

Skies of Arcadia without the compressed GC version music.

But what about a half A press?


why did the gamecube flop?

it seems nintendo is doing the opposite of everything the gamecube did because they don't know why the gamecube flopped

metroid prime 1 and 2 fucking NOW

no 3rd party
hard competition(ps2 dvd marketing obliterated everything)
new generation of gamers started with the ps1(who obliterated because audio player)
bad marketing
hard to make games for
little discs were bad

is sa2 the new mario 64?

Gamecube didn't do so bad. It was a middle ground few people cared about though. PS2 used DVD9s, Xbox used DVD9s and better graphics, Gamecube used MiniDVD's and rivaled xbox graphics.

Gamecube was a considerably better console for it's time than the Switch is, actually. Switch is garbage.


if the switch can't emulate16 year old hardware, then it will have problems

>tfw you didn't buy a Switch

Feels great man.

I don't understand. How does it being portable change the experience in any way?

>no 3rd party
wrong, it was the cheapest console
>hard competition(ps2 dvd marketing obliterated everything)
>new generation of gamers started with the ps1(who obliterated because audio player)
doesn't account for the 17 million n64 players who didn't pick up a gamecube
>bad marketing
it was pretty good from my memory
>hard to make games for
way easier than the ps2
>little discs were bad
not as bad as cartridges

Chibi- robo. Fuck everything else.

billy hatcher is one of the greatest sega games, the combos and platforming are really good but its jank as shit like everything sonic team. shame its so forgotten

They literally lost because Sony is basically for casuals

>no gc emulation cause underpowered and no analog triggers
>no wii emulation cause underpowered and no IR sensor bar for joycons
>no DS emulation cause no second screen
>expensive Tegra X1 underclocked to perform worse than a cheaper Tegra K1
>3 hour battery life and too bulky to be reliably portable
>dock only unlocks power enough to increase resolution of games natively designed to run in undocked mode, essentially a PSVitaTV so not really a home console either
>console considerably less powerful than a Wii U can only match Wii U graphics because vulkan api, when the next xbox and playstation will support vulkan on top of considerably more hardware power to sigificantly increase the performance gap, virtually insuring no Switch ports multiplats.

>$299 for jack of all trades, master of none

Nintendo Shit™

greatest racing game ever

I wonder who could be behind this?

Meanwhile, WiiU can literally emulate every Nintendo game ever, including Switch games.

Feels great.


should I just get a cheap wiiu and hack it?


>inb4 Cemu
PC still has trouble with N64 emulation. Meanwhile WiiU can do it flawlessly.

>Sony is basically for casuals
Said the nintoddIer lmao


delete this!!!!

is wiiu cfw at the level of 3ds yet?



Fuck off

So, no games at all?

Yeah, nobody could make something so broken twice.

>PC still has trouble with N64 emulation. Meanwhile WiiU can do it flawlessly.
Do you actually believe this?

Suddenly Sonic 06 makes a lot of sense.

Let me know when PJ64 can run Banjo Tooie flawlessly, and actually boot Rouge Squadron.

My WiiU runs Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark from a USB HDD just fine. I can even use N64 controllers through homebrew (with a USB to N64 adapter)

let me know when you discover google dot com

Theoretically it isn't the lack of power that would keep the Switch from emulating GameCube.

But there are too many issues involved with the process for Nintendo to want to make the attempt, seeing as people would expect it to be flawless, with 720p at minimum, and running nicely undocked as well.

>Star Fox Assault (Yes I actually liked it, fight me)

Star Fox Assault is so fucking good.

Is Xbro dead?